How Each Moon Sign Affects an Aquarius Sun
Hey there, Aquarius! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact
Your objectivity gives you perspective, Aquarius, but it can also leave you somewhat distant from the longings of the heart. Don’t get too comfortable on your high horse. It's no surprise you’re up there, though. You do think differently than the rest of the pack. You’re more focused on innovation than getting stuck in personal drama. You’re more of a systems thinker than a parts person. You have an intellectual understanding of how each unit is needed by the whole. This is why you’re so keen on social justice, but instead of judging the rest of society, loosen the rigidity of your own high expectations. Accept the failings of humanity you reject so hard, and maybe you won’t feel so rejected in return. Recognize that change takes time and emotion isn't the enemy.
Being an Air sign doesn't mean you're full of hot air, Aquarius. Quite the opposite! You're not afraid to say what you mean, though what you're talking about may vary greatly, depending on your Moon sign. From the friendly chatter of a Libra Moon to the solemn discussions of a Capricorn Moon, one thing is certain: only you know what you'll say next.
Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon
Aquarius Sun + Aries Moon: Unstoppable, Can-Do Attitude, Upstanding
Nothing stops you once you've made up your mind. Mission impossible is a challenge, sure, but nothing’s beyond the reach of your determination. Your vision for the future is full of possibility. You might hold your quest with a kind of fixation that's nearly impossible to alter in its righteousness, and simultaneously, you possess the motivation and energy to make things happen. Your goals may be lofty, but you have the wherewithal to achieve them. You may have a tendency to barrel full steam ahead before considering the consequences, though. Check your “burn it to the ground” impulses before they run away with you.
Aquarius Sun + Taurus Moon: Invested, Reliable, Handy
Building a new world is a process. A part of you might want to simply snap your fingers and find yourself suddenly in a utopian dream, but at a core level, you understand the need to stabilize at each successive stage. It might slow the flow of progress, but it results in a more grounded and reliable foundation, lending the progress a lot more staying power. Recognize the wisdom of taking periodic breaks from your forward motion to integrate. Not only will it anchor your big dreams more firmly in reality -- it will make the journey more enjoyable as well. Tend to your creature comforts while marching forward into the future.
Aquarius Sun + Gemini Moon: Informative, Social, Adaptable
Your expertise for networking does what no tangle of electronic hardwiring ever could. You enjoy transmitting information, whether in the role of teacher or surprisingly knowledgeable acquaintance. You’re a bit of a human database, but you also possess a kind of systems thinking that allows you to organize your knowledge into usable form. With such an analytical approach to life, it might be easy to get stuck in your own self-contained construct. Reaching out for input from others will help a lot when it comes to implementing all those smarts. Connecting to a community is one of your hidden talents, and it counts for a lot!
Aquarius Sun + Cancer Moon: Progressive, Tender, Hopeful
Your heart breaks at the pain and suffering of humanity. It's hard to activate change when you're in a puddle of tears. Your vision is lofty, but you may become overwhelmed with the weight and urgency of it all. Harness those empathic depths so they fuel your passion and creativity instead of shutting it down. Let it be your reason for pushing for progress. Knowing your true motivation is essential when attempting to reach new heights or change people’s paradigms. Keep returning to your sense of hope to remember what you’re fighting for. Even though caring so strongly can be gut-wrenching, losing touch with your compassion will leave you bitter and frustrated.
Aquarius Sun + Leo Moon: Pack Leader, Inspired, Proud
Someone has to lead the revolution -- it might as well be you! Keep in mind, though, that a more collaborative approach is sometimes needed. Humans tend to have a ridiculous time working well together, of course, so you may be tempted to take the reins of authority when tempers flare or a team gets lost in the weeds. Guiding the herd is more effective when you empower others rather than centralizing power. Even though you no doubt have great ideas and vast stores of motivation, supporting others to step up is true leadership. Usher in the future with a heart-centered approach rather than assuming you're the only one qualified to lead the pack.
Aquarius Sun + Virgo Moon: Helpful, Solicitous, Discerning
Cleaning up after human messiness requires a full-time housekeeper and an army of fixers. It's too big of a job for one person to accomplish on their own … not that that will stop you from trying. You can see all the details that need tending, and that’s no small thing, but this kind of work is simply beyond any individual’s capacity. It's not for lack of caring on your part. Find solace in tending to your small corner of the collective. Your healing abilities are strong -- they matter a great deal even if they can’t resolve every ailment. Save what you can save, and remember that others are working in their corners as well.
Aquarius Sun + Libra Moon: Grassroots Organizer, Meaningful, Personable
Working from the ground up is your sweet spot. You would rather spend your time going door-to-door over participating in some highfalutin mainstream political campaign any day. Even on a mundane level, working one on one with people to make change just makes sense for your brain. Ideas and ideals obviously matter, but you also have an awareness that a movement is made up of individuals. Every network is composed of many singular connections. Luckily, you’re a master at brokering relationships. No interaction is too small to matter. Working behind the scenes at the local library or farmer’s market better suits your need for harmony than attending a cacophonous rally anyway.
Aquarius Sun + Scorpio Moon: Wary, Compelling, Profound
Intimacy might be equal parts compelling and repulsive. There is likely a part of you that craves intense bonding, but at the same time, you have an objectivity that keeps you somewhat removed and distant. You could find that sexual passion or surface-level friendships stand in for true vulnerability. How can you dive into deep emotional waters when your head is in outer space? By forming your connections around shared ideals. There's nothing like taking on the world together to forge a true bond with someone. Relationships can enhance your overall growth and continual exploration if you’ll allow them to.
Aquarius Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Eccentric, Trailblazer, Thoughtful
Your up-for-anything nature has probably landed you in some pretty outrageous situations. You have the capacity to come up with the most outlandish ideas and make them sound totally reasonable. Simultaneously, you don't particularly care what anyone else thinks, so external norms serve as pretty flimsy guardrails. It's not all fun and games, though. Deep down, you’re driven by a larger calling, and all those seemingly pointless shenanigans serve a greater purpose. Nothing short of what's possible is your aim. By shooting for the stars, you reach impossible heights. Just remember to buckle up before lift off!
Aquarius Sun + Capricorn Moon: Ambitious, Uncompromising, Reasonable
There's nothing pie in the sky about your lofty aspirations. Any ideal you hold tightly also comes with detailed plans for its execution. You probably know exactly what's needed and how to do it -- the trick is getting other people on board. This isn’t a commentary on the rock solid validity of your blueprint, but it could be a matter of differing visions. There’s a certain rigidity to your convictions that leaves little room for edits. Soften the edges enough to allow input. Collaboration does sometimes lead to better outcomes than one person alone can generate.
Aquarius Sun + Aquarius Moon: Unconventional, Likeable, Lofty
There's no one quite like you. Of course everyone is an individual, but you defy categorization and pigeonholing at your very core. If anything, not fitting in is a defining characteristic of yours. You are strongly anti-conformist in principle. Being too far removed from others could lead to a sense of isolation, though. Avoid that fate by finding your fellow weirdos. Create a flock of freaks you can fly with to the highest heights! You are destined to go to far out places, and it would be nice to have some company on your trip. You can't launch an entirely new reality all by yourself.
Aquarius Sun + Pisces Moon: Gentle, Starry-eyed, Emotional Escape Artist
When it comes to humankind, you oscillate between love and disgust. Both extremes exist intensely in your psyche. In the face of suffering, you see a path to healing, and it’s unbelievably frustrating when obvious solutions aren't taken. The atrocities of the world don't make any sense to you emotionally or intellectually. It is quite confusing to be sure. Rather than seeking escape by any means necessary, allow your empathy to inspire your activism or dedication to a chosen cause. Remember to care for your sensitive heart with the same tenderness you wish people would show each other. Start by modeling your vision of what's possible in how you treat yourself.