empress tarot compatibility

The Empress Tarot Card Compatibility: Compassionate, Sensual, and Nurturing

Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for The Empress

By Tarot.com Staff

With fine emotional IQ, Empress people understand the value of nurturing their partners, as well as themselves.

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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit

The Empress and The Magician

The Empress and The Magician Compatibility While this union has the potential to be flamboyant and fun (both love to party!) it can also be a combustible combination. Things heat up when the analytical Magician fails to understand the emotional Empress. Both partners are actually gifted communicators, but when it comes to each other, the airwaves reverberate with misunderstanding and hurt feelings. The Magician can make this a dynamic partnership by listening to the intuitive ideas of The Empress instead of doing all the talking or assuming a controlling role. The Empress can help smooth rough waters by not taking every comment the Magician makes as a criticism. Assuming a constructive attitude and being aware of differing styles (mental versus emotional) allows this couple to team up and create exciting things together. It takes a bit of conscious loving to make this volatile union last, but when both partners are willing, there is no combination more effective at launching new and fresh ideas and inventions into the world. At its best, this can be a productive and lucrative partnership. At its worst? Explosive breakups are common.

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The Empress and The High Priestess

The Empress and The High Priestess Compatibility This combination knows intuitively how to work a room and how to make friends. There is a bit of a prom king/queen quality as a couple. The High Priestess has the diplomatic skills to complement The Empresses' social acumen. This dynamically social duo can achieve popularity and even attract envy. Yet despite the formidable networking power of this combination, there is usually also a deep affectionate bond beneath the surface glitter. The High Priestess is sensitive to the moods and quirks of The Empress and knows how to work with, instead of against, these moods. The Empress is more than willing to share feelings with the intuitive High Priestess partner who has the ultimate knack for active listening. In this relationship, The Empress feels heard and validated. Challenges and obstacles are usually met with indomitable team spirit.

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The Empress and The Empress

The Empress and The Empress Compatibility The good news with this zany union is that you two get along. You probably laugh a lot and know all the good places to eat, drink, and be merry. Your artistic tastes are in tandem and often you both know exactly what the other is feeling. Without even looking at each other you can assess the mood and intensity of your partner's emotional state. The positive aspect of this natural affinity is the fun you have together and the easygoing harmony. The downside is that you are both apt to share the same unrealistic ideas at the same time and no matter how much power of positive feeling you engage, practicality is not a joint strength. You are best together once you have both achieved material stability and career success. Otherwise, you are apt to goof off and daydream fanciful ideas instead of pursuing steps to achieve your goals.

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The Empress and The Emperor

The Empress and The Emperor CompatibilityThey can seem a lot like a married couple even when they are first dating. There is a sense of familiarity and ease that comes with their uncanny ability to complement each other. The Empress offers the relationship the emotional and creative balance, while the Emperor has all of kinds of practical thinking to offer. Often the Emperor provides The Empress with solid advice and even financial support to achieve artistic dreams. The Empress lightens up the serious and sometimes plodding Emperor, teaching the value of laughter and fun, not to mention gourmet food and fine wine. Where this duo runs into conflict is usually when The Empresses' spontaneity clashes with the Emperor's methodical planning. On a trip together, the two can be a disaster as The Empress is willing to play itinerary-free, while the Emperor has every hour plotted on a graph. Compromise is a necessary ingredient when these two characters team up, but in the end, they complement each other far more than they detract.

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The Empress and The Hierophant

The Empress and The Hierophant CompatibilityEach of these people is the life of the party and when together, they double up the wattage and become downright luminous. This is a kind of union that generates mutual enthusiasm and delight. The Empress' sense of playful enjoyment matches well with the Hierophants' sensual and even hedonistic tendencies. Other than a penchant for public gluttony, they make a couple that others admire. Their union can birth all kinds of entertaining and unusual creations that can be enjoyed by the world. As a romantic partnership, they are able to give each other the freedom they need to feel alive, but there is enough two-way admiration that fidelity comes naturally to them. Despite this loyalty, each of them can lead a very busy and separate life to the point where there is little quality time with each other. When they remember to nurture the relationship, this union can be a lasting and joyful one.

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The Empress and The Lovers

The Empress and The Lovers CompatibilityThe big attraction here is a natural chemistry based on the potent feeling nature of both The Empress and the Lovers soul. They are deep feelers who also have a natural artistic instinct. In love, this can become a romance of the century in which they lavish each other with expressions of love and creatively stoke the fires of passion. This high romance won't last forever, but even when it dwindles, it can become a beautiful heart union. The pair works best when The Empress has career priority and the Lovers soul takes a more supportive role. When reversed, The Empress can feel under pressure to fulfill personal goals and career ambitions at the expense of the relationship. In truth, both partners can have fulfilling careers; it simply requires that neither partner take advantage of the kindness and self-sacrificing nature of the other. With both willing to give so freely, this can be a powerful union that endures all kinds of challenges and tests.

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The Empress and The Chariot

The Empress and The Chariot Compatibility This unlikely duo is initially drawn together by their stark differences. The mentally preoccupied Chariot is drawn to the emotionally available Empress. The creatively inclined Empress is attracted by the philosophical Chariot. At first, it feels like a match made in heaven because these differences can be complementary. But because there is no real similarity, eventually these opposites repel instead of attract. A fiery and even reckless quality usually marks the beginning of these unions. The endings are just as sizzling and usually involve contention and drama. Quite often this couple attracts notoriety or public attention for their charisma when together and for the fireworks when they are splitting apart. The highest potential for this unstable union is when both partners are focused on a humanitarian or higher goal. There is a chance then to team up in a way that takes the creativity of The Empress and marries it harmoniously to the lofty ideas of the Chariot.

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The Empress and Strength

The Empress and Strength Compatibility This union is sort of similar to a pairing of a MINI Cooper with a Ferrari. One is all about being cute and the other is all about power. The two can get along when the power-oriented Strength partner takes a time-out from achieving wealth and influence and decides it's time to have fun. But more often than not, The Empress is all dressed for the party, while the Strength soul is busy working toward the latest visionary goal. The Empress can feel neglected and underappreciated, while the Strength soul can feel pressured and misunderstood. While these two often harness tremendous success as a business partnership, a genuine concern and caring for the relationship is missing at times. The emotional intelligence of The Empress is what draws the Strength soul. But in the end, all that processing of and talking about feelings is not nearly as seductive as the to-do list and drive to succeed.

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The Empress and The Hermit

The Empress and The Hermit Compatibility Intensity is a hallmark of this passionate union where both partners excel in the art of emotions. There is an almost telepathic bond here where each partner innately understands the sentiments and feelings of the other. Words are not necessary with this duo, and the best of times occur when the communication is entirely physical. When this pair does converse, the topics are usually creative and imaginative. Rather than discuss world events, this couple can conspire to create works of fiction and art or generate ideas that have lasting cultural influence. Misunderstandings arise when the Hermit's need for solitude clashes with The Empresses' love of companionship, or when the Hermit judges The Empress for her fun-loving and sensual ways. There is a bit of the prude in every Hermit, truly needing to let his or her hair down every now and then. Mutual respect for each other's feelings keeps this union faithful and long lasting. Most arguments are resolved quickly, and what The Empress teaches the Hermit in this regard is to let go of the past and live in the present.

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