Pisces Tarotscope for 2025
Three cards for Pisces in the year ahead ...
Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Pisces in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.
How can I prepare for 2025? Eight of Cups

As you look to a new year, the greatest gift you can give yourself is to let go of the things you’ve outgrown. This isn’t necessarily an easy task, and that’s okay! So often, letting go of something you’ve outgrown means letting go of something that once meant a great deal to you -- and still does, perhaps. The Eight of Cups very much speaks to this reality.
In some corner of your mind, it might feel as though moving away from that thing -- be it a relationship, a career goal, or a lifestyle -- is the same as saying it never mattered to you or that it was a mistake from the start. That’s simply not the case, Pisces. Your life goes through stages, and as you grow, it’s only natural that your needs and desires will change. Adjustments necessarily follow those changes. Saying goodbye or admitting that things haven’t turned out the way you hoped is enormously difficult. Fortunately, it’s the kind of difficulty that builds character.
Hold your head high as you accept the natural ending of anything in your life that has reached that point. Believe in your ability to move forward gracefully.
What should I embrace in 2025? Ace of Swords

Your watery ways are legendary. You come pre-programmed with tremendous respect for emotion and intuition, and when you’re deep in your Pisces element, you prefer to lead with your heart.
2025 is a year to lean on another part of your personality, specifically your mental faculties, as indicated by the Ace of Swords. Like anyone, you have a logical side, and while the word “logical” might conjure ideas of some sterile scientific lab or dusty philosophy book, there’s a lot of beauty and creativity here as well. Make the choice to be a little more analytical this year, to weigh out your options in more objective terms. Honor your curiosity. Ask questions. Conduct research. Above all else, learn! The world is a fascinating place, and there’s plenty to explore with your mind at the forefront.
What should I let go in 2025? Knight of Wands

Watch out for the impulse to charge forward without thinking, the way the Knight of Wands can sometimes do. In the year ahead, you’ll be better served by moving at a more measured pace. A gut instinct is fantastically valuable as a piece of information, but in matters of lasting importance, it’s simply one piece of information. You can do yourself a favor by taking your time and evaluating the situation from multiple angles before making a final decision.
Ready for even more personalized Tarot insight?
Card images courtesy of the Dreamkeepers Tarot deck.