The Moon in Capricorn: Ambitious, Determined, Practical
Feb 22, 2025 – Feb 24, 2025
Before we talk about the Moon in Capricorn, let’s first learn a little bit about the Moon itself. The Moon is considered a planet in astrology, and it moves so quickly that it passes through each of the zodiac signs every month. While your Sun sign represents your basic nature, your Moon sign represents your inner emotions and moods. It’s important to know this piece of your astrological puzzle because it determines elements of your personality such as your fears, instincts, and romantic compatibility.
When the Moon is in Capricorn
When the Moon moves into the conservative sign of Capricorn, we tend to be a little bit more cautious, a little more serious, and a little more grounded than we normally are. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals.
During the Capricorn Moon you might find that you have an increased desire for professional success. The good news is that this industrious Earth sign also gives you a shot of determination to achieve whatever it is you’ve set your sights on. Capricorn is a natural born leader so you may end up volunteering to head up a big project at work. You might also feel the urge to start looking at the next stage of your career and map out how you’ll get there.
New Moon in Capricorn
New Moons are always a time of new beginnings. Our calendar New Year begins with the Sun in Capricorn so the Capricorn New Moon is like the beginning of a brand new personal year. We think of it this way because it’s a time when we set our intentions for what we want in the year ahead. These goals become like a mountain, and that mountain becomes the object we set out to climb. Luckily, Capricorn has a determination that equips us with the patience, discipline, and persistence to reach the top.
Full Moon in Capricorn
Every Full Moon has us working to finish what we started around the time of the New Moon, but when the Full Moon is in Capricorn it works even harder to finish what was started at the beginning of the lunar cycle. You’ll ask yourself what you obtained, what you have yet to achieve, and what you need to adjust to make things happen. A Capricorn Full Moon is all about success and never taking "no" for an answer. So, this is the time when you’ll get to the finish line because this Moon will help you tackle any obstacles you face along the way.
During this time the Moon in Capricorn faces the Sun in Cancer. Both signs are associated with security, yet they seek it in different ways. Capricorn is concerned with accomplishments and external status while Cancer wants us to tune into our feelings in search of comfort and safety. It’s not a matter of choosing to be hard or soft, sensitive or insensitive; this Full Moon is about learning how to be tough or tender depending on the circumstances. When the lesson is learned, we feel at home within ourselves and within the world around us.
If you were born with the Moon in Capricorn
Capricorn is ruled by taskmaster Saturn so it’s no surprise that those with a Capricorn Moon like to set the bar high. It’s isn’t just their patience and ambition that gets them far in life, it’s also that they also have a sense of responsibility to do well. They take pride in how reliable they are in their personal and professional lives.
Someone with their Moon in Capricorn can appear rather detached, but there is a very loyal and loving layer beneath the serious image they project to the world. They may not always use their words to express how they feel about another person, but their actions speak volumes about how much they care. While it does take Lunar Capricorns awhile to open up, it’s worth the wait as they’re one of the most stable and committed signs in the zodiac.
Capricorn has a reputation for being cool, calm, and collected. This is because those with this natal Moon sign don’t allow their emotions to rule them. They view tough situations through a pragmatic lens, and find a way to rationally approach each problem they face. This ability gives those with a Capricorn Moon the strength to push through any of life’s adversities.
Capricorn Moon Sign Traits:
- Committed
- Patient
- Goal-oriented
- Persevering
- Responsible
- Dependable
- Rational
- Trustworthy
- Industrious