cancer and leo symbols

Cancer-Leo Cusp: Dates, Traits, and Compatibility

Discover the intricacies of the Cusp of Oscillation

By Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

If you were born on the Cancer-Leo cusp, between July 19 and July 25, you have a wide range of personality traits that can either make you or break you! You were born on the Cusp of Oscillation, and you are a powerfully influential person.

Cancer and Leo are two very different zodiac signs ... Cancer is very sensitive and ruled by the emotional Moon, while Leo is proud, brave, and ruled by the fiery Sun. To be influenced by both the Moon and the Sun can be incredibly beneficial, but also very challenging. If you can learn to oscillate smoothly between these energies, you'll not only be able to feel and comprehend your emotions and the emotions of others, but you'll know how to express and act on them appropriately.

You are also ruled by two very contrasting elements. The combination of Water (Cancer) and Fire (Leo) can create a scalding steam! You may shift from shy and sensitive to a theatrical drama queen in two seconds flat. The Water element emphasizes your emotions, but the Fire in you can bring these out in a volatile way instead of a constructive way. Acting on your feelings is a good thing, as long as you channel them into love and not aggression or defensiveness.

Being born on the Cusp of Oscillation makes you lover and a leader, helping you come across as both influential and commanding. Your natural empathy and genuine interest for others allows you to connect with people easily. Once you've earned their trust, you can proceed to lead! You're a beautiful blend of caring and passionate, and you should use this energy to help others in need or raise awareness for a good cause. You have the charisma and emotional intuition to get people going and to do as you ask -- just make sure you're using this for good and not for your own personal gain.

Being the compelling, alluring person that you are, you'll find that others are easily persuaded by you. When your Sun and Moon balance is in sync, you'll do amazing things and make changes that help the greater good! However, if your energies are off and you're feeling more sensitive or dramatic than usual, you may be inclined to manipulate others or the situation at hand. It's your moral responsibility to recognize when you're playing puppet master for your own desires and needs, especially if it stems from a selfish or negative place.

Born on the Cancer-Leo cusp, you have the potential to be a well-rounded, dynamic person. You are influenced by two drastically different signs, and it will take effort on your part to make these energies work together instead of against each other. Combining your care for others with your confidence in yourself will make you a successful leader who is deeply respected by your team, both at work and at home. You'll feel most fulfilled if you're devoting your time to helping others and making a positive difference. Keep yourself balanced and you'll do incredible things!


Loving, devoted, expressive, creative, cheerful, passionate

Born on the Cusp of Oscillation, you have a natural instinct to nurture and encourage others. You care about your loved ones (and strangers for that matter) easily. They will feel that they can talk to you and rely on you to keep their secrets and give them sound advice -- and you can! You have enough charisma and empathy to guide others in the right direction. But your good deeds don't just extend to small, personal interactions. You want to make big changes! You have the leadership skills to rally others to devote their time to helping their communities and the world at large.


Self-absorbed, overly sensitive, dramatic, dependent, volatile

Because you're influenced by two contrasting signs, your cosmic balance is pretty sensitive! In order to be your best self, you have to continually check in with your mood and make sure that you're feeding both sides of your personality. If your balance is thrown out of whack, you can become overly sensitive or dramatic and aggressive. To flip-flop between these moods can make you a difficult friend and family member to get along with. But when you exert the better parts of your Cancer-Leo influences, you are a wonderful person to have around.


You're a passionate romantic who needs attention and patience from your partner. You have a lot of love to offer and it's important that you pick the right person to avoid bringing out your extra emotional or flaring dramatic sides. Earth signs will help you stay grounded and be your rock when you start to feel off balance. Water signs are also a natural fit for you. They will understand your sensitivities and support your dreams and ambitions. You may not always be able to reciprocate their needy tendencies, but you'll find it easy to cheer them up.


Stay balanced and use your powers of persuasion for good! You'll have to work harder than most to not get swept up in petty drama or meaningless gossip. If you fall victim to this narrow-minded way of life, it may bring out the negative extremes of your personality. Don't use your powerful skills for selfish endeavors. If you start convincing others to do things out of greed, then you'll likely ruin your reputation and miss out on what you need for a fulfilling life -- to devote your time to helping others.


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