Libra 2022 Love Horoscope: Your Key Dates for Romance
Get accurate love predictions with your Yearly Love Horoscope...
While Libra is known for loving the idea of love, the cosmic influences of 2022 will push you to deal with some of the less romantic parts of life. How you handle these challenges can make or break a love relationship.
The main astrological event of 2022, the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces on April 12, takes place in your 6th House of Work and Health. You might find its nebulous quality totally frustrating, as it leads to ambiguity in domains of life where you need clear answers.
Meanwhile, 2022's eclipses on April 30, May 16, October 25, and November 8 affect your 2nd House of Finances and 8th House of Shared Resources. Frustrations involving money could put a damper on your interest in romance whether or not you are currently partnered.
As a Libra, you tend to crowdsource major decisions, but you need to figure out some of this stuff on your own -- and you may actually want to, as the scene confronting you might not be as tidy and orderly as you prefer that the things you present to others be. On the other hand, being vulnerable with your significant other can strengthen your relationship. You must balance honesty about your problems with confidence in your ability to solve them.
Your ruling planet, Venus, begins 2022 already retrograde in your 4th House of Roots. This Venus Retrograde, which lasts until January 29, could be an ideal time for you to unravel how limiting messages you received about love in your upbringing are hindering your romantic potential now.
Just when you least expect it, love might come to you when fortunate Jupiter enters Aries, your 7th House of Partnerships. This transit, from May 10 to October 28 and starting again on December 20, is great for starting new relationships or refreshing established unions. Sometimes expansive Jupiter can lift you out of a relationship that isn't working, though. Even if this is a good thing in the long run, such a breakup can still hurt when it happens.