Pisces 2022 Horoscope: Get Accurate Predictions Now
Reveal what awaits you with your Pisces Horoscope 2022...
When 2022 kicks off, you're already immersed in a deep cycle of transformation that began in December 2020. Since then, taskmaster Saturn has been rearranging things in your 12th House of Internal Development and Introspection, activating a profound psychological and spiritual shift within you. External circumstances have forced some of these changes, and throughout this year, you'll continue to assess your life in a way you never have before. If this sounds serious, it's because it is, Pisces!
Making changes on the inside always leads to major changes on the outside. Thankfully, with lucky Jupiter in your sign for a good chunk of the year, the situations that arise for you to address will be for your greatest well-being. It's highly likely that some awesome opportunities will come your way this year!
Be like water and flow
When expansive Jupiter and vast Neptune join in your sign on April 12, your challenge is to release any rigidity and embrace a go-with-the-flow attitude. The more you are in alignment with your desires and you stay true to yourself, the easier it is for the things you want to show up with little effort. You are a manifesting machine this year, Pisces, but only when you stay grounded and stay away from distractions. Be mindful that Neptune can sometimes bring feelings of confusion or not knowing which direction to move toward. If this happens, take a moment to get centered -- go within to get clear and watch the path you are supposed to take open up to you. Your intuition is your superpower this year, so don't be afraid to develop it and use it!
A time for reflection
With this year being a big year of introspection and personal development for you, it makes perfect sense that other areas of your life have to shift as you change your mindset. 2022 starts with lovely Venus already retrograding through your 11th House of Friendships and Belonging, and on January 14, Mercury will begin its retrograde in your 12th House of Completion. Later in the year, Mercury will retrograde in your 4th House of Home and Family and your 8th House Transformation.
The purpose of these retrogrades is to get you to redefine family and friendship and to restructure your support system. You may find yourself reconnecting with the people that you could always be authentically yourself around, while releasing relationships that no longer serve you. It's highly likely that your definition of who and what you consider a friend will change this year, and you will begin to seek out people that feel more like family. It's not that you have any ill-will toward anyone, you'll just want people around you that match your newer vibration!
Opportunities to release
Four powerful Solar and Lunar Eclipses will take place throughout 2022 in your 3rd House of Information and 9th House of Expansion and Philosophy. On April 30, the first Solar Eclipse in your 3rd house creates a powerful opportunity to set new intentions, and later, when the Lunar Eclipse happens in this same part of your chart on November 8, you can hold on to what has been working for you and release what hasn't so that you can continue to grow. There is also a Lunar Eclipse happening on May 16 in your 9th house, encouraging you to let go of blockages and outmoded beliefs that keep you from achieving your dreams. Once the Solar Eclipse happens here on October 25, you can set specific goals that help you to expand your thinking and give you a new zest for life.