Aries Monthly Horoscope
April 2025: You've done the work, and now you're ready to see where all your internal reflection has taken you. Mercury and Venus turn direct in the second week of April in your hidden 12th house. Their collaborative shift forward opens doors to true healing in your mind and heart. When it comes to external connections, a Full Moon in your partnership sector on April 12 will enlighten you regarding an ongoing bond. Are you and a current partner (business or personal) truly aligned when it comes to your values? If not, you're potentially ready to part ways.
Mars canters into your romance sector on April 18 -- if you're single, this can bring a great deal of sexy spice to your dating prospects. You just need to be willing to take a bold approach to love and lead with your heart. The New Moon in your earned income sector on April 27 will be especially dynamic. Don't hesitate to pitch a daring idea or ask for a well-earned raise. Whatever the context looks like, you know your worth!