General Monthly Horoscope
April 2025: We might feel like April is more of a fresh start than the actual new year was! We're being released from a long stretch of personal planets moving retrograde, allowing us all to get moving again.
Mercury turns direct in Pisces on April 7 to illuminate all types of communication. Then, on April 12, Venus turns direct in Pisces as well. This brings a course correction we've been working on related to personal worth. The strong Piscean energy encourages us to make idealistic plans. We have every reason to believe that life and love are about to move in the right direction.
On April 18, active Mars sprints into Leo, where it will remain until June 17. This time, Mars won't be impeding us with a retrograde cycle. We can use the enthusiastic warmth and excitement of Mars in this proud sign to take action in a way that leads to success.
Additionally, the Full Moon in relationship-oriented Libra on April 12 steadies us as we regain our balance in a close connection with someone. This can be a business alliance or a personal one. Last but not least, a New Moon in Taurus on April 27 offers the opportunity to plant seeds in an area of our life that supports greater material and physical security.