Sagittarius Three Card Tarot Reading for 2025

Sagittarius Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for Sagittarius in the year ahead ...

By Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Sagittarius in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? Six of Wands

Six of Wands Tarot Card

A new year calls, and as you step into it, you have an opportunity to look at how far you’ve come! Life is a long, twisty-turny journey, and while there are certainly ups and downs, we sometimes forget to appreciate just how big our victories are. This is where the Six of Wands comes in.

Look back on the past year, if that feels like a manageable timeline, or even zoom out and take in the whole landscape of your life. You’ve done some remarkable things, Sagittarius! You’ve loved and lost. You’ve outgrown beliefs that didn’t serve you. You’ve tried things, you’ve failed, and you’ve gotten back up. You might say these are just part of a normal human life, and you know what? … Fair enough. But the truth of that statement doesn’t make your accomplishments any less important.

Go ahead and be proud of yourself. You’ve more than earned it.

What should I embrace in 2025? Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups Tarot Card

The year ahead might send your head spinning every now and then! There are options aplenty, both real and imagined, as shown in the Seven of Cups. It’s up to you to weigh out each one. As much as possible, revel in the possibilities and exercise gratitude for the fact that you have them to begin with. This can be an empowering situation, if you’re willing to see it that way.

When several roads stretch out before you, each with its own set of pros and cons, it’s easy to get caught in a sort of analysis paralysis. You’re so worried about making the wrong choice that you end up avoiding any choice at all. This is not the way! Follow your gut. Above all else, remain confident in your ability to turn any well-informed choice into the right one, some way or another.

What should I let go in 2025? The Emperor

The Emperor Tarot Card

As a Sagittarius, you’re known to breathe deeply and take aim before letting your arrow fly. This side of your personality looms large in the minds of others -- and probably in your own sense of identity as well. However, in 2025, your task is to relax your expectations and stop insisting on having everything together all the time. You can’t always be the solid and steady one (represented here by The Emperor), as much as you might like to be. By giving yourself the grace to hang back, make mistakes, and even fall apart occasionally, you’re actually being incredibly generous. In a way, you’re showing yourself that it’s safe to be imperfect, and that’s an act of love, no matter how you slice it.

Ready for even more personalized Tarot insight? Get your free reading now!

Card images courtesy of the Dreamkeepers Tarot deck.

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