A glyph representing Taurus is set against a drawing of a sun with the crescent moon on either side.

How Each Moon Sign Affects a Taurus Sun

Hey there, Taurus! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact

By Tarot.com Staff

Your loyalty is pretty much unshakeable, Taurus, but you do not like to be challenged. Family is very important to you, and you may enjoy creating a chosen family in addition to your family of origin through your wide array of friends and social networks. Others consider you consistent, reliable, hard-working, and determined. It’s important for you, however, to not pin your entire worth on the opinions of others. Instead, you’ve gotta dig deep and find your own inherent value.

For all of Taurus’s steadfastness and stubbornness, it can still be influenced. After all, no one is made up of just one sign! To understand your complete personality and path, you have to start looking at the other planets in your birth chart -- especially your Moon sign. A Taurus Sun with a Cancer Moon, for example, is likely to be more guarded and ambitious, while a Taurus Sun with a Sagittarius Moon could be known for charm and warmth.

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Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon

Taurus Sun + Aries Moon: Decisive, Confident, Self-Motivated

You’ve made up your mind way before anyone else has! That’s fine, so long as you’re not forcing anyone to go along with your ideas. You’re quick to make a decision based on gut instinct or preexisting notions, but since your values are virtually unchangeable, you risk being a little hard-headed at times. It can be difficult for you to listen to other people’s thoughts and opinions if they challenge your security, so it’s important to put your pride (and emotions) aside and try to be more understanding. Ultimately, your desire for stability can clash with your inner need for excitement. A calculated risk will be your sweet spot.

Taurus Sun + Taurus Moon: Sensual, Cozy, Reliable

If there’s one thing that gets you out of your comfy bed in the morning, it’s something else that makes you feel good. Whether that’s a cup of coffee or a hot shower, you’re always looking for the next sense to tickle. You are persistent, practical, and fairly predictable. You love stability and security, but your attachment to routine can sometimes outpace what others can offer. Some might call you rigid, but for those who can see the value in the way you show up, your presence is nothing short of constant. Your challenge is to see more than just the tangible reality in front of you.

Taurus Sun + Gemini Moon: Committed, Skeptical, Mature

Mind over matter can work for you … or against you. You are endlessly curious, and others admire your wit, humor, and sobering common sense. However, you’re just as good at closing your mind as you are at keeping it open sometimes. You are often opinionated and can hold onto ideas way past their expiration date. While you are driven by excitement and stimulation, you’re simultaneously drawn to security and comfort. Looking for a middle ground can leave you feeling scattered. Still, you don’t get swept up in fleeting trends or groupthink -- you are, instead, a great observer of all that is happening in the world.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Taurus Sun + Cancer Moon: Pragmatic, Calm, Formidable

It’s all about comfort over style for you. In fact, the idea of fashion over function probably makes no sense. Why would you wear something that doesn’t feel good or serve a practical purpose? Your indulgent nature keeps you attached to the sensual and comfortable aspects of life, which could translate into not wanting to leave the house sometimes. Try to avoid isolation, emotional ruts, or codependency. You need emotional closeness from others, but you might have a hard time asking for it. Learning to depend on people without losing yourself in the process isn’t always easy. However, your desire for safety and security makes you a loyal friend and a trustworthy partner.

Taurus Sun + Leo Moon: Warm, Energetic, Tactful

You’re a pro at rolling out the welcome mat that lets people know you’re happy to see them. You just want others to feel comfortable being who they are in your presence. Folks will enjoy your humorous, joyful, and accepting nature, but that doesn’t mean you don’t get a little competitive now and then. At the end of the day, you want the love and attention you give others, but with such a sensitive heart, it can often be hard for you to ask for it. When you feel hurt, teased, or rejected, it’s not easy to recover. Resist the temptation to hold back love in these situations. Choose to love yourself more. When you do, everybody wins.

Taurus Sun + Virgo Moon: Precise, Particular, Service-Oriented

Talk about down to earth! You’re so grounded, nothing can shake you out of your routine. You might come off as controlling to those who don’t know you well, but it soothes your nerves to know where things stand! There’s nothing wrong with being possessive … as long as you learn to share. When you’re not caught in a lack mindset, you’re a helpful, thoughtful, and selfless person who only wants to feel like they have value in the lives of others. Just be careful not to base all your self-worth on your ability to help the world improve. You are enough simply as you are.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Taurus Sun + Libra Moon: Dignified, Perceptive, Generous

What’s wrong with wanting everything to look and feel good? Since Venus rules both these signs, you’ve got a double dose of grace. This makes you charming, artistic, and drawn to beautiful things (and people). You have strong values when it comes to fairness and equality. Even when you don’t realize it, you try to leave each room that you enter better off than when you arrived. Your ability to read a situation is uncanny, but it can hinder your ability to rest in social settings. It’s important for you to avoid people-pleasing tendencies just to keep the peace. Try to be your true self regardless of who’s around.

Taurus Sun + Scorpio Moon: Intuitive, Protective, Earnest

Your ability to understand a lot about a person by just looking in their eyes is almost superhuman. Playing with other people’s emotions might come quite easily to you, so it’s important that you avoid manipulating others, especially because the guards around your own heart are so high. You need loyalty from others in order to open up, but it goes both ways! When you’re stuck in fear, you might try to control your life, your finances, and even your close relationships. Be careful not to come off as obsessive or possessive to others. Your intensity is just a sign that you care. Use your passion productively by channeling it into projects or creative pursuits!

Taurus Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Spontaneous, Enthusiastic, Joyful

You’re highly concerned with pleasure, both for yourself and for those around you! You’ll have to watch for the tendency to get fixed on your next hit of dopamine, though. Your appetite to try new things is insatiable, making you quick to throw yourself into a new workshop or jump on a last-minute flight. However, the seating had better be comfortable! Exercise caution around reckless abandon, as you can tend to overspend, overindulge, and overdo things. The more resourced you are internally, the less you will need to constantly search for more externally. Recognize that in order to have the freedom you crave, you also need to nurture a secure foundation.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Taurus Sun + Capricorn Moon: Sincere, Responsible, Dedicated

You’re solid as a rock. Your down-to-earth and grounded approach to life makes others feel at peace in your presence. You’re not playing any games, so your loved ones always know what to expect in regards to you. You might find yourself tied down by your morals and order, though. Don’t let your practicality get in the way of your ability to let loose, have fun, or try something new. Your tendency to work hard, color inside the lines, and follow the rules is admirable, but it’s important to remember that there’s more to life than doing things the “right” way. You’ve likely carried the burden of responsibility from a young age. Don’t forget to ask yourself what you want.

Taurus Sun + Aquarius Moon: Stoic, Clever, Focused

You’re the perfect emergency contact. Reliable, calm, and trustworthy, your ability to stay grounded and somewhat detached makes you well-equipped to handle any risky situation. Your realistic approach to life allows you to win people over without pulling the wool over their eyes. Not showing your emotions doesn’t always work in your favor, though. Inside, you might feel a little differently from what you’re portraying to everyone else, and insecurities can cause you to question your worth. Remember that your ability to think differently provides you with an inventor’s brain, and your dedication to bringing these ideas to life can often set you apart from the crowd. Accept this as a strength, not a weakness.

Taurus Sun + Pisces Moon: Deliberate, Affectionate, Dreamy

There’s probably nowhere you’d rather be than a cuddle puddle. With your sensual nature and desire to connect with others, you’ll be the first one to dive in. You just want to feel all the feels! It could be challenging for you to set boundaries and avoid enmeshment with others, though. Be careful not to get so comfortable in your fantasies that you stay in a relationship that isn’t good for you. It might be easy for you to get swept away in the highest highs or the lowest lows. Remember to swim in areas where your feet can still touch the ground when needed. Your compassionate heart and deep sensitivity make you an intentional friend, partner, or colleague.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

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