A black and white image of Taylor Swift.

Taylor Swift’s Birth Chart: The Tale of a Sagittarius Star

Explore the Astrology of this dynamic artist

By Tarot.com Staff

What is there to say about Taylor Swift that hasn’t been said? This Grammy-winning, record-setting musician is known for her powerful lyrics, decades-spanning influence, and concerts big enough to break the internet. Since releasing her debut album in 2006, Swift has captivated audiences in a way few ever do, drawing attention to her professional accomplishments and personal life alike.

Born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, Taylor Swift has the birth chart of someone destined for complexity. We can see this fate most readily in the abundance of planets that oppose each other -- Uranus, Mercury, Neptune, and Saturn reside in Capricorn, directly across from Chiron, Jupiter, and the Moon in Cancer. These polar signs hold the tension of public achievement (Capricorn) and private comforts (Cancer) and also represent patriarchal/masculine influence (Capricorn) and matriarchal/feminine authority (Cancer). In a sense, these cosmic forces are playing tug of war in Swift’s birth chart, fighting for supremacy over her life path.

Transcending this push-and-pull, however, is Taylor Swift’s Sun in Sagittarius. This expansive, adventurous sign suggests an almost overpowering sense of direction, along with insatiable curiosity. Some of the most successful pop songstresses of all time share this zodiac sign, including Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Tina Turner, Billie Eilish -- the list goes on and on!

Birth Chart for Taylor Swift

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Taylor Swift Birth Chart

Taylor Swift’s birth chart, planet by planet

Sun — Sagittarius
Moon — Cancer
Ascendant* — Scorpio*
Mercury — Capricorn
Venus — Aquarius
Mars — Scorpio
Jupiter — Cancer
Saturn — Capricorn
Uranus — Capricorn
Neptune — Capricorn
Pluto — Scorpio
North Node — Aquarius
Chiron — Cancer

*A quick note about the Ascendant: This point in the birth chart reflects the placement of the Eastern horizon, which depends on the time of birth. Taylor Swift’s time of birth isn't publicly confirmed, but this birth chart was built using one source's report of 5:17 am for example's sake.

What does Taylor Swift’s birth chart say about her love life?

Venus’s place in the birth chart has tremendous influence over romance and relationships. For Taylor Swift, the planet of love and beauty resides in Aquarius at a helpful angle to passionate Mars in Scorpio.

Our Ultimate Love ReportUltimate Love Report gives a complete tour of love and relationship indicators in the birth chart, well beyond Venus! Here’s a taste of what Taylor Swift’s Ultimate Love Report has to say …

Venus in Aquarius: “Calling all weirdos! When it comes to love, you’re a true non-conformer. Sometimes your eccentric nature makes you feel isolated from others, especially those who are more committed to conventional relationships. While culture or family might try to convince you that long-term romantic love is the ultimate form of connection, you find great fulfillment in your friendships and your community. In these environments, you can feel appreciated as the altruistic soul you are, and as a unique individual who just wants to give back. You seek to build sturdy bonds with other original thinkers. Intimacy is great, but you often need space to breathe, to hear your own ideas, and to not be tied down by tradition and routine. Even when you’re coupled up, it’s important for you to be seen as your own person, not simply as one half of a pair. The right relationship for you is one built on a foundation of friendship and exploration. Look for someone who respects your mind, shares your principles, and believes that love is bigger than fairy tales and marriage contracts. Your task in the realm of love is to trust that you can stay true to you, while also allowing another person to truly know you.”

Venus sextile Mars: “Where’d you get all that chill?! When Venus forms a sextile to Mars, these two classic lovers make excellent collaborators. There’s a sense of ease between the planet of love and the planet of action, and as a result, you have an air of confidence and uncomplicated passion. You’re not one for playing games in relationships. Honesty is of prime importance to you, and you’re just not interested in trying to make it work with anyone who doesn’t feel the same way. You bring zest and vivacity to your connections, but you’re also not one to put pressure on others, since you just want everyone to have a good time and feel comfortable.”

Mars in Scorpio: “No one needs to tell you to keep your eye on the target. A good hunter possesses certain qualities -- patience, precision, maybe some healthy obsession. Once the object of your affection is identified, you know how to lure them in. Step back and widen the scope every now and again, lest you risk becoming possessive … or possibly even paranoid. You want to connect deeply with others, but in doing so, you run the risk of rejection and betrayal. The more you can find some perspective, the less your subconscious fears will have their hands on the trigger. Once you find someone you’re passionate about, you’re in it to win it. You'll drill all the way down through the muck. If it’s not messy, then it’s not intimate. Bring on the taboo, the fantasies, or power play. You might even have a slight reputation as an intense lover, but in a good way. Yet since you’re so stealthy, you’ve probably found a way to keep your name out of the gossip mill. Nonetheless, your magnetism pierces people’s hearts in a way no one could soon forget -- if you choose to reveal yourself rather than stay hidden in the shadows, that is.”

Curious to read the rest of Taylor Swift's love report? Right this way …

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What does Taylor Swift’s birth chart say about her personality?

One of Taylor Swift’s most personal songs, “The Archer,” is a reference to her Sagittarius Sun. The energy of this mutable Fire sign is certainly on display in her career moves and public persona! Her Moon in Cancer lends emotional depth, and a supportive sextile between her North Node and Sun fosters a deep sense of purpose.

Our Ultimate Personality ReportUltimate Personality Report dives deep into everything in the birth chart that makes you you! Here’s a taste of what Taylor Swift’s Ultimate Personality Report has to say …

Sun in Sagittarius: “You somehow always know where to turn to find the elusive parking space on parade day. Some call it luck, but it’s mostly a solid trust in your intuition and an unwavering faith in the universe. Remembering where you left your keys, however, is another story. You’re not one for the small details, but rather have an uncanny knack for the bigger picture. That’s what helps you sense your next best move. Of course, this confidence can lead you down some sketchy backroads, but that's just a part of the adventure. The dark doesn't scare you much, since your energy is inherently pretty sparkly. You bring your own light! You'll probably just make friends with any enemies lurking in the alley, anyway. Your contagious sense of humor can disarm even the baddest of baddies. If the situation is genuinely dangerous, your radar will know, and you’ll pull your signature U-turn to hightail it outta there in no time. Even on the rare occasion that things do go awry, your ability to find meaning in the struggle will make it all worthwhile. Remember that there is always something to be gained from sticking it out, even if it’s just a good story to tell later. Pivot when needed, but challenge your tendency to keep moving. Sometimes the best adventures happen when you stay.”

Moon in Cancer: “Have you left the house lately? You’re a true homebody and might find yourself drawn inescapably to your coziest space. If you’re not spending time by yourself, you’re most likely with family or close friends. Others might find it difficult to crack your shell and break into your social circle, but it’s only because you need to feel safe with someone before you let them in. Trust is vital for your sense of well-being. You take your time to determine if you can be fully vulnerable with someone. Ultimately, though, trusting yourself is of prime importance. Without that faith in yourself, you might resort to codependent tendencies. Remember: no one’s intuition takes precedence over your own. You’re a sensitive being, highly attuned to the energies around you. This can make you a bit crabby at times since you’re feeling all the emotions in the room. No wonder you want to stay home! When you feel safe and secure, you’re a loyal, loving, and nurturing person who just wants to know that your efforts are reciprocated. If you’re out of sorts, you may want to redecorate your home, cook dinner for someone you love, or take a hot bath while your phone is set to silent. Let your home space be a reflection of your inner sanctuary, and when you’re ready, give people a chance. Odds are, they won’t bite!”

North Node sextile Sun: “Charge forth into the unknown! You have a clear sense of self that fosters a kind of bravery and allows you to take risks. You possess the audacity to try out new ways of being without threatening your inner stability. In fact, your solid ego is exactly what enables you to take a chance on change. You understand the concept of a learning curve. You’re willing to suck at something long enough to become proficient. Knowing that failure doesn’t define your worth allows you to develop mastery when others might wallow in feeling inferior. Evolution requires courage, and you have it in spades.”

Curious to read the rest of Taylor Swift's personality report? Right this way …

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