A glyph representing Leo is set against a drawing of a sun with the crescent moon on either side.

How Each Moon Sign Affects a Leo Sun

Hey there, Leo! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact

By Tarot.com Staff

Remember, Leo: there's only one of you! Be careful not to dangle any carrots in the faces of those who don’t actually have a place in your heart, though. You probably don’t mean to hurt people, but if you give someone false hope in terms of how much they mean to you, that’s the inevitable result. Use your confidence and charisma in a broader way -- step up as a natural leader and enthusiastic collaborator in group settings. Regardless of your boisterous persona, you might struggle with feeling fully seen or understood, making you highly sensitive to criticism and emotional when you feel left out or forgotten.

With so much fire and playfulness, what more is there to say about a Leo Sun? Only this: it’s just the beginning! A person’s Moon sign makes such a difference in how their Sun sign manifests. A Leo Sun with a Taurus Moon will still have sex appeal for days, most likely, but they’re probably a lot more grounded than a Leo Sun with, say, a Sagittarius Moon. It’s all about the blending energies!

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Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon

Leo Sun + Aries Moon: Willful, Magnetic, Speedy

Are you bossy … or are you just a boss? Either way, you are a magnetic force, and others are often drawn to you in a way that you can’t explain. You often approach others with a sense of urgency, making it difficult for them to turn you down, ultimately allowing you to get nearly everything you want. Huzzah! You are powerful, insistent, and unfailingly confident. These qualities allow you to infiltrate groups and quickly position yourself as the leader, if that’s what you’re after. You are, however, a heart-centered individual, and although you aren’t the most patient, you definitely have good intentions with whatever you’re demanding -- er, asking for.

Leo Sun + Taurus Moon: Steady, Proud, Effective

Luxury and royalty combine in your psyche. You are a committed and disciplined person who sets their sights high and never settles for less than they desire. You tend to enter any room like you own it, and others are often happy to delegate the decision-making to you (not that you mind much). Each relationship you forge serves a purpose, and almost unconsciously, you surround yourself with people who can help you achieve your goals. Consistency counts for a lot in your book, and when all is said and done, you know your worth. Forgetting it for even a moment is of no interest to you.

Leo Sun + Gemini Moon: Persuasive, Intense, Imaginative

One thing’s for sure: you know how to look at the bigger picture! You walk through the world with an attractive energy and aura, and it’s often hard for others to deny you. You may find yourself involved in some form of acting, performing, or stepping out in the public eye. It can, however, be difficult for you to deal with critique -- you identify deeply with the work you put out into the world, and any rejection of that worth may as well be a rejection of your entire self. Don’t get stuck in that story. You get to exist beyond the things you love so much.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Leo Sun + Cancer Moon: Idealistic, Sweet, Caring

What’s your story? Characterized by depth and duality, you’ve got the kind of personality that’s prone to romanticizing every moment and every interaction. You want a present and fulfilling life, surrounded by the people and activities that light you up. Falling in love is as easy as breathing, in your experience -- you’re in love with life, after all, so what’s one more person to make the focus of that affection? That approach can lead to heavy and difficult emotions, of course. Suffering and confusion are likely side effects if you don’t build a well-rounded roster of joyful experiences and hobbies.

Leo Sun + Leo Moon: Fun Loving, Faithful, Outspoken

You’re here for a good time! There is very little that can get you down, and those who take life more seriously could be puzzled by how easily joy and luck seem to find you. You could be considered weak by people who follow a more rigid path, but their ways aren’t yours! Fiercely loyal, loving, and engaged, you’ve got all the makings of a great friend, lover, and family member. You are not one to put up with unnecessary negativity or unkindness, so if anyone comes into your space with a rain cloud hanging over them, your only options are to cheer them up or invite them to keep moving.

Leo Sun + Virgo Moon: Well Rounded, Organized, Winning

Which is more impressive: your intelligence or your charm? Folks might be thrown off by how quickly you move from “work mode” to “play mode,” but it all makes sense for your dynamic nature! The only challenge might be figuring out when to lean into your methodical, exacting side and when to let your hair down a bit. That discernment will come with time. You never need to force things to happen in your life, but it’s hard to resist that urge when you see ten steps ahead of everyone else. Do your best to find balance and enjoy the natural flow.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Leo Sun + Libra Moon: Connected, Balanced, Prone to Worry

A true pack hunter at heart, you shine when you’re a member of a group. You enjoy receiving compliments and adore being adored. As long as you’re in charge of the invites, you’re not likely to hang out with folks who tear you down or challenge your values. What’s the sense in a life of torture or confusion about where you stand with supposed friends? You like to be on good terms with other people, and you have a deep fear of judgment. That phobia can keep you on a surface level, unfortunately. Look for opportunities to confide in trustworthy souls and break beyond the superficial.

Leo Sun + Scorpio Moon: Fierce, Groundbreaking, Sure

Determined, dedicated, and intensely passionate about what you do, you can also be somewhat rigid and deeply unforgiving. Others can be easily intimidated by your powerful presence. You are authentic, raw, and influential, leading you to rack up as much social currency as you do wealth. You may have to go through challenges to get to your end goals, but no worries -- transformation is your specialty! As a true alchemist, you’re capable of turning even the worst parts of your life into something beneficial or beautiful. You know the value of trusting yourself and your intuition, and it takes a lot for someone else’s opinion to sway you.

Leo Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Authentic, Flexible, Wise

You’re known as something of a smarty pants! Others have a habit of turning to you for life advice and guidance. Try not to take on too much responsibility for what other people do with your advice, though -- you’re only human. You are self-assured, and thanks to your “what you see is what you get” attitude, people feel calm in your presence -- they know what to expect and don’t have to stress about reading between the lines. You are emotionally in tune, spiritually inclined, and truly a citizen of humanity. You may find that you feel most at ease in nature, but rolling with the punches in other environments is no trouble.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Leo Sun + Capricorn Moon: Impressive, Focused, Cautious

Take the gold medal off and let your neck breathe! Your worthiness comes from just being yourself, but you have a habit of feeling like you need to prove yourself. This tendency can lead you to overwork yourself or twist yourself in knots to impress others at work, in social situations, or in your close relationships. Instead of breaking your back to impress other people, it’s imperative that you work on building your self-esteem. Others would never assume you struggled with your sense of self – on the contrary, they typically see you as strong, goal-oriented, and put together. Looks can be deceiving. Give yourself the gift of rest whenever possible.

Leo Sun + Aquarius Moon: Influential, Self-Aware, Friendly

Motivation might as well be your middle name! Other people are inspired by your big heart and ideals for humanity. You do a great job at gathering people together for the greater good. You are philanthropic and passionate, making the causes close to your heart known. Making waves in whatever you do is a point of pride, and it would be tough for you to go unnoticed. Of course, this tendency of yours can ruffle feathers every now and then! Group settings are your usual favorite, but you might struggle with diving deep when you’re one-on-one, especially if your counterpart can’t engage you energetically or intellectually.

Leo Sun + Pisces Moon: Adaptable, Captivating, Tender

You are a shape-shifter, able to connect with all types of people thanks to your big heart and understanding disposition. Those chameleon skills can mean you’re perceived very differently across your social circles. It’s not often that you struggle to get along with people, but you might have a hard time knowing who you are at your core. You like to perform, and that’s a fantastic part of your personality, but can you stay connected to your authentic self when the curtain falls? The true you is compassionate, humorous, and generous -- all great things! Flexibility is a strength. Embrace it as you come to understand yourself more thoroughly through the years.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

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