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Ace of Coins Tarot Card Meanings

Take small, steady steps toward your long-term goal and you will accumulate magnificent results.

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What does the Ace of Coins Tarot card mean?

Learn the meaning of the Ace of Coins Tarot card in under a minute!

Ace of Coins Upright Meaning

This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource.

The Ace of this suit is usually pictured with a garden or agricultural backdrop, and symbolizes a seed. If this "talent" is planted and tended carefully, it will sprout and reward you with a good harvest. Think of it as a seed of your future fulfillment. An Ace represents the first step to a goal, and if that step is repeated, it will cover great distances. Generally, the suit of Coins are referring to the tangible realities in daily life, but in the case of the Ace, it could be symbolizing a winning idea, game plan or blueprint for eventual materialization.

Occult tradition sometimes interpreted this Ace as representing the alchemist's gold -- the light within matter, the 3rd eye of the energy-body. This recommends meditating upon the light within, and pointing oneself toward the archetype of humanity enlightened. By practicing such a meditation, one eventually gains enough control of the celestial radiance to heal the body, untangle the emotions and complete the growth of the soul.

Ace of Coins Reversed Meaning

The Ace of Coins reversed suggests that you should reconnect with the values you are trying to serve. Perhaps external appearances have to distinguish between true gold and costume jewelry.

Search your heart. If your motives aren't clear, your performance won't shine either.

Ace of Coins Advice Position

The Ace of Coins in this position advises that you apply nature's lesson of compound interest and develop your project gradually. A slow and steady buildup -- visible or invisible -- makes change and growth inevitable. Akin to the changing of the seasons, you do not notice this trend from day to day. As the year comes full circle, however, you cannot miss the changes.

This card advises that if you work a little bit every day toward your long-term goal, at some time in the future you will discover that you have accumulated magnificent results. The secret of achieving success does not lie in inflating your dreams to grandiose levels; instead it comes about by choosing your direction wisely, while humbly and faithfully taking one step at a time.

Ace of Coins Love Position

The Ace of Coins in this position indicates you are in a position to discover that your life force, your consciousness, your next intimate relationship, and your growing value to the world are all the same thing. This card represents an increasing awareness of your contribution, and the path of your fulfillment in this life.

Everything we achieve is a reflection of our character and personality. This first coin can form the foundation of your expanding worth, attracting more, until you generate all the love you could ever dream of. But first you have to become magnetic.

Ace of Coins Career Position

When the Ace of Coins is in this position, it is as if you had walked into a rich gold mine, even though right now you just see the first few nuggets. This enterprise is at the seedling stage. Attend to it carefully. See that it receives nurturing and protection so it can develop strong roots.

There may be tremendous potential here for your chosen career or work. However, it will take an investment of time, energy, ideas and willpower, plus attention to detail and follow-through to take this potential from its infancy to a full-fledged state of achievement and reward. Remember that how you proceed right now may determine the tone for everything that follows.

Ace of Coins in a Yes or No Card Reading

The Ace of Coins is a card of possibility. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Ace of Coins, the answer is YES. Take stock of your resources and accept new opportunities that come your way.

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