A woman in a floral dress holds two sides of a balancing scale, representing the sign of Libra.

Your 2025 Libra Horoscope

Prepare for the year to come with your yearly horoscope

Get ready to work smarter and not necessarily harder, Libra -- the way through 2025 is paved with the bricks of your routine habits.

Keep the faith with Neptune and the North Node

Your way forward could feel a tad cloudy around February 7 as nebulous Neptune conjoins the North Node, pointing to your destiny. Like Dorothy following the yellow brick road, however, you'll feel the undeniable pull of your unique path. These circumstances require an abiding trust that the guiding light of fate will reveal the next step.

You are being called back to your spiritual home this year. Your job now is to put one foot in front of the other. Every single step matters. Make sure they are assertive, sound, and in alignment with your integrity. Work towards implementing a routine that keeps you grounded so you’re poised to take action whenever your marching orders appear. Get clear regarding your personal values so you're not left hemming and hawing when it's go-time.

Assemble a strong team

Though your journey this year is a deeply personal one, you are not destined to go it alone. As you focus on preparedness, both physical and spiritual, surround yourself with trusted allies who support your unfolding. Venus and Saturn in your 7th House of Relationships will likely require some sorting out of old established connections. Seek out companions with people who are going in the same direction as you -- there’s no need to drag anyone kicking and screaming. By staying focused on your core values, you’ll become aware of who naturally shares the road with you.

Jupiter helps you see the big picture

All this behind-the-scenes effort to get ready for who-knows-what will start to take shape during the second half of the year. Your calling forms into something recognizable -- graspable, even. Opportunities abound as Jupiter enters Cancer on June 9, energizing your 10th House of Career. You will sharpen your powers of discernment and articulate your values. You’ll know what’s a "no way" and what’s a "heck yes" without much angst.

The year closes with a fine tuning of sorts. Once you've nailed down what you want, go back and make sure the habits you chose months ago are still fitting, supportive, and in alignment. Now that you have some specifics to work with, you can refine your routine with precision. The way home has become clear! Simply click your ruby heels to discover that what you seek has been available the whole time.

Want even more preparation for 2025? Get a whole year of Astrology predictions based on YOUR birth chart!

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