Aquarius Three Card Tarot Reading for 2025

Aquarius Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for Aquarius in the year ahead ...

By Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Aquarius in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? Three of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles Tarot Card

Your best bet as you head into a new year? Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your abilities, talents, and ways of contributing.

The Three of Pentacles often shows a group of people working together to complete a complex project, each one showing up in their own way and doing whatever they can to support the greater goal. This card is an invitation to figure out where you’re strong and where you can benefit from someone else’s strength. The more fully you appreciate these things, the more effectively you can function (and the more fun you can have along the way).

You can’t possibly do everything on your own, Aquarius, and there’s no shame in that. Get real with yourself. Maybe you’re a great ideas person but struggle a bit with execution. Maybe you’ve got a big-picture mind and need to work with someone who can focus on the details. If you know your skills and are willing to strategize around them, you’ll save yourself a big headache!

What should I embrace in 2025? Six of Wands

Six of Wands Tarot Card

Do you see yourself in your successes? Are you proud of your wins? If not, you’ve got some work to do! Your experience in 2025 will be much more satisfying overall if you’re willing to celebrate yourself and accept applause from other people as well. The Six of Wands is a reminder of that.

As a Fixed sign, you may find it difficult to find the joy in small victories. After all, you can see everything you still have left to do, all the work that still remains. You can’t take a break to throw a party. But here’s the thing, Aquarius: if you delay celebrations for some future time when everything is complete, the celebrations will never come. You’ll never get there. You have to laugh and savor and give yourself a pat on the back throughout the process.

Incorporate happiness and a sense of accomplishment into your life more regularly. Don’t save your flowers for some hypothetical future day -- you deserve them now.

What should I let go in 2025? The Hierophant

The Hierophant Tarot Card

You always know best, don’t you, Aquarius? wink wink

All jokes aside, you do tend to have a pretty good head on your shoulders, and your advice is often very well-considered, as shown by The Hierophant. In 2025, though, you’ll do yourself a big favor if you resist the urge to be in charge of others’ decisions.

Give helpful ideas and suggestions when asked, then let it go. People will ultimately do what they want to do, and it’s not your job to corral them into a better path. In all honesty, you may not even know what “a better path” looks like for them -- there’s only so much we can understand about another person’s journey. Support the people you love with understanding, insight, and a listening ear, even when they’re making what you consider to be a mistake.

Ready for even more personalized Tarot insight? Get your free reading now!

Card images courtesy of the Modern Witch Tarot deck.

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