Taurus Three Card Tarot Reading for 2025

Taurus Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for Taurus in the year ahead ...

By Tarot.com Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Taurus in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card

Your boundaries are of the utmost importance as you get ready for the year ahead. Remember though, Taurus, that boundaries are much more about your own behavior than the behavior of others. You have to figure out your own limits and how you’ll respond in various situations.

The Four of Pentacles represents sturdiness and caution, especially related to the material world. What does this mean for you, Taurus? You’ll want to pay special attention to boundaries related to finances and your physical body on the eve of 2025. You’re the only one who can know the exact shape of those boundaries. Maybe you want to be more vigilant when it comes to your spending or the friendly loans you give out. Perhaps you actually need to be a little more free with your money and resist the urge to hoard every last penny. If your body is the focus, think through ways you can protect yourself from injury or guard against a sedentary lifestyle.

Self-knowledge is key here. Commit to doing what’s in your best interest, even if it means delaying gratification or choosing the harder path.

What should I embrace in 2025? Nine of Pentacles

Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card

An emphasis on the earthly realm continues with another card from the suit of Pentacles! The energy you’re ready to welcome in 2025 is all about personal triumph. Be proud of yourself, Taurus, and don’t shy away from your own greatness.

It can be difficult at times to simply accept our wins. Most folks born under the influence of Taurus are quite persistent and focused on reaching the ultimate goal, and that’s a wonderful thing! The flip side of this fantastic quality, however, is some amount of difficulty taking pride in the progress you’ve made so far. Do your best this year to celebrate each step forward, in the spirit of the Nine of Pentacles! Throw yourself a party, literal or otherwise! Reward yourself all along the way, not just at the finish line.

What should I let go in 2025? Knight of Wands

Knight of Wands Tarot Card

The Knight of Wands is a fiery, ferocious card, determined and swift. While this energy is a great one to have on your side in many circumstances, it’s not necessarily the best fit for you in 2025. The message here? There’s no need to rush! You can take your time, plan your steps carefully, and think through your options before taking action. Trust yourself above all else.

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Card images courtesy of the Cosmic Tarot deck.

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