General Monthly Horoscope
March 2025: It's a busy month in the cosmic sky, which means change is in the air for all of us! Venus begins its retrograde motion on March 1, so until April 12, we'll be focused on love course corrections.
In addition, we're in eclipse season! A Lunar Eclipse in Virgo happens on March 14, followed by a Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29. The initial eclipse signals a moment where we must see a situation for what it truly is, not what we wish it could be. Then, around the Solar Eclipse, we'll have an opportunity to begin something entirely of our own design. We can be authentically, unapologetically ourselves! Whatever we begin then will have remarkable prospects for success.
Then, on March 30, the rarest astrological event of 2025 will occur as Neptune, the planet that has no boundaries and infinite faith, leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Neptune remains here until October 22, then retrogrades back into Pisces. Over the next few months, we'll get a sneak peek at what's to come in our personal lives as well as collectively, thanks to this Neptunian shift. In a passionate, self-directed Fire sign, Neptune might not feel at home. We could notice struggles with our identities and core motivations. Once we sort this out, our capacity to manifest our ambitions will be limitless!