A glyph for Scorpio is set against a drawing of a sun with the crescent moon on either side.

How Each Moon Sign Affects a Scorpio Sun

Hey there, Scorpio! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact

By Tarot.com Staff

You have a keen eye for psychological perception that can be intimidating to others, Scorpio. Your gaze can feel like it pierces right through to the soul. You’re deeply in tune with the motivations of others. Once trust is established, though, you're bonded until the bitter end. Love hurts and you know it, so it only makes sense that you’d erect some solid defense mechanisms. Unfortunately, excessive isolation could be one of them. Lurking alone in the dark will only lead you to loneliness. You thrive on deep connection, but when stuck in fear, you could resort to manipulation or control. All your protective measures don't neutralize the risk of vulnerability. At some point, you'll have to let yourself be seen so that you can be truly loved.

As a Scorpio, you understand the importance of details. Every story is shadowed by context, and you deserve a chance to understand your unique astrological context. Your Moon sign is vital to understanding your nuanced soul -- for example, is a Pisces Moon boosting your emotional investment? Is a Libra Moon enhancing your social savvy?

Explore the depths of your unique Sun and Moon astrology with a free Ultimate Personality Report!

Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon

Scorpio Sun + Aries Moon: Passionate, Energetic, Magnetic

Check yourself before you act on your emotions -- you don’t want to blow a fuse. You’re vigorously passionate, but not every situation demands you sound the alarm. Anytime you feel intense, take a beat. There could be a tendency to blow things out of proportion whenever you feel threatened or wronged. This is part of your highest calling. You possess the need to communicate your feelings spontaneously in the moment, perhaps even before cooler heads prevail. Use your gut instincts to follow your inner fire, but fly them by trusted friends before burning the whole house down.

Scorpio Sun + Taurus Moon: Intuitive, Cautious, Loyal

Brooding may be your go-to coping mechanism. Rather than stewing in your own concoction, pour yourself a bowl and nourish yourself back into sorts. Rather than planning your revenge, your time will be better spent tending to your wounds with love and care. Soothe your own nervous system with some cozy blankets and a nap. You'll emerge much more equipped to tackle the sticky stuff that may be festering at the bottom. Once you remember you have everything you need to meet all your own needs, you’ll be better at letting go of the things that don’t serve you. Fortify your reserves so you can use your uncanny psychological insight for good.

Scorpio Sun + Gemini Moon: Demonstrative, Head in the Clouds, Flexible

Distraction isn't the best coping strategy. You are a deep well that contains the full spectrum of emotion, but sometimes it can be too much for your system. Unfortunately, bouncing from confidant to confidant doesn't foster the kind of intimacy you crave and are capable of. While talking things out is an ideal release valve, it only works if you keep it real. Use your capacity for communication to resolve your deepest fears rather than avoid them altogether. Once you are able to keep your focus on whatever it is you’re passionate about and block out all the noise, your intensity is magnetic.

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Scorpio Sun + Cancer Moon: Responsive, Shielded, Intense

A little perspective goes a long way. You are so deeply connected to your own emotional responses that everything might feel as if it's personal when it's not. Your feelings are always real and valid, but they could also be out of proportion to the event. It's no wonder you've likely developed quite the exoskeleton. Be gentle with your exquisite sensitivity so it doesn't eat you alive. Cultivate extra sweetness to soothe the intensity. Your depth allows you to hold space for the darkest shadows without judgment, but you need to feel a deep sense of trust to do so.

Scorpio Sun + Leo Moon: Aloof, Creative, Determined

It's challenging wanting both to be seen and to stay hidden at the same time. Micromanaging your image doesn't foster true acceptance, though. Consider that revealing your more unsavory struggles could actually be an inspiration. Being visible in your vulnerability could actually garner the approval you crave. It is up to you to take the risk of unveiling what lies beneath the surface. Give people the chance to adore you for your passion for love and life, and all the fears that come along with that. When you accept yourself, warts and all, you light up the whole room.

Scorpio Sun + Virgo Moon: Perceptive, Layered, Gracious

Cleaning out every nook and cranny of your psyche is impossible, but you’re still going to try. Your subconscious is infinitely complex. Instead of trying to fix it or figure it out, recognize that its messiness may actually be part of the appeal. Your urge to get in there and sort things out could leave you feeling painfully imperfect. It’s not because you are broken, but rather that you are human. You are a work in progress. No one is ever done. No one is ever perfect. This does not mean your efforts are wasted, it’s quite to the contrary. Your willingness to get your hands dirty makes you a healing force of the highest order.

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Scorpio Sun + Libra Moon: Provocative, Insightful, Dynamic

You can spot a power dynamic a mile away. Luckily, your innate sense of justice will seek balance over exploitation. Just because you can command the room doesn’t mean you will. Although, you might be tempted on occasion. You’ve mastered the art of charm, and possibly manipulation. In the end, your need for fairness will rule the day. These abilities actually make you an excellent judge, and a darn good listener. With your refined observation skills and your empathic psychic antennas, you can see right through any smokescreen and finger the true culprit. The question is, will you do something about it if it threatens your own comfort?

Scorpio Sun + Scorpio Moon: Subtle, Mysterious, Fascinating

You're a riddle that not even you can crack. Even if there’s nothing to hide, you might still be inclined to tuck the deeper parts of yourself away. Maintaining an air of mystery just for the fun of it could be your favorite pastime. Seduction means revealing just enough to keep them wanting more. Not only does a little secrecy make things sexy, but it also helps you feel in control. You might find you need to keep some things private to simply feel safe. Since your emotions run so deep, a little withholding ensures you won't totally lose yourself in your dance with others.

Scorpio Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Pragmatic Optimist, Authentic, Daring

Playing hide and seek with yourself is a funny sort of game. Your constant search for the truth reveals all, even those parts of yourself you might prefer not to see. Your optimism will make it tolerable, if not fun. You have an unwavering commitment to reality as it is, since it's all part of the complex mystery of life itself. Turning your lemons into lemonade will keep you from souring. You don't need to spill all your beans to the world, but you will need to live authentically in order to feel in alignment.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Scorpio Sun + Capricorn Moon: Focused, Imposing, Committed

You're no doubt a formidable opponent at the poker table. A master at keeping a lid on it, especially if it serves your winning strategy. Powering through your emotions works as long as they aren't too intense. You may have quite the capacity for hunkering down and getting the job done. This doesn't mean your currents don't run deep, you just have a remarkable ability to focus on your goal and keep your target in the crosshairs regardless of your feelings. Remember that emotions aren't the enemy. In fact, they can be an important tool for navigating ethical right action.

Scorpio Sun + Aquarius Moon: Intellectual, Exacting, Thought-provoking

Your powers of observation can make you quite intimidating. Your response to the distasteful behavior of humans might be to shun them altogether. You’re not perfect either, though. Your subconscious conditioning may try to hide your own messy emotions by overanalyzing the emotions of others. It doesn't serve anyone to reject the parts of yourself you might not like. If you push them away, you’ll just push people away too. Stay connected to all of you so things don't come out sideways when you're not looking.

Scorpio Sun + Pisces Moon: Spiritual, Vulnerable, Dreamy

Falling hard and fast is likely a familiar trip. You instinctually love the most vulnerable parts of others which makes you the ultimate safe space. Not only does your presence invite a passionate merging of souls, but a spiritual one as well. This could lead to some epic connections, but there's something to be said for due diligence before you sign on the dotted line with a virtual stranger. Set up some safeguards to protect yourself from becoming trauma bonded. The real ones will still be around for the deep dive even if you slow your roll in order to check references first.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

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