The Moon in Aries

The Moon in Aries: Bold, Fiery, Quick to React

Mar 28, 2025 – Mar 30, 2025

By Staff

In Astrology, the Moon is considered a planet -- the fastest moving planet in the sky! The Moon changes zodiac sign every couple of days as it moves around the heavens, which means each month the Moon goes through every sign during its lunar cycle.

When the Moon is in Aries

Regardless of what your Moon sign is, for a couple of days each month we are all affected by the transiting Aries Moon. While the Moon is in Aries, we all are a little bit faster to react. We’re all a little bit more intrigued by doing something we’ve never done before. We’re all a little bit more willing to take a risk or take a gamble by pushing into the unknown.

The weatherman may say rain, but expect some Sun to shoot through the clouds during this lunation. Aries Moon draws fire into the atmosphere, stimulating life force and vitality. You’re alive, filled with your own thoughts -- it’s all about you today. Trouble is, everyone else is in the same place. Imagine a playing field with plenty of loose cannons. That’s the Aries Moon transit.

During this time, insensitive remarks can land at missile speed and detonate into conflicts. The good news is they’ll end just as quickly as they began. This Moon goes against teamwork, but it’s auspicious for personal challenges -- compete against your own limits. What’s that mountain you’ve been wanting to climb? Be daring. Headaches, eye strain, or sinus difficulty imply troubling feelings have collected inside your head. Meet whatever you’ve been avoiding head-on.

Spontaneous Aries is about jumping in and taking risks without being overly concerned about the outcome. Don’t worry about commitment, and let discipline come naturally whenever it’s needed. In fact, allowing yourself to make mistakes provides the freedom required for new things to be discovered.

New Moon in Aries

When there’s a New Moon in Aries, a phase which happens in spring at the beginning of the astrological year when the Sun is in Aries, there’s no better time to take a new idea and put it into motion. We all feel like we’re at the beginning of a major cycle during the Aries New Moon. In a way, this is the time to think about the things in life that you want to explore, that you want to do, the seeds that you want to plant.

Full Moon in Aries

During the Full Moon in Aries, which happens in autumn when the Sun is in Libra, rather than wanting to plant the seeds, this is the time when we want to cultivate the energy, to harvest the seeds that we planted six months ago during the New Moon in Aries back in spring. So the Aries Full Moon is the time when those things that we started to do, that were brand new, are now either coming to fruition and working, or not. If the seeds we planted are working for us, we then have to cultivate the crop, we have to harvest -- we have to do something with it. And if it’s not working, it’s time to let it go and to move on to something else.

If you were born with the Moon in Aries

You can calculate your Moon sign’s position in the zodiac (your natal Moon) if you know your exact birth time. While your astrological Sun sign represents your essential being, your Moon sign reflects your emotions, your intuition, and your instinctive responses.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Aries energy is "initiating" energy -- it’s the beginning of the astrological year and this sign is known for being bold, active, and extremely fiery. Just remember that the Moon is your emotional being.

Aries is a fire sign, and people with Moon in Aries are usually independent and happy to be on their own. They like challenges and new things, but dislike overt expressions of emotions and prefer when everyone is direct and self-sufficient. If your Moon is in Aries, you won’t like it if your loved ones are emotionally needy -- you prefer direct and undemonstrative encounters.

If you were born with the Moon in Aries, there’s a sense of spontaneity at a deep, gut level -- a sense of knowing immediately whether something is good or bad, whether you like it or whether you don’t like it. Moon in Aries is also quick to act ... and react. This means that anyone with Moon in Aries will be quick to express their emotions, but those emotions will burn fast and hot, and then change.

Aries Moon Sign Traits:

  • Spontaneous
  • Determined
  • Impatient
  • Reckless
  • Self-confident
  • Innocent
  • Direct
  • Pioneering
  • Charismatic

Reveal how your Moon sign influences the way you feel, your gut reactions, and even what you need to feel secure. View your FREE birth chart now!

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