Libra Three Card Tarot Reading for 2025

Libra Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for Libra in the year ahead ...

By Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Libra in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? The Empress

The Empress Tarot Card

You’re right on the edge of a new year, and the greatest gift you can give yourself at this time is to create. Paint, write, sew, decorate a room -- whatever scratches that itch! The Empress is all about recognizing the part of you that generates ideas and brings them into the world somehow, even if the process is messy or unfamiliar. The payoff isn’t solely in whatever tangible item exists at the end. The process itself can be a joy, especially as it opens your mind to other ways of expressing yourself or finding joy in life.

This card is strongly associated with Venus, and as a Libra, you have a special connection to this planet as well. All in all, there’s a huge appreciation for beauty in this combination. Part of nurturing your creative side comes from simply witnessing interesting things around and taking a moment to experience them fully, without distraction or ulterior motives. Seek opportunities to be awestruck! It’s the best way to welcome 2025.

What should I embrace in 2025? Page of Swords

Page of Swords Tarot Card

As an Air sign, mental stimulation counts for a lot. Your brain is an active one, and that’s a wonderful thing! As the Page of Swords shows up to represent what you should embrace in the year to come, consider yourself a newbie. Take on the role of a student, whether you’re focused on an area where you already have plenty of experience or are pursuing something totally new to you. Assume you know a little less than you think you do. This can be uncomfortable, sure -- we all like to be competent. However, asking questions and examining problems with maximum curiosity will be the more fruitful option for you this year.

Sink your teeth into any subject or undertaking that strikes you as interesting. You don’t have to become an expert, Libra. Just allow yourself room to explore.

What should I let go in 2025? King of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card

On the other end of the spectrum from the Page of Swords, we have the King of Pentacles. Where the page is new, the king is an old pro. While the page wants to talk hypotheticals and theoreticals, the king is all business. This card is a message to surrender any need to be in charge. To everything there is a season, and right now, it’s someone else’s season to lead. Stick with the beginner category and take in all that fresh energy!

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Card images courtesy of the Dreamkeepers Tarot deck.

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