A close-up shot of Rihanna's face.

Rihanna’s Birth Chart: When Water Meets Fire

See what the planets have in store for this chart-topping star

By Tarot.com Staff

With almost unparalleled success in the worlds of both music and beauty, Rihanna is certainly an icon for the ages. She’s known for her mezzo-soprano voice, musical collaborations, daring fashions both on and off the red carpet, and keen business sense.

Rihanna’s story began in Bridgetown, Barbados on February 20, 1988. Born under a Pisces Sun and Aries Moon, this is one celebrity whose birth chart seems to offer a variety of gifts, all of which she’s used to her advantage. Also in the mix? Some tricky aspects she’s had to transmute to build the career -- and the life -- that’s right for her.

Birth Chart for Rihanna

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Rihanna Birth Chart

Rihanna’s birth chart, planet by planet

Sun — Pisces
Moon — Aries
Ascendant* — Aries*
Mercury — Aquarius
Venus — Aries
Mars — Sagittarius
Jupiter — Aries
Saturn — Capricorn
Uranus — Capricorn
Neptune — Capricorn
Pluto — Scorpio
North Node — Pisces
Chiron — Gemini

*A quick note about the Ascendant: This point in the birth chart reflects the placement of the Eastern horizon, which depends on the time of birth. Rihanna’s time of birth isn't publicly confirmed, but this birth chart was built using one source's report of 8:50 am for example's sake.

What does Rihanna’s birth chart say about her love life?

At the time of Rihanna’s birth, the two most emotional, romantic planets -- Venus and the Moon -- were resting side by side in the fresh, enthusiastic sign of Aries. This Fire sign is therefore enormously influential in her relationships, guiding her energy and motivating her to keep her standards high.

Our Ultimate Love Report gives a complete tour of love and relationship indicators in the birth chart, well beyond Venus! Here’s a taste of what Rihanna’s Ultimate Love Report has to say …

Venus in Aries: “You love the thrill of the chase! Aries is the hunter, so excitement is probably more important to you than security is. The one who's hard to pin down keeps your heart in the game, mostly because you’re no different. You move quickly and need someone who can keep up. Your ideal mate is willing to take risks and compete for your love. If they lack this fervor, you could be tempted to pick a fight just to fuel the fire. A relationship without any passion is like a meal without any flavor. If something is bland, you’re likely quick to overdo it with the hot sauce. The test for you is to stay with someone during the less exciting times when mundane routines dampen your enthusiasm. No one despises a wet blanket more than you. But once deeply in love, your desire to push and challenge one another makes you a strong partner in crime. Actively discovering who you are in a relationship helps you taste the spice of life. You want to be appreciated for your independence and respected as a free individual. Love is not something you keep locked away in a cage, but rather something you need to experience fully in its natural habitat.”

Moon in Aries: “Others can sense your mysterious attractiveness from a mile away. You’re like a magnet with opposite poles -- sometimes you want to dive head-first into a relationship and merge souls, and other times you want to run for the hills to save your sovereignty. Ultimately, you’re after intimacy -- intimacy with others and intimacy with yourself. Finding a balance between the two will be a lifelong journey. The people who come into your life are here to help you transform into a truer version of yourself. You must learn to trust when it’s time to hold on and when it's time to let go.”

Venus conjunct Moon: “Make no mistake: your emotional intelligence is an asset, but it can lead to difficulty every now and then. Your sensitivity to the needs of others makes you highly empathetic, giving you an innate desire to take care of your loved ones. This inspires you to be one of the most caring and intuitive people around. You’re highly aware of your feelings and their impact on others. If you put everyone else’s comfort ahead of your own needs and desires, though, you could end up in some very lopsided relationships. Learning to voice what you feel is absolutely essential.”

Curious to read the rest of Rihanna's love report? Right this way …

Could you use a little birth chart wisdom in your love life? Get your Ultimate Love Report now!

What does Rihanna’s birth chart say about her personality?

Almost everyone thinks of the Sun first when describing their personality in astrological terms. Rihanna’s Sun is in Pisces, but the story doesn’t end there. The most illuminating body of her birth chart just so happens to form a sextile (60 degree angle) to four other planets -- ferocious Mars, benevolent Jupiter, cautious Saturn, and radical Uranus.

Our Ultimate Personality Report dives deep into everything in the birth chart that makes you you! Here’s a taste of what Rihanna’s Ultimate Personality Report has to say …

Sun in Pisces: “While most people are about 60% water, you might be closer to 90%. No wonder your eyes leak on the regular! Any number of emotions could be wrapped up in those tears. Heck, they may not even be your emotions. Regardless of the association, they need to flow. Your high H2O content makes you a sensitive conductor of energy. In other words, you feel everything around you. It might be difficult to distinguish where the feelings or sensations originate, so just make sure to build good boundaries … or else you’ll be swimming in everyone else’s dirty bathwater. Your sensitivity is a gift, but you’ll have to learn how to use it. You have the ability to metabolize human suffering because your reservoir of compassion is so vast. Draw from an infinite, cosmic source rather than your own personal reserves. Relying on the latter will only deplete your abilities, leaving you vulnerable to those who might take advantage of your big heart. Healing can't come from you, it must come through you. No need to sacrifice parts of yourself in order to save others. As romantic as that may sound, it just doesn’t work. With the proper protection, you are a channel for all that is beautiful in the human spirit. Poetry and music, myth and metaphor, fantasy and creativity -- it all lives in the waters you bathe in on the daily.”

Sun sextile Mars: “You’re not trying to be something you’re not. Understanding who you are and what you want out of your life comes easily for you, and that’s a true gift. It’s important to understand that others might project insecurity onto you or try to talk you out of following your dreams if they’re less comfortable expressing themselves. Don't let that get in your way! You’re at your best in partnerships with confident people who build you up rather than drag you down. Use your confident nature, cooperative spirit, and seemingly endless energy reserve to help everyone shine!”

Sun sextile Jupiter: “Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Others might find it almost miraculous how you always end up attracting new opportunities for love, work, or money. It could be due in part to your positive attitude. Even through challenges, you can often find the silver lining, allowing others to also feel optimistic in your presence. Your desire for happiness often trumps any desires for excessive wealth, but you might find that you are blessed with both in this lifetime. You would do well to teach, lead, or motivate others on a larger scale, since your generous spirit is inspiring.”

Sun sextile Saturn: “Would you mind coming out of your shell for a minute? Others could consider you quite enigmatic and reserved due to your fear of taking up too much space. Remember: making yourself small doesn’t help anyone. The people around you need your help to get things done! It’s second nature for you to work hard and achieve your goals, even if it takes a while. You have the time and energy to make things happen, making you reliable, patient, and diligent at whatever you do. You may have traditional ideas about how you want to live your life, but it’s important to let others live in their own desired way without judgment.”

Sun sextile Uranus: “Change might as well be your middle name! You may have felt like a free spirit for most of your life, but most trendsetters are. Do you find yourself changing your look, your mind, or your overall path quite often? Others probably view you as innovative, different, and just plain interesting. You could have a rebellious streak, but it likely works to your advantage. Your naturally liberated self helps you be in touch with your brilliant creativity. With such a strong sense of identity, you might consistently find yourself helping others who are insecure, fighting off injustice, and rooting for the underdog.”

Curious to read the rest of Rihanna's personality report? Right this way …

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