chariot tarot compatibility

The Chariot Tarot Card Compatibility: Intellectual, Rational, and Independent

Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for The Chariot

By Staff

With a probing mind, Chariots are the ultimate seekers, leaving no stone unturned in their quest for understanding. Heroic and feisty, they use the power of reason to discover solutions to even the most complicated relationship problems.

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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit

The Chariot and The Magician

The Chariot and The Magician Compatibility This combination is a bit like two brainy children sharing a sandbox and coming up with architectural plans for the sandcastle, as well as a whole cultural paradigm for its inhabitants. Philosophically inclined, this twosome can think the night away and will even consider pondering the meaning of life as great foreplay. The Chariot has more wide-ranging and cross-cultural interests than the Magician who can mono-focus in ways that bore the intellectually free-ranging mind of The Chariot person. The Magician's need for independence blends well with The Chariot's penchant for solitude. This harmony can be a trouble spot when the Magician is ready to come out and play, but The Chariot partner is still reveling in a loner mood. If the Magician can learn not to take this as a sign of rejection, this duo makes for a thoughtful combination sure to generate mutually satisfying conversation and intriguing ideas. Neither is emotionally sensitive, which actually works in favor of endurance for this union -- the sparks don't fly because feelings are not really that engaged. Instead, this duo thrives on a sense of companionship, familiarity, and shared goals.

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The Chariot and The High Priestess

The Chariot and The High Priestess Compatibility This serene combination works well when the High Priestess is able to allow The Chariot to spend quiet time in solitude. While the Priestess thrives in partnership, The Chariot is well able to hang out all alone for a lifetime and feel completely whole. Because The Chariot does not need to be in relationship but chooses it, the High Priestess in this union can feel neglected or unnecessary. Yet, a calm quality pervades this relationship and that feeling of equanimity is something the High Priestess (the queen of mood swings) craves. In the company of a Chariot, the High Priestess feels a deep peace that often keeps the union stable despite the differing needs for companionship. With patience and tolerance, this couple often achieves a balancing act that leads to a long and happy union.

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The Chariot and The Empress

The Chariot and The Empress Compatibility This unlikely duo is initially drawn together by their stark differences. The mentally preoccupied Chariot is drawn to the emotionally available Empress. The creatively inclined Empress is attracted by the philosophical Chariot. At first, it feels like a match made in heaven because these differences can be complementary. But because there is no real similarity, eventually these opposites repel instead of attract. A fiery and even reckless quality usually marks the beginning of these unions. The endings are just as sizzling and usually involve contention and drama. Quite often this couple attracts notoriety or public attention for their charisma when together and for the fireworks when they are splitting apart. The highest potential for this unstable union is when both partners are focused on a humanitarian or higher goal. There is a chance then to team up in a way that takes the creativity of the Empress and marries it harmoniously to the lofty ideas of The Chariot.

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The Chariot and The Emperor

The Chariot and The Emperor Compatibility The mental Chariot and the practical Emperor combine to create a profitable alliance as the inspiring ideas supplied by The Chariot can often be supported and well executed by the methodical Emperor. Domestically, when these two spend time relaxing together, they both know how to give the other the space to unwind. Emperors don't need to have their partner sitting on their lap or even in the same room, just so long as they are sharing the same home, all is well. Chariots love to go off to their own corner, usually to curl up with a thought-provoking book or Discovery Channel show. This mutual respect for each other's territory allows both partners to feel secure but not tied down. This matters more for The Chariot soul, who requires alone time more than the Emperor. While not a particularly passionate and sensual relationship, the security and stability of mutual respect often gives this union endurance.

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The Chariot and The Hierophant

The Chariot and The Hierophant Compatibility This couple feels an instant rapport on an intellectual level, but these two are very different creatures emotionally. The Hierophant has a talent for gut instinct that can cut through any mental chatter and get to the heart of what is troubling someone. The Chariot uses reason to feel out feelings. When these two are in conflict, they rarely manage to get past the mental noise generated by argument and debate, because they fail to connect with their feelings. Problem solving takes the place of "I am sorry" and eventually -- usually after a lot of counseling -- these two feel exhausted instead of inspired by each other. As a business alliance this works well. But in love, vulnerability and intimacy is often missing.

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The Chariot and The Lovers

The Chariot and The Lovers Compatibility The mystic meets the philosopher in a combination that can either clash or cooperate, depending on how mature these individuals are. Chariot lives in an independent world of ideas, while the Lovers world is highly emotional and interdependent. And yet, both can learn from each other. The emotional sensitivity of the Lovers soul at one level appeals to The Chariot, who really does want to access deep feelings. When this intellectually astute thinker celebrates the tender and connected communication skills of the Lovers soul, this union begins to flourish. It usually depends on The Chariot bending to accommodate the creative and feelings-based Lovers person. The Lovers soul is already willing to accommodate anyone, especially a primary partner. At its best, this combination can create beautiful art and philosophy together. At its worst, The Chariot will steer clear of the irrational Lovers soul.

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The Chariot and The Chariot

The Chariot and The Chariot Compatibility This harmonious union has a built-in best buddies quality to it. Both partners feel comfortable with each other immediately because each understands the other's requirements for solitude and quietude. They can spend more weekend time talking quietly together about books they've read and ideas they have than most couples do in a lifetime. They'd ideally wake up together with the newspaper, coffee, and breakfast in bed. Occasionally they will decide that it's time to go out and socialize, but small talk and superficial gatherings are low on their priority list. It's far more likely that they will entertain close friends in their love nest and leave the social circuit for another lifetime. A risk in this laissez-faire union is taking each other for granted. Every now and then, one of them needs to spice it up with romance and tokens of affection to keep the fires burning.

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The Chariot and Strength

The Chariot and Strength Compatibility These two are drawn together by their differences. The passion and flair of the Strength soul appeals to the cool intellectual temperament of The Chariot person. Strength sees The Chariot character as a refuge of calm reason in the many small melodramas that tend to swirl around every Strength soul. As a casual relationship, becoming best of friends is possible. But when commitment and proximity happen, The Chariot's need for solo time can make Strength feel neglected. Both are independent spirits, but Strength likes to occasionally imagine there is such a thing as soulmates and the love of a lifetime. Chariot is far too sensible for that, and the Strength person could feel that their Chariot partner is simply too cool a cucumber to meet the requirements for passion.

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The Chariot and The Hermit

The Chariot and The Hermit Compatibility These two are natural born philosophers and can spend hours in deep discussion of new ways of thinking, not to mention ways to better the world. Spiritual inclination and high-minded ideals link them in a bond that can be quite sustainable. Neither of them needs a whole lot of sexual passion, although the Hermit is a deep feeler. This can be an area of contention as the deep feelings of most Hermits need to be prodded out by a persistent partner. Yet, Chariot could care less about feelings, which are simply obstacles to clear thinking. Hermit values emotions because they are portals to deeper connection. Chariot will never walk willingly through those portals, so in the long run, unless Hermit is willing to sacrifice emotional texture, then this relationship makes for great intellectual rapport but will not go the distance for the emotionally lush Hermit.

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