A glyph for Capricorn is set against a drawing of a sun with the crescent moon on either side.

How Each Moon Sign Affects a Capricorn Sun

Hey there, Capricorn! Learn more about how your Sun sign and Moon sign interact

By Tarot.com Staff

Your rock-solid reliability can be a blessing and a curse, Capricorn. Your reputation matters to you, and you will go to great lengths to protect it. However, you could also find yourself carrying more than your share of the burden. Whether it's because people know you can be counted on or because you compulsively pick up the slack, you'll need to claim downtime for yourself. Not everything is a mountain you need to climb. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Let others do things for you on occasion. Don't rob others of the opportunity to provide for you just because you are more than capable.

No one can build a stronger foundation than you, Capricorn. Your Sun sign is known for this reliability, but that foundation still needs a house above it -- and that's where your Moon sign comes in. A theatrical Leo Moon could inspire you to fill your home with music, while an indulgent Taurus Moon may tempt you to splash out on high-end treasures.

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Aries Moon
Taurus Moon
Gemini Moon
Cancer Moon
Leo Moon
Virgo Moon
Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon
Sagittarius Moon
Capricorn Moon
Aquarius Moon
Pisces Moon

Capricorn Sun + Aries Moon: Exuberant, Fervent, Determined

Spontaneous outbursts of emotion may surprise those who are accustomed to your solid and steady presence. Heck, they may even surprise you! You’re consciously attuned to your own sense of duty and propriety, but messy feelings can still sneak up on you. If you insist on minimizing internal reactions, thinking you’ll deal with them later when you aren’t so busy, they’ll likely emerge uninvited and unconstrained. That’s no fun for anyone. Instead, try constructing a safe place to simply emote. Exercise and movement can help you process anything tricky without sacrificing stability. Give yourself a break -- no one can be on top of everything all the time.

Capricorn Sun + Taurus Moon: Practical, Persistent, Deliberate

Your stamina is enviable. Neither hell nor high water will keep you from your commitments and goals! It's not all altruistic, however -- you likely expect a pay off for all your hard work. You'll put in the time so long as you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. In your world, work’s only satisfying if you’re working towards something. Without periodic breaks to enjoy the spoils, though, you'll lose steam pretty quickly. The only thing that holds a candle to your stamina is your stubbornness. Your refusal cannot be reversed. Treat your senses to some luxury occasionally to keep up your workhorse ways.

Capricorn Sun + Gemini Moon: Proactive, Brilliant Brainstormer, Resourceful

Focusing on a goal could be your superpower, but exploring possibility ignites your determination. You require ample room to brainstorm ideas before committing to put in any effort. You prefer to workshop every angle prior to diving in for the long haul. This is wise on your part -- once you latch on with your iron grip, pivoting is hard to get your head around. Even though your heart spins with all the options, your stick-to-it-iveness might sometimes leave you feeling stuck. Finding partners and friends who are willing to hash out ongoing issues can help you maintain excitement for your more long-term aspirations.

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Capricorn Sun + Cancer Moon: Sympathetic, Fortified, Sentimental

Work and home are both big priorities for you. You may find that you vacillate between the need to be recognized on a grand scale and the need to sequester in safety and comfort. Being out of balance along this continuum may affect you more deeply than most. The world at large takes its toll eventually, especially on a soul as sensitive as yours. Even the king requires fortification. By the same token, keeping your treasures locked in the basement serves no one. The point is that neither extreme is fully satisfying. Give your gifts and replenish them periodically. Marry your leadership to your soft heart.

Capricorn Sun + Leo Moon: Theatrical, Bold, Enthusiastic

Every accolade you've ever received has been well-deserved. Being acknowledged for your leadership and contribution makes a big difference in your overall satisfaction with the work you do, but you’re probably willing to go the extra mile regardless of anyone’s appreciation -- that’s just who you are. Lack of recognition won't keep you from accomplishing great things, but it will annoy and frustrate you a bit, and that’s not sustainable. Focus your efforts towards people and projects that know your worth. Your capacity is considerable, as is your desire for support in the process. Anyone would be lucky to have you on their team -- it’s only fitting for them to acknowledge it!

Capricorn Sun + Virgo Moon: Unparalleled, Refined, Authoritative

With the big picture in your sights and a detailed checklist in your Notes app, nothing is getting past you or sliding through the cracks. You know what it takes to bring something to fruition, and you’ve got that skill in spades. Your graceful, persistent ability to work with the material realm is unparalleled. You may not be the best at generating new ideas or novel projects, but you can refine and implement like a boss. In fact, being the boss is probably the best fit for you -- running the show is your forte, and false modesty can take a hike.

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Capricorn Sun + Libra Moon: Equitable, Considerate, Cultivated

Balanced in your decision-making, both elegant and stable in your presentation, you’re more than just a pretty face (though you’re most certainly that as well). You have the ability to lead with equanimity, to bring grace to strength and harmony to power. There’s a reliability as well as a sensitivity to you, and both make you an ideal leader. You are the epitome of a just ruler and a fair justice of the court. No wonder people probably seek out your take on matters large and small! Beauty, art and personal relationships help you find the internal equilibrium you need to accomplish all your goals.

Capricorn Sun + Scorpio Moon: Skeptical, Deep, Resolute

Uncomfortable feelings aren't necessarily practical. In fact, you might see them as a nuisance that only serves to derail you from the real tasks at hand. Here’s the thing, though: inconvenient feelings don't go away when ignored, and your well runs deep. It might be helpful to delve into your emotional core rather than repress it as an inconvenience. Those responses are an essential channel of valuable information, even if they are somewhat disruptive to production. Your emotional state reveals something beyond surface facts. It lets you know if something is good with you or not. Befriend your inner reality, and you will rule the world.

Capricorn Sun + Sagittarius Moon: Adventurous, Thorough, Conscientious

Anchoring your beliefs in concrete reality is a life mission, and your considerable practical prowess only shines when you believe in your goal. Working towards a higher truth motivates the overachiever in you, but your heart also yearns to play and frolic occasionally. It’s through active participation in the world that you find your staying power and discover the meaning you strive so hard to make manifest. Let yourself enjoy the party without purpose occasionally! The point will undoubtedly emerge through the process of your engagement. Adventure isn't frivolous if it reminds you of why you work so diligently.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

Capricorn Sun + Capricorn Moon: Prudent, Traditional, Accountable

Motivating you to do anything requires a good reason. You have to see the point of any effort you exert. This is a prudent approach, since once you commit, you're in it with your whole heart. You'll see projects through to the bitter end, so having faith and enthusiasm for the final outcome is really just a practical matter. You might have a bent toward more traditional values, and you’ll work hard to uphold the stability that the status quo affords. In this sense, you are a natural ruler and protector of stability that others count on and respect.

Capricorn Sun + Aquarius Moon: Visionary, Courageous, Humanitarian

Paradise doesn't just happen spontaneously -- someone has to put in the work to build it. That someone may very well be you. You hold the vision in your heart that fuels your practical efforts. Not only can you imagine a better world, but you have the natural ability to make it a reality. While part of you may want to burn existing structures to the ground, deep down, you understand the need for slow and steady transition. Paradigms almost never shift overnight. New traditions take time to form. Anchor to your ideals -- they’ll give you all the stamina you require to stay the course and make big changes.

Capricorn Sun + Pisces Moon: Informed, Compassionate, Responsible

Big waves of emotion that swell within you could threaten to disrupt your weekly board meetings. It’s easy to think the feelings are the problem, but pushing them down will only lead to outbursts or slowly erode your inner peace. You require space to let it all go in a flood of tears or complete detachment from all the pressure. Be mindful that your outlets don't come with their own damaging side effects. Find healthy ways to move all those nebulous feelings. Let them inform your more practical side. The most effective leaders maintain compassion for the people following behind them. Keep in close contact with your sensitive self. Infuse your authority with empathy.

What other personality traits are hiding in your birth chart? Find out now with a free sample of your Ultimate Personality Report!

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