A glyph representing Libra is set against a drawing of a sun with the crescent moon on either side.

How Each Moon Sign Affects a Libra Sun

Hey there, Libra! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact

By Tarot.com Staff

People-pleasing is not just a social nicety for you, Libra -- it’s a survival mechanism. Being liked is more than just good for the ego -- it helps you feel safe. While it may come off as vain or shallow, your penchant for beauty and harmony allows everyone to get along. Making sure others are treated equally matters to you. Your top-notch mediation skills facilitate dialogue that leads to resolution. You want to keep the peace more than you want to disrupt it, though. While you might be the first person to fight for justice, you’re the last person to actually raise a fist. You might talk about revolution, but when push comes to shove, you’ll be calling in sick. Some might say you’re all talk. Others would say you’re all ears. You’re the best listener in the room, which is why everyone goes to you for advice.

Your Libra Sun gives you amazing insight on other people and your connections with them. You may want a little extra assistance understanding yourself, though -- and that's where your Moon sign comes in. Perhaps having a Scorpio Moon lends you a particular intensity, or maybe a fiery Moon sign like Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius makes you much more decisive than most Libras.

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Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon

Libra Sun + Aries Moon: Attuned, Team Player, Vibrant

Bouncing between wanting to be a “me” and a “we” might leave you with relational whiplash. Either extreme is problematic, but you have the potential to find just the right balance when it comes to autonomy and togetherness. You are likely highly attuned to interpersonal dynamics and have a knack for cooperation. Yet the risk of losing yourself in this process can loom large in your psyche. In order to fully realize your collaborative nature, you will require apt spaciousness to develop yourself. Allow sufficient time to tune into you. In order to feel safe engaging with others, you'll need to ensure you won't lose your sense of sovereignty.

Libra Sun + Taurus Moon: Indulgent, Convincing, Actualized

A bath and a nap might be your idea of the perfect afternoon. Simple indulgences are all you need to feel safe and cared for. In fact, you might dig your heels in if someone tries to drag you out of the house. If the destination is beautiful and feels good, though, you will get up off that couch and thoroughly enjoy yourself. Your guiding light is love and pleasure. But too much of anything is not usually a good thing. Everything in moderation. Give yourself enough yummy self-care so that you don’t feel a constant pull to go to extremes.

Libra Sun + Gemini Moon: Collaborative, Vivacious, Loquacious

You just need to talk things out! Sharing your ideas might be your path to emotional safety. Having someone to bounce things off of is key to avoid getting stuck in your head. Working with others to put order to your thoughts facilitates the harmony you seek. Collaboration is your ticket to peace. You'll need to dialogue your way through life's big questions or else you’ll get a headache. Your active mind requires more than one person to harness the power of that big brain of yours.

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Libra Sun + Cancer Moon: Empathetic, Pleasing, Harmonious

Your highly attuned emotional antennas can pick up on the slightest dysregulation. Because it affects you so personally, there might be a tendency to rebalance the energy in the room at your own expense. Your natural skill of soothing others might subconsciously be used to soothe yourself. Ignoring your needs is not the best way to do that though. Your empathy is a unique gift that contributes to a weary world. Remember that such a gift requires protection. Don't seek to stomp it out and toughen up. Instead, use it to take care of yourself like you so easily do others.

Libra Sun + Leo Moon: Social Chameleon, Attentive, Playful

Using your considerable charm to garner attention likely comes as easily as breathing. Your need to feel adored is significant, but certainly not undeserved. You've earned every accolade. But if you feel under-appreciated, it could translate into feeling unloved, if not downright unsafe. With such a strong need, there may be a tendency to turn every relationship into your personal reservoir of admiration. The more you can cultivate your own internal pride, the less you will need to demand praise. Quit chasing approval. Once you do, you might just find it gets offered more freely and authentically than before.

Libra Sun + Virgo Moon: Precise, Tactful, Caring

Is it so wrong to want everything to look beautiful and tidy? A completed to-do list or a well-decorated room calms your excitable nerves. You may find that you require a certain amount of order to feel safe inside. You have a knack for creating beauty and harmony within your own little world. If only others weren't so messy! Don’t spend all your energy cleaning up after them, both physically and emotionally. That’s not your job. Change the things you can, of course, while finding the serenity to accept the things you can't. And seek the wisdom to know the difference.

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Libra Sun + Libra Moon: Flexible, Engaged, Mediator

Your life is the canvas upon which you paint visions of beauty and grace. Creating harmonious balance in any form is both your higher calling and your safe space. As any artist will tell you, the work is never done. At some point, you need to sit back and accept your imperfect composition. Endless tweaking will only lead to muddy results. Your presence alone will render the world a more habitable and peaceful place for all. But your job is to recognize that peace at all costs doesn’t work so well. Don’t throw your needs overboard so that the boat doesn’t rock.

Libra Sun + Scorpio Moon: Concealed, Adept, Mesmerizing

Underneath that pretty smile lays a mysterious core. Your basement may not have seen the light of day for a long time, but you know all too well what's down there. You probably find security in keeping the door locked. Maintaining good psychological hygiene will keep shadow material from seeping out and wrecking your beautiful decor. Slapping on a nice coat of paint won't fix the rot. Neither will putting on a happy face. While you can easily charm the room to distract them from your fears and insecurities, the only sustainable solution is to confront them head on.

Libra Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Tasteful, Joyous, Inspiring

You are the life of the party. Not only are you a master at decorating and creating just the right vibe for any theme, but once the guests arrive, you'll be the first one to dance on the table. Your real need is for adventure and fun. The fact that you probably look good doing it is just a happy byproduct. If you let your ego get in the way of your ability to play freely, however, your spirit will wither ever so slightly. You are driven by a strong desire for freedom, equality, and justice. But when you’re mingling over appetizers, remember that that doesn’t always make you right.

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Libra Sun + Capricorn Moon: Motivated, Diligent, Dignified

You’re an expert flirt on a first date and an even better candidate on a job interview. Perhaps that’s because you are really the one asking the questions. You’ve got high standards, so only serious contenders need apply. This is true in all aspects of life. You are picky but for good reason. You bestow your equalizing presence only on those people and projects that can exhibit staying power. You do your due diligence before you really invest your light. Life is not an interview, though. Put the mask down so people can get to know the real you.

Libra Sun + Aquarius Moon: Captivating, Unconventional, Contrarian

The push and pull of fitting in or standing out could be a serious tug of war within your psyche. Your inborn charm can easily land you the most coveted invitations. However, that could feel both flattering and repugnant. You may want the invite just so you can turn it down and head to the counterculture rally instead. Remember that hanging with the crowd doesn’t mean you’re supporting the status quo. Resist the urge to prove that you’re different than the rest, since it might come off a little pretentious. Use your brilliant mind to bring people together instead.

Libra Sun + Pisces Moon: Connected, Emotional, Idealistic

You may not want to admit it, but every relationship needs boundaries. With an empathy so deep, you may have a tendency to merge completely with whatever or whomever you are involved with. You may even make other people’s emotions and struggles your own in such a way that renders you powerless to actually help. Try sending down a ladder for others to climb up. Resist the tendency to join them in the hole trapping you both. Your urge to merge is innately spiritual. But once you can keep your interactions with humans where they belong, you can dissolve that which separates.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

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