capricorn and aquarius symbols

Capricorn-Aquarius Cusp: Dates, Traits, and Compatibility

Discover the complexities of the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination

By Staff

This article's content is based on The Secret Language of Birthdays book by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek.

If you were born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp, from January 17 to 23, you possess some seriously contrasting energies that make you incredibly unique! You were born on the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, and you are a hardworking idealist.

Capricorn and Aquarius are very different signs, yet this combination gives you the ability to view the world in a new and unparalleled way. Saturn, the planet of limits and lessons, is the ruling planet of Capricorn, encouraging you to take care of your real-world responsibilities and have a practical outlook on life. On the other hand, Uranus, Aquarius’ ruling planet, pushes you to think radically and open the minds of those around you. Together, these abilities can make you a powerfully brilliant, ambitious, and creative person.

The elements that influence you create a complex contradiction as well. The Earth side of you (Capricorn) is stable and determined, while the Air half (Aquarius) craves variety and spontaneity. You have the added challenge of learning to feed both these sides of your personality, but if you can channel these energies correctly, you’ll be able to thrive in any situation.

Born on the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination, you have a lot of excitement happening internally. Your mind is always churning out interesting thoughts and ideas, and you experience more breakthrough moments than others. However, the constant stream of fantasies and dreams flowing through your mind can sometimes make you seem detached or uninterested in the people and situations around you.

You’re all about stimulating conversation, and you’re a wiz to talk to. You see the world as it is and love to discuss its problems and ways to fix it. While this makes you an intriguing conversationalist, it can be intimidating and isolating when it comes to catching up with your friends and family. You are full of wisdom and opinions about worldly issues, but when was the last time you asked your loved ones how they’re doing? It’s a noble thing to strive for the future, but don’t forget to take a break every now and then to check in on the world that’s right in front of you.

Life will never be dull for those born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp. When you aren’t hard at work, your creative ideas and social connections fill your life with excitement and purpose. You’re capable of being a great leader and inspiring necessary change, if you’re willing to speak up. But remember, even the greatest ideas require support from those around you, so put extra effort into connecting with and appreciating the people in your life!


Determined, creative, entertaining, idealistic, witty, empathetic

Born on the Capricorn-Aquarius cusp, you are blessed with the drive for success and the gift of creativity. Normally these two traits might clash, but for you these traits allow you to dream big and envision positive change. You can easily put yourself in others’ shoes and see the world from different perspectives. This also makes you a kind and generous friend -- when you take the time to listen.


Detached, chaotic, selfish, aloof, critical, judgmental

Because you have your amazing imagination and creativity to keep you entertained, you may close yourself off in your own world and feel like you don’t need others to keep you company. You enjoy being alone with your thoughts, but this can make your loved ones feel unwanted -- which is a shame because they are your greatest supporters! Remember that teamwork makes the dream work and if you don’t put a little effort into your relationships every now and then, they may not be there anymore when you need them.


You enjoy your freedom, so you may find that committed and co-dependent relationships aren’t really your cup of tea. You thrive on your own, but you enjoy the support and friendship that a lover offers. It might take time until you’re ready to settle, but when you do, you’ll find that Fire signs keep things fun and light! They’ll dig your creative work ethic and can easily get behind your radical ideas. Air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius can also make good partners for you. They’ll be able to keep up with your constant flow of conversation, and be understanding of your not-so-emotional personality.


Pay attention! The inside of your own head may be entertaining, but it’s important to keep one foot in the real world. You don’t want to miss the important conversations and developments happening around you. Listen to others when they talk to you and don’t be judgmental if they’re not as quick or creative as you are. You’ll have sustainable, long lasting friendships if you’re willing to put in the work. Have fun in life and never let your sense of possibility and imagination fade!


Betty White, Calvin Harris, Zooey Deschanel, Mariska Hargitay, Jim Carrey, Steve Harvey, Dolly Parton, Edgar Allen Poe

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