Cancer Monthly Horoscope
February 2025: After feeling invisible, you might be about to get the appreciation you deserve. It all begins on February 4 when Venus moves to the top of your chart, signaling that an authority figure should be able to understand your full value. Professional themes continue to improve around February 23, when Mars finally turns direct. This courageous planet rules your career sector, so during its retrograde spell, you may have felt somewhat paralyzed in this area of your life. Whatever frustrations you've been experiencing are about to change! A testy Full Moon in your earned income sector on February 12 may have you demanding a raise -- or else.
Additionally, Mars turns direct in your loyal sign, making this shift extremely significant for you in every aspect of your life. You could feel like you're finally waking up from a long winter's nap, and you're hungry ... very hungry. Your zest for life returns with such fervor that you may find yourself launching all sorts of projects with excitement and verve. Your romantic life should also enjoy a boost as Mars kicks your sense of passion into high gear again. Have fun!