The Emperor Tarot Card Compatibility: Stable, Loyal, and Dependable
Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for The Emperor
Emperors build up a financial or family kingdom one well-thought-out step at a time. Emperors are here to plan and prioritize their love life, helping keep it as secure as possible.
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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Emperor and The Magician
It takes a real effort in diplomacy and communication to make this partnership into anything resembling a lasting romance. While these two can harness their very different skill sets to work in business together, the naturally forceful and flamboyant leadership style of the Magician will grate on the nerves of the methodical Emperor. Emperors like to see things accomplished in a step-by-step way, while the Magician impulsively, even rashly, jumps head-first into new endeavors. The Emperor's strong suit, loyalty, runs counter to the Magician's penchant for fickleness. In love, the major friction occurs when The Emperor does a million small things around the house to please the Magician, who barely notices these gestures. The Magician, conversely, is so independent and busy with personal agendas and goals that The Emperor can feel like an employee or even worse, a slave in service. On the upside, both share a keen intellectual approach to life and solving problems is a task they can enjoy together. If the relationship is built around work, family, or finance building, then there is a chance of endurance. But without a mutual project or goal, both partners often end up feeling neglected and unappreciated by the other.
The Emperor and The High Priestess
A deeply satisfying and lasting union is possible when these two team up. In the same way that some musical notes create harmony, this combination rarely experiences a discordant note. The Emperor's practical and applied approach appeals to the High Priestess whose strength is not in doing things but in intuiting the best approach to doing them. Emperors are charmed and soothed by the sweet talking and sensitive High Priestess, who also brings a dose of sultriness to the bedroom. For most Emperors, making love ends up as a textbook exercise. However, with a High Priestess in the room, The Emperor feels safe to let go of perfection and just play. Sometimes the High Priestess' intuitive approach to life can annoy The Emperor as this character prefers the logical route. Sometimes the more flamboyant High Priestess can get bored with the steady and predictable Emperor. But most of the time, these two just naturally really like each other.
The High Priestess and The Empress
They can seem a lot like a married couple even when they are first dating. There is a sense of familiarity and ease that comes with their uncanny ability to complement each other. The Empress offers the relationship the emotional and creative balance, while The Emperor has all of kinds of practical thinking to offer. Often The Emperor provides the Empress with solid advice and even financial support to achieve artistic dreams. The Empress lightens up the serious and sometimes plodding Emperor, teaching the value of laughter and fun, not to mention gourmet food and fine wine. Where this duo runs into conflict is usually when the Empresses' spontaneity clashes with The Emperor's methodical planning. On a trip together, the two can be a disaster as the Empress is willing to play itinerary-free, while The Emperor has every hour plotted on a graph. Compromise is a necessary ingredient when these two characters team up, but in the end, they complement each other far more than they detract.
The High Priestess and The Emperor
These two are busy bees who know the value of persistence and hard work. When paired, they become a durable duo who work as hard on making the relationship stable as they do in their respective professions. Neither of them likes change, and once a union is formed, commitment can be as solid as industrial strength glue. Loyalty comes naturally; with this foundation of mutual trust, great material gains ensue. In fact, this is an ideal business partnership, because each is willing to share the workload equally. Trouble arises when the need to be the boss occurs to both partners at once. Ultimately, they are both are take-charge types who know best how to accomplish a goal. Learning to hear the other's point of view and consider a middle ground between competing methods will ensure this union stays clear of the battleground. At their best, Emperors are kingdom builders with the capacity to create a legacy together. At their worst, this couple bickers and argues to the point of exhaustion.
The High Priestess and The Hierophant
This strained pairing most often results in an emotional distance that rivals Cold War tensions. The Emperor loves to keep order in the house and think before speaking and will be frustrated by the impulsive flippant communications and general chaos that surrounds a Hierophant. While others are charmed by the Hierophant's coy way with words, the straight-to-the-point Emperor is simply impatient. For this union to have a remote chance at lasting, it would pay to hire an in-house couple's counselor. Otherwise, their vastly differing styles of communicating will ultimately lead to irritation and misunderstanding. A possible positive spin on this challenging union? If The Emperor stays home and cooks and cleans while the Hierophant dazzles in the career zone, this division of territory can work as a buffer for the underlying tensions. Mutual admiration can then replace mutual annoyance as the foundation of this union.
The High Priestess and The Lovers
There is a natural alliance here between The Emperor's desire for an earthquake-proof relationship and the Lovers' need for domestic bliss. If The Emperor is willing to work hard to create a home base that the Lovers persona can artistically decorate and beautify, then this union is like the perfect match of Martha Stewart and Bill Gates. Trouble arises when the ever-diligent and nose-to-the-grindstone Emperor feels taken for granted by the Lovers soul, who forgets to show gratitude. Face it, dreamy Lovers souls are usually too enraptured by their latest mystical impression to worry about that. If having a family is involved, then these two are often long-lived in their ardor to create a happy and secure nest. Otherwise, the Lovers soul can get a bit chagrinned that the down-to-earth Emperor is not sharing the same daily spiritual or artistic breakthroughs.
The High Priestess and The Chariot
The mental Chariot and the practical Emperor combine to create a profitable alliance as the inspiring ideas supplied by the Chariot can often be supported and well executed by the methodical Emperor. Domestically, when these two spend time relaxing together, they both know how to give the other the space to unwind. Emperors don't need to have their partner sitting on their lap or even in the same room, just so long as they are sharing the same home, all is well. Chariots love to go off to their own corner, usually to curl up with a thought-provoking book or Discovery Channel show. This mutual respect for each other's territory allows both partners to feel secure but not tied down. This matters more for the Chariot soul, who requires alone time more than The Emperor. While not a particularly passionate and sensual relationship, the security and stability of mutual respect often gives this union endurance.
The High Priestess and Strength
This is a naturally corporate union with ambitious Strength taking the visionary helm as CEO and Emperor being the VP who can implement the far-ranging goals of Strength. For this reason, this pairing often results in material wealth and advancement that can become the super glue of togetherness. However, making more money or keeping the estate intact can only go so far to satisfy the emotional needs of the Strength soul, who has a penchant for drama. On the other hand, The Emperor would just rather not. When Emperor feels that the Strength partner is being melodramatic, which is often, the Strength soul usually feels Emperor is dull and rigid. This pairing swings from mutual enthusiasm for joint projects to mutual antagonism toward each other's styles of expression. The blunt criticism of The Emperor can fell the relationship just as readily as the Strength soul's refusal to temper the intensity of a passionately held conviction. Of all the pairings, this one is voted "Most Likely to Fall Apart Over a Difference of Opinion."
The High Priestess and The Hermit
This pair is like Obi-Wan Kenobi with Bob the Builder. When the Hermit's wisdom and sage advice mix with Bob the Builder's practical know-how, the two have suddenly constructed a Zen retreat. But when they are not combining their philosophical and can-do skills, they are usually arguing about clutter in the home or lack of quality time together. Humanitarian Hermits are far too focused on global issues to vacuum regularly. As for quality time, only when the committee meetings are done and the flyers distributed will the Hermit settle down by the hearth or dinner table. Emperors love their home to be a sanctuary and Hermits open the home to every lost cause. This fundamental difference is enough to drive them both to divide the home into opposite sides or floors. A truce is possible, but without real effort to not take their differences personally, this union often dissolves into bickering and hard feelings.