The Two Halves of You: How Your Sun and Moon Signs Work Together
Most people know their Sun signs -- but what does yours mean alongside your Moon sign?
Why do Sun/Moon combinations matter?
Every birth chart is unique. Between planets, asteroids, and nodes in signs, houses, and aspects, there's a lot to unravel! Each detail can reflect something special about your personality or life path, but if you're like most people, interpreting all the information in your chart presents some difficulty.
The vast majority of people only know about Sun signs and choose to identify themselves and others by those signs (saying "I'm such a Taurus" or "There they go again -- classic Libra!"). The Sun sign is a great initial clue to understanding who you are, and for most of us, it's pretty accurate. However, even just one more piece of information can give a more well-rounded, complete understanding of who a person is. That's where the Moon sign comes in!
A person's Moon sign forms the environment for their inner world and offers valuable insight on what that helps that person feel safe and seen, especially on an emotional level. In an astrological sense, the Moon is the most personal planet of them all, so adding what you know about your Sun sign to what you learn about your Moon sign can be revelatory.
Check out our complete directory of Sun/Moon sign combinations by finding your Sun sign below!
Aries Sun in combination with Moon signs
Bright, bold, brave … at this point, you might be wondering why Aries doesn’t start with a “B” to keep up with the alliteration! Your sense of self was developed quite early on, giving you the strength and confidence to try new things and explore all the world has to offer. But what does your Moon sign have to say? Something like Virgo could make you a little more cautious, while a Moon in Leo will only heighten your natural impulsivity.
An Aries Sun is just the beginning -- discover the unique power of each Moon sign's influence.
Taurus Sun in combination with Moon signs
Ah, master of the five senses, grounded in the earthly realm! You tend to live in a comfortable, indulgent, and sensual way. Once your mind is made up on something (or someone), it can be difficult to get you to consider any other path. Your Moon sign, though, can definitely modify that reputation. A Taurus Sun with a Pisces Moon, for example, is likely to be more warm and centered, while a Taurus Sun with a Leo Moon could be known for their vivacious energy.
Go beyond the Taurus Sun! Explore the emotional richness of these Moon sign blends.
Gemini Sun in combination with Moon signs
Let’s see how long we can keep your attention, shall we? You’ve got a well-earned reputation for distractibility, but you’re also famously quick, witty, chatty, and curious. Those talents make you a whiz with words, and that comes in handy if you want to strut your stuff as a writer, performer, or salesperson. With your dominant Sun in Gemini, what role can the Moon sign play? A Sagittarius Moon or a Libra Moon could make a Gemini even more magnetic than they already are, while an Virgo Moon could inspire them to lean into their perfectionistic side.
Find your cosmic duo! Understand the Gemini Sun and each Moon sign's personality influence.
Cancer Sun in combination with Moon signs
It’s time for a heart-to-heart, Cancer … but then again, when is it not? You care a lot about your own security, and you’re mindful enough to offer that same safety to others. As a result, people feel intrinsically drawn to confiding in you. Your Moon sign gives texture and dimension to this approach. A Cancer Sun plus an Aries Moon equals someone who shows up with consistent excitement. On the other hand, a Cancer Sun plus a Moon from an Earth sign (Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn) will indicate more of a calm steadiness.
A Cancer Sun feels to their core, but these Moon sign combinations add another layer.
Leo Sun in combination with Moon signs
The warmth of your glow is nothing short of intoxicating, Leo! When others step into your light, they definitely notice, and they’re reluctant to leave. Without trying, you make others feel special, and your authenticity is something that cannot be duplicated. Others are also likely to sense some energy from your Moon sign -- a Leo Sun with an Aquarius Moon will be an intellectual force, most likely, while a Leo Sun with a Gemini Moon will be more communicative. It’s all about the blending energies!
Explore beyond the radiant Leo Sun! Reveal deeper meaning with these Moon sign combinations.
Virgo Sun in combination with Moon signs
Like a craftsman toiling away at their work bench, you aim to make the world a better place through persistence and careful attention to the fine details. Your life, career, home, and relationships all showcase this approach. Your Moon sign will either heighten or inhibit this tendency. A Virgo Sun with a Taurus Moon? You must be a person with a strong opinion! A Virgo Sun with a Sagittarius Moon, on the other hand? You may be more open to going with the flow.
Don't stop at the practical Virgo Sun! These Moon sign pairings reveal deeper meaning ...
Libra Sun in combination with Moon signs
You’ve got style, you’ve got grace, but what’s underneath that pretty face? It’s impressive, Libra, how you’re so pleasant all the time. One might wonder how a person could have so many nice things to say. Alongside your intrinsic "people person" identity, your Moon sign has its own impact on your personality. Perhaps having a Pisces Moon lends you a particular penchant for introspection, or maybe an earthy Moon sign like Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn makes you more reliable than other Libras.
The Libra Sun and Moon signs are in harmony! Reveal each Moon sign's influence.
Scorpio Sun in combination with Moon signs
Still waters run deep -- you may look calm on the surface, Scorpio, but underneath, it can get a little intense. The thing is, no one will really be able to tell. You’re a pro at keeping a secret. You know which cards to reveal to stay in the game. Your Moon sign is vital to understanding your nuanced soul -- for example, is a Capricorn Moon boosting your drive to succeed? Is a Gemini Moon enhancing your ability to examine and analyze?
Beyond the Scorpio Sun, these Moon sign combinations reveal even more hidden depth.
Sagittarius Sun in combination with Moon signs
You somehow always know where to turn to find the elusive parking space on parade day, Sagittarius. Some call it luck, but it’s mostly a solid trust in your intuition and an unwavering faith in the universe. But when you aim your arrow, what's the target? Maybe an airy Moon sign like Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius keeps you focused on your ultimate vision, or perhaps a Cancer Moon gives you a sense of self-protection that determines your path.
Capricorn Sun in combination with Moon signs
You can’t always trust a handshake agreement ... unless it's with someone like you, Capricorn. Your word is a bond not easily broken. It’s as dependable as the rising sun. If you say you're going to do something, neither hell nor high water will get in your way. When the Moon sign gets involved, things get interesting. A Sagittarius Moon could inspire you to set goals related to education and learning, while an Aries Moon may inject some much-needed levity.
These Capricorn Sun and Moon sign blends and reveal an even more refined personality!
Aquarius Sun in combination with Moon signs
You love humanity, but humans? Maybe not so much. They’re just so … well, unsophisticated. You’ve got big ideas regarding the potential of our species, Aquarius, but they’re often thwarted by the behavior of mere mortals. You can get frustrated with your own supposed shortcomings, too, including those related to your Moon sign. Whether you're judging the indecision of a Libra Moon or the stasis of a Taurus Moon, you can be hard on yourself! What would it look like to stop criticizing and simply seek to understand?
You're more than your Aquarius Sun! Reveal how each Moon sign enhances this eccentric energy.
Pisces Sun in combination with Moon signs
While most people are about 60% water, your number might be closer to 90%. No wonder your eyes leak on the regular, Pisces! Any number of emotions could be wrapped up in those tears, and inevitably, some of them are rooted in your Moon sign. An earthy Moon sign may make you sensitive to issues of stability or safety, while a watery Moon sign might persuade you to wallow in others' callous words or actions. Still, the reservoir of your strength is powerful!
A dreamy Pisces Sun is just the beginning -- reveal how the Moon sign adds magic!