Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp: Dates, Traits, and Compatibility
Discover the power of the Cusp of Revolution
This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.
If you were born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, from November 18 to 24, you are an incredible source of strength and power! You were born on the Cusp of Revolution, which makes you passionate, capable, and ready to stand up and fight for your beliefs.
Because you were born on this cusp, you are influenced by the planets Pluto and Jupiter -- the ruling planets of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, encourages you to right wrongs and embrace your personal power, while Jupiter fuels your optimistic outlook. It's this combination of inspiration and transformation that makes you so revolutionary!
You are blessed with both the empathy of a Water sign (Scorpio) and the excitement of a Fire sign (Sagittarius), giving you a wide spectrum of abilities. There's a combination of compassion and friendliness in you that makes you incredibly generous -- just be wary of those looking to take advantage of your giving nature.
Born on the Cusp of Revolution, you're action-oriented and strong, ready to lead and inspire! Your ability to stick to your guns alongside your outgoing, charismatic attitude will have you turning heads, making moves, and doing important things in this lifetime. One thing that's sure to hold you back, however, is a lack of freedom. The more tied down you are the more stuck and frustrated you'll feel. Seek opportunities that will allow you freedom and independence!
People born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp are especially proactive and tend to be a bit wild or rebellious. You like to shake things up! However, this energy can be too much for some, and could make you seem intimidating or unapproachable. In fact, you may often be misunderstood by others, because they never know which version of you they'll see: the fun, flexible, life of the party, or the fierce, complex creature with the sharp stinger.
Born on the Cusp of Revolution, you have strong values and beliefs and you aren't afraid to speak your mind. You thrive around others who share your strength and vitality, and who don't get rubbed the wrong way too easily -- you've been known to ruffle a few feathers in your day! Your independence and intensity can lead you to do great things, but they can also cause power struggles in relationships and conflict with authority figures. Channel your ferocity into ambition instead of aggression, and there will be no stopping you.
Energetic, adventurous, powerful, accomplished, generous, passionate
Your combination of vision and determination gives you a competitive edge that will carry you far in life. The ability to think deeply as well as philosophically gives you a great understanding of who you are and where you fit into the world. The energy and intensity you feel fuels your desire to make positive changes for yourself and those around you. Your bright sense of humor, optimistic outlook, and willingness to interact genuinely with others will gain you fast, loyal friends.
Secretive, selfish, rebellious, wild, aggressive, blunt, misunderstood
With the fury of Scorpio and the fire of Sagittarius, your demeanor might seem aggressive or overwhelming to those around you. And since you always need to be on the move, you can get impatient if others get in your way or slow you down -- be gentle with them, they could use your spunk! Your desire to fight for your beliefs is admired, but it can manifest as a rebellious and unfocused frenzy if your energy isn't channeled properly.
You're a firecracker, and you need partners who respect your freedom and independence. Because Scorpio can be a very suspicious sign and Sagittarius prizes truth, honesty is one of the most important things to you in a relationship. You're very attracted to anyone who is passionate about their work or talents, and you love cheering them on! Fire signs will mirror your intensity and will make fun life partners. A relationship with a Fire sign is full of steamy intimacy, but could have its fair share of explosive arguments, too! Water signs will provide the affection and connection you're looking for in a committed relationship. They may be more emotional than you need, but their ability to care deeply and their efforts to understand you will make you feel loved beyond measure.
Because you like to do things your own way, others' feelings aren't really a priority to you. But how long would you stick around someone who didn't make YOUR feelings important? Hard as it may be, make an effort to put yourself aside once in a while and show the people in your life that they matter. Ask more questions, listen more attentively, and be more forgiving of mistakes.
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