zodiac sign cusp

Born on the Zodiac Cusp

What does it mean if you were born between two zodiac signs?

By Tarot.com Staff

What's your zodiac sign? No matter your birth date, there's only one answer -- no one actually has two signs. But if you were born within a few days of the Sun's move from one zodiac sign to the next, this means you were born on the cusp, and you might feel an influence from two different signs.

What are the zodiac cusps?

In general, you’re “on the cusp” if you’re born about three days before or after the change in signs. Each cusp period has a name that reflects the distinct energy it carries.

How does being on the cusp affect you?

If you're born on the cusp, you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighboring sign. For instance, people born under Aries, but on the Aries-Taurus cusp, often make great leaders. Normally, Aries impatient habits could have you making quick decisions and reacting too fast, but if you’re an Aries born on the cusp of Taurus, these traits might be softened with a more grounded, sensible Taurean energy. But this doesn’t mean that being a cusper is always sunshine and rainbows; the energies of your two signs may clash!

Either way, being born on the cusp can give you a variety of qualities that can blend and shine in different ways. Learning about both the blessings and the curses of your cusp helps you embrace your interesting -- and sometimes complicated -- self!

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The controversy of cusps

Cusps are controversial in the Astrology world! This is a concept that has been questioned and considered repeatedly. While some astrologers utilize cusps in their practices, most do not. A person’s Astrology chart is based on specific calculations that will indicate point-blank which zodiac sign a person is. But if a person is born on the cusp, and truly feels the influence of two signs, how can that be explained? Our astrologer Maria Desimone offers some insight:

"The Sun sign is a core component of the birth chart, representing one’s overall vitality as well as specific characteristics that a person is learning to develop and express properly in this lifetime. Whatever sign and house your Sun is placed in indicates how and where in your life you’re meant to shine, with the most remarkable luminosity possible. The concept of sign cusps not only dilutes the meaning of the Sun sign in the horoscope, but it makes absolutely no mathematical sense. There are 30 degrees in every sign, adding up to a perfect circle containing 360 degrees.

"This concept of sign cusps is a misnomer because, even if you were born on a day when the Sun changed signs, the math will be clear: your Sun will be in one sign or the other. Relating to the sign before or after your Sun sign cannot be explained because you were born on this cusp. Your Sun sign is potent, clear and bright: he knows who he is supposed to be.

"If you insist that you connect to qualities of your Sun sign’s neighboring sign, it is likely due to the fact that one of several personal planets traveling close to the Sun are placed in that sign you relate to. So, for example, if you were born on the Aries-Taurus cusp, a correct Astrology chart cast for the date, time, and location of your birth will reveal clearly whether your Sun is at the final degree of Aries or the first degree of Taurus. If you were born when the Sun was traveling through the final degree of Aries, but can relate to Taurus qualities, it is most likely due to the fact that Mercury, Venus, Mars, your Moon, or even your Rising sign are in Taurus. But your Sun cannot be two signs. He is not having an identity crisis ... and you shouldn’t be either!"

While most astrologers and Astrology enthusiasts will agree with this idea, there are many individuals born on the cusp who believe that they inexplicably exert a heavy blend of both zodiac signs. For those of you who identify with your cusp or are intrigued by cusps in general, we encourage you to explore and learn about each cusp and the different ways that these energies work together!

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