Aries Zodiac Sign Traits
Upbeat and ready for anything, Aries is the first sign of the zodiac -- the pioneer and the initiator!

Tarot Card:
The Emperor
Ram's Head
Ruling Planet:
Ruling House:
1st House of Self

More About Aries
Ruled by Fire, the Ram lives in the moment and moves fast and furiously. They're natural-born leaders, and impossible to ignore! They are always ready to take charge and conquer whatever challenge they meet. Courageous and competitive, Aries is a powerful force, carving paths through new territory to find undiscovered treasures. This fearless sign lives life as a warrior, infusing everything it touches with fire, passion, and strength.
What we love about Aries
Aries is bold and fearless, always ready to take charge and lead the way toward success.
Why Aries drives us nuts
The Ram's brazen moves can sometimes trample right over others, which may come off as pushy, bossy, or uncaring.
Aries advice
Impulsive actions and fiery words can get Aries into trouble, so learn to slow down and think twice before you act or react.
Aries celebrities
Lady Gaga, Emma Watson, Robert Downey, Jr., James Franco, Seth Rogen, Reese Witherspoon, and Quentin Tarantino
Top Reading for Aries
There's so much more to you than your Sun sign! Dive deeper into your personal Astrology NOW!

Aries' Tarot Card: The Emperor
All rise for The Emperor -- the Tarot Card of Aries! In Tarot, The Emperor card is a masterful representation of the zodiac sign Aries. The Emperor is a natural leader, just like Aries. The Emperor represents Aries' loyalty and ability to stick by others through thick and thin. Like the royal figure on this card, Aries uses its sense of authority to help others, and to achieve its own goals.
Learn more about Aries' connection with The Emperor »
Aries' Symbol: Ram's Head
The zodiac sign Aries is associated with the Ram, and its glyph represents the face and horns of the Ram. The Ram is an animal that is known to charge forward with confidence, creating a path through a terrain that many don't dare to venture. The Ram represents courage, action, initiative, and authority. These traits are the backbone of Aries' characteristics, and help Aries take every part of life head-on.
Aries' Ruling Planet: Mars
Aries is ruled by Mars -- the Red Planet, or the warrior planet. These two have been linked since ancient times, as Mars is the Roman God of War, and Ares is the Greek God of War. Mars is a planet of great action, aggression, and drive, influencing what we do, and how we do it, and enhancing the active energy of Aries. Mars is considered a pioneer and a penetrator of new territory, just like the Aries Ram.
Learn more about the planet Mars »
Aries' Ruling House: 1st House of Self
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries rules the 1st House of Self. The 1st house is a representation of your overall self -- the personality and traits that make you uniquely you. Aries' connection to the 1st House of Self speaks to this sign's pioneering nature, its bravery, and independence. Aries' desire to create, identify, and deepen its sense of self is what the 1st house is all about.
Learn more about the 1st House »

Aries' Element: Fire
Hot, hot, hot! The element of Fire fuels Aries' courageous demeanor and desire for life. Fire is a self-motivated and high-spirited force that yearns to freely express itself and cannot be contained. Like a volcano, without warning, Aries is prone to bursts of enthusiasm or aggression. Aries embodies the Fire element through their identity and ego, acting as a trailblazer and a leader.
Learn more about the Fire signs »
Aries' Color: Red
The color red and the zodiac sign Aries are blushingly compatible. Red is the color of passion, excitement, and Fire, which supports Aries' active energy and eagerness for life. Red is a vibrant color that demands attention -- and Aries is a sign that doesn't like to be ignored. It's also no surprise that Aries' ruling planet, Mars, is known as “The Red Planet” -- everything is connected! The more red Aries surrounds itself with, the greater their natural powers can be.
Learn more about zodiac sign colors »
Aries' Quality: Cardinal
Let the sun shine! As the sign that begins the spring season, Aries is a Cardinal sign that forges the way. Because Aries is the first sign of the whole zodiac, the Sun's move into Aries fires up a new astrological year and ushers in the Spring Equinox. Cardinal signs are initiators and value new projects, ideas, and endeavors. This fresh burst of life and energy mirror Aries' liveliness and love of adventure.
Learn more about the sign qualities »
Born on the Aries Cusp
If you're born about three days before or after the Sun changes signs, you're "on the cusp" and you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighboring sign. According to The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek, each cusp period has a name that reflects the distinct energy it carries.
March 17-23
The Cusp of Rebirth

People born on the Pisces-Aries cusp are both dreamers and doers! Read more »
April 17-23
The Cusp of Power

If you're born on the Aries-Taurus cusp, you're an opinionated force to be reckoned with! Read more »
Aries Horoscopes
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