Your 2025 Taurus Horoscope
Prepare for the year to come with your yearly horoscope
Looking within is an absolute necessity this year, Taurus. Although this may not be a time of instant gratification, you have an opportunity to start building a strong foundation that will support you going forward.
Social life under the microscope
Perhaps you’ve developed a nagging feeling that a friend group or organization you belong to is taking advantage of you. This impression could heighten as appeasing Venus, your sign’s ruling planet, retrogrades from March 1 until April 12.
As committed Saturn and idealistic Neptune begin their shift from your 11th House of Community into your introspective 12th house, you might start examining your own role in any unpleasant social dynamics, especially those that seem to follow you from group to group. Although others probably aren’t totally innocent, it’s also possible that you’re unconsciously sabotaging yourself in some way. Claiming your piece of the conflict, even if it doesn’t make you look good, at least gives you something you can control.
Time for a pressure release
A time of intense personal upheaval may finally be winding down now that disruptive Uranus is working its way out of your sign. As Uranus pushes forward into your 2nd House of Resources from July 7 to November 7, you might have to figure out how to pay for any new path you’ve embarked upon. Fortunately, you’ll probably come up with some innovative ideas!
With helpful Jupiter moving into your chatty 3rd house beginning June 9, opportunities may be lurking under your nose in your immediate environment. When Jupiter aligns with the fortuitous North Node on September 3, asking around in your social network for whatever you need at the moment could yield especially fulfilling results.
Eclipse season spurs you to growth
Although getting along with others is likely to have its frustrations, the pain points you experience can show you where you need to grow. While the eliminative South Node cleans out your 5th House of Self-Expression starting January 11, you may be called upon to release egocentric and childish attitudes that are holding you back from finding your place in your community. Tension regarding this issue could peak surrounding the eclipses in March and September.
No matter how old you are, you’re likely to grow up in some significant way this year. That’s often not a flashy process, and you may not receive validation from anyone else for the hard work you’re putting in behind the scenes. The important part, though, is that you’ll know what you’ve gained.