Cancer Three Card Tarot Reading for 2025

Cancer Tarotscope for 2025

Three cards for Cancer in the year ahead ...

By Staff

Welcome to your three-card Tarot reading for Cancer in 2025! The cards below are tailored to the energies of the coming year and meant to serve you as you make decisions and navigate the inevitable ups and downs.

How can I prepare for 2025? The World

The World Tarot Card

If there’s any Tarot card that suggests wholeness, transcendence, and connection, it is most certainly The World. How lucky can you get, Cancer?! Seeing this card at the beginning of your 2025 reading is a lovely omen indeed. It’s also an assignment -- and one you shouldn’t procrastinate.

Your best preparation for the year ahead will come through seeing yourself as part of the greater whole. You’re not an island, no matter how strong your exterior or rigid your boundaries. You need people, and they need you too. The story of your life is interwoven with the stories of everyone you’ve ever loved, and any loneliness you feel comes in large part from forgetting that essential truth.

Whether you’ve got it all together or feel like you’ve made a mess of things lately, you are living a miraculous experience. Billions upon billions of factors had to come together just so in order to bring you to this planet at this time. Sit with the beauty of that.

What should I embrace in 2025? Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups Tarot Card

Your luck continues! The Nine of Cups is sometimes called “The Wish Card” by Tarot aficionados, meaning it indicates a time of increased ability to make your own wishes come true. As a representation of what you should embrace in the year ahead, the message here is clear: believe in the beauty of your dreams.

The things you want are not coincidental. This year, notice how your desires act as tiny breadcrumb clues leading you to a fulfilled life. Question the assumption that your wishes are silly, frivolous, or superficial. In fact, they are your intuition making itself known.

What should I let go in 2025? Death

Death Tarot Card

The Death card tends to strike fear into people’s hearts when they see it in a reading, but in your case, it shows up as a card representing what you’re moving away from in the year to come. What does that mean? Simply put, you don’t need to sit around waiting for things to end. If you’re worried the other shoe is about to drop, that thought only keeps you from savoring all the great stuff that’s happening in the here and now.

Death in the Tarot stands for a heavy but worthwhile turning point, one we all go through many times in the course of our lives. More likely than not, you’ve recently experienced some kind of ending or “death” experience. Its lessons are still unfolding. Take that as a gift, and perhaps even more importantly, move forward with confidence in what’s still standing.

Ready for even more personalized Tarot insight? Get your free reading now!

Card images courtesy of the Crystal Visions Tarot deck.

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