A girl sits on a rooftop and holds the Earth in her hands. (from Tarot of Mystical Moments)

Universal Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for the year ahead ...

By Tarot.com Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? Page of Cups

Page of Cups Tarot Card

In the Tarot, Page cards carry the energy of enthusiastic students. They want to learn. They’re eager to strut their stuff. They know they’ll make mistakes, but it doesn’t even occur to them to believe that those mistakes should be embarrassing or shameful. They’re just getting started, after all -- why should they be expected to master everything right away?

The Page of Cups, in particular, is a student of emotional intelligence. This figure is sensitive, curious, gentle, and in tune with the intuitive realms.

As the card representing our best efforts to prepare for 2025, the Page of Cups encourages us to keep things simple. When we imagine what we want from this year, we should consider our feelings, first and foremost. The most important question facing us is this: “How do I want to feel this year?” Contemplating the answer (or multiple answers!) will point us in the right direction.

What should I embrace in 2025? Two of Wands

Two of Wands Tarot Card

Imagine yourself on the eve of a big trip. Your bags are packed. The car is gassed up. You’ve double checked your flight times and hotel confirmations. You’re ready and raring to go, but the adventure hasn’t started in earnest just yet. This is the spirit of the Two of Wands, the vibe we want to lean into throughout 2025.

In a way, this is frustrating! You just want to get to your destination already! But hold on a second before throwing in the towel and writing off this year as a lost cause. The Two of Wands is a tremendous gift. Accepting the lessons of this card will help us identify what really lights us up and make our eventual journeys so much more satisfying overall.

Don’t waste this chance. Savor the joy that comes from having something to look forward to, and make the most of 2025 by identifying where you want to go next.

What should I let go in 2025? The Chariot

The Chariot Tarot Card

The final part of this reading is very much in keeping with the cards that have come before. Letting go of The Chariot means letting go of being in a rush, letting go of an impulsive, habitual hurrying. We don’t have to break the speed limit on the way to wherever we’re going -- and in fact, moving too quickly will lead to regret.

Moving swiftly under the influence of The Chariot is very much advised at certain times, but in 2025, we’re better off going slow and checking in with ourselves frequently to make sure our chosen routes and means of transportation still make sense. If they don’t, we’re allowed to change course -- and perhaps even more importantly, we’re allowed to pause for a bit and take our time deciding what to do next.

Ready for even more personalized Tarot insight? Get your free reading now!

Card images courtesy of the Tarot of Mystical Moments Tarot deck.

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