Your 2023 Aquarius Yearly Horoscope
Find out what awaits you with our astrology predictions!
You’re a living and breathing revolution this year, Aquarius. With Pluto moving into your very own sign for the first and only time this century, you’re likely ready to let your freak flag fly in the very best way. Saturn, on the other hand, is leaving your sign, making even more space for freedom. It’s time to next-level every element of your life.
Saturn’s influence can promote financial responsibility in early March
The planet of limits and laws has been teaching you how to create boundaries and ward off unnecessary challenges. On March 7, Saturn enters your 2nd House of Money and Values, offering you important lessons in the realm of income and finances. If this part of your life has been messy or chaotic, the cosmic taskmaster can help you whip it back into shape, balance your budget, and build a healthy relationship with spending.
Watch for the first signs of profound change when Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23
Later in March, transformative Pluto enters your home sign and 1st House of Self. This is monumental for you, Aquarius. Pluto’s presence in your ego zone may slowly yet permanently change you, chiseling away at the patterns that no longer serve your highest good and helping you step into greater authenticity. As this karmic planet works its magic, you can attract people into your life who you feel like you’ve known before -- people who are supposed to be by your side.
Some communication hiccups could arise in April and July
An earthshaking Total Solar Eclipse wakes up your 3rd House of Communication on April 20, potentially changing the way you talk to the people in your life. Someone could accuse you of being too brash or saying too much too soon. But if you find a way to stand in your truth with compassion, you can deliver any message with love and care.
Luckily, Jupiter is still in this part of your chart in April, softening any blows. Whatever happens around this time can come up again during the last week of July, when Pluto leaves your sign and squares the North and South Nodes. Just remember to stay true to who you are, and the wave will take you to the shore.
Your home is your castle, and starting on May 16, it’s glittering
Jupiter, the planet of bounty and benevolence, moves into your 4th House of Home, Family, and Ancestral Roots in May. If you’ve been considering a move, the rest of the year presents many opportunities to find your dream sanctuary. If you’ve been living solo, this could be your chance to shack up with your partner and live together in domestic bliss. You might also just enjoy spending time with family, looking at old photos, or telling stories. You’re usually caught up in the future, Aquarius, but you may feel good about immersing yourself in the past.
Venus’s backwards movement through Leo means upheaval on the relationship front
Your love life might get a little chaotic when Venus stations retrograde in your 7th House of Committed Partnerships from late July through early September. It could be very tempting to get back together with an ex (or at least flirt with the idea). If you’re in a long-term relationship, don’t be stressed out if you experience more bumps or arguments than usual. Use this time to work through unhealthy dynamics so your alliance is even stronger on the other side.
Be thoughtful about the company you keep as 2023 draws to a close
The year ends on a more introspective note, with Mercury Retrograde slowing down your social zone. You may decide to opt out of the wild holiday parties in favor of more intimate gatherings with your besties. It might also be wise to expect someone to show up late or bail out of plans. Either way, whoever you end up spending time with is probably exactly who you’re meant to.
That's how 2023 will shape up for everyone born under the sign of Aquarius, but what can you expect on a personal level?