How Each Moon Sign Affects an Aries Sun
Hey there, Aries! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact
Being the first sign of the zodiac, others may say that you have a knack for looking at life through fresh eyes and finding solutions to any challenges that come your way. You have a tendency to be impulsive and direct, leading those who beat around the bush to be quite taken aback. You, on the other hand, are easily frustrated when you don’t receive forthright answers and energy from others, but try to remember that you are a rare and special breed.
Having an Aries Sun certainly packs a punch, but when a Moon sign gets involved, we start to see a complete, multi-faceted person. For example, an earthy Moon (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) can lend wisdom and groundedness to Aries’ famous enthusiasm. A Moon sign like Gemini or Pisces can soften Aries’ brashness, giving more flexibility.
Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon
Aries Sun + Aries Moon: Driven, Enthusiastic, Undaunted
You’re on a mission, and others could find it hard to keep up! Energetic, tough, and courageously playful, you live with passion and purpose. It’s important for you to feel like there’s a goal you’re working toward. If you’re not facing enough of a challenge, you might unconsciously create one. You will likely accomplish much in this lifetime since risk-taking is nothing foreign to you. However, doing things “your way or the highway” could make it difficult for others to support you. Your bold demeanor could lead you to as many opportunities as it does conflicts! Give yourself enough freedom to be you, while making space for people to join you in your endeavors.
Aries Sun + Taurus Moon: Self-Sufficient, Tough, Assertive
Even when there’s plenty of gas in your tank, you’re always looking for the next pit stop. There’s no shame in wanting to work hard now in order to afford yourself rest and relaxation later. Hello, early retirement! While comfort is your end goal, you’re also driven by a deep desire for independence and self-reliance. This gives you natural leadership skills and a fighting spirit that leaves you in the ring long after anyone else. Don’t be surprised if your strength and endurance make others weak in their knees. Others will gravitate toward your self-assuredness and confidence. Just don’t let these qualities turn into arrogance and stubbornness.
Aries Sun + Gemini Moon: Verbose, Funny, Mile a Minute
Well hello, Chatty Cathy! Your social skills and lively persona make you magnetic to those around you. You could find that your mouth moves a mile-a-minute, and so do your legs. Thus, you’re the embodiment of words and actions aligning … unless your inner restlessness gets the best of you, of course. You require a lot of social stimulation or else you risk becoming quickly uninterested. Your solution to boredom could be poking at others for the fun of it, but when surrounded by those who can challenge your curious nature, you’ve got what it takes to get things done. With your witty charm, you’ll have no problem recruiting a whole team to help.
Aries Sun + Cancer Moon: Empathetic, Vigilant, Direct
Don’t worry, it’s probably not about you! Your sensitive nature can make it seem like it is, though. You can come off as dramatic, emotional, and reactionary if you’re too caught up in your own narrative. However, you’re just passionate about protecting the people and things you care about. You’re probably less concerned with what other people think of you and more concerned with how you feel. There is always an emotional impulse behind your choices. While manipulation might be a fun pastime, use it wisely. You can’t always get what you want. If you embrace your independent spirit and follow your sharp intuition, however, you’ll get where you want to go in the end.
Aries Sun + Leo Moon: Extravagant, Dominant, Fierce
Talk about confidence! Even if you’re riddled with insecurities, others probably don’t notice them. You have an extremely dynamic personality that captivates the room, which is great because of your strong need to be seen by others. When you’re not feeling loved, you can become a little defensive or competitive. Make sure you take charge of any situation, group, or room you are in for the right reasons, since others likely look up to you. Follow your passion and align yourself with people who inspire you. Even though you’re fiercely independent, you’re happiest when you’re not alone.
Aries Sun + Virgo Moon: Precise, Mindful, Focused
You might want to convince yourself that you don’t need anyone else, but you’ll be better off accepting that you do. You walk through the world with an independent and intentional spirit. While you might not enjoy being in large groups of people, the folks you do spend time with will have your full attention. You just want to be of service to anything or anyone that inspires your passions. At the same time, you may also have a tendency to be harsh, critical, and judgmental of yourself and others when you feel like you’re not enough. Instead of defending your imperfections, let your humility disarm yourself and everyone around you.
Aries Sun + Libra Moon: Social, Kind, Charming
You are often conflicted between your needs and the needs of others. You could feel deeply passionate about your gut instinct one moment … but then worry about how it will affect those around you the next. If you find yourself in a pickle, you can usually charm your way out of it. Although you may not act like it, you just want to be liked by others. You are creative, exuberant, and pleasant to be around -- what’s not to like? Others might describe you as charismatic, so you will often find that popularity comes easily to you within social groups. Your work is to listen to what others are really saying before assuming you already know what they mean.
Aries Sun + Scorpio Moon: Persuasive, Goal-Driven, Perceptive
Passion and power collide! You are highly driven and have an unconscious motivation to influence others. Just be careful not to control them in the process. You have an endless energy reserve available to follow your passions, regardless of the costs or losses you might incur. There is very little that can get in your way once your mind is made up about something (or someone). Your intense and assertive nature can sometimes be off-putting, but it also helps you get what you want. Since you’re so in tune with the psychological desires and motivations of others, you may be tempted to bend them to your will. Remember to play fair.
Aries Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Exploratory, Individualistic, Flexible
Now they see you, now they don’t! Before you finish one thing, you’re already on to the next. Determined and perpetually on a mission, you’re a naturally adventurous person who is always searching for more. You might feel drawn to trying new things or going places that are outside of your comfort zone. A true black sheep, you’ve probably preferred to do things your own way from a young age. There is an optimistic, enthusiastic, and confident energy about you that allows you to approach the world with a smile, and others likely admire how spontaneous, courageous, and inspiring you are. Stepping into a teacher role would suit you well, as long as you can stick around long enough to see your efforts pay off!
Aries Sun + Capricorn Moon: Enterprising, Skeptical, Self-Contained
Where is the line between ambitious and workaholic? Look under your feet, since you straddle that divide all the time! You are confident, assertive, and sometimes a little domineering. Others will want to take your lead as you are self-assured and determined with your goals. You may have even been called mature or been known as the one to call the shots early on in your life. You like to be in charge! Your sense of humor could be quite sarcastic, so it’s important to find people who get your dry nature. Some could perceive your seriousness as cold or distant. You carry a lot of responsibility on your shoulders, so don’t be afraid to ask someone to hold your baggage sometimes.
Aries Sun + Aquarius Moon: Kooky, Analytical, Mysterious
What’s that noise? Oh, it’s the beat of your own drum! You are unapologetically independent. While you might want to convince others that you don’t care what they think about you, this probably comes from a deep sense of feeling different. There is an understated wisdom that comes from someone who thinks in such an eccentric way, though. Others will be stunned by your ability to see the bigger picture and think for yourself. Your passionate spirit is often motivated to help your community or the world at large. Just don’t use your big ideas to protect you from feeling your big feelings.
Aries Sun + Pisces Moon: Warm, Fascinated, Trusting
Your desire for excitement mixed with your tendency to see the best in others can leave you in some pretty precarious situations. Don’t assume your adrenaline rush is a sign someone is your soulmate -- they might just be a lost soul. It’s important for you to feel a deep sense of connection with others. As a result, you could be called a dreamer or an idealist. You’re led by instinct and intuition, a creature of first impressions, gut feelings, and psychic knowing. When your imagination is running the beautiful show, you don’t always want to hear what your gut has to say. You are highly sensitive to your environment. Give yourself ample alone time so that you can listen to your inner voice before jumping into things so quickly.