Advanced Insight

planets in a jar

The Astrology of the Midlife Crisis

zodiac symbols

Modalities in Astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable Signs

woman looking into space

Fate vs. Free Will: Which Matters More?

two women

The Astrology of Twins

giving teenagers and astrological lesson

Teens and Astrology

no ophiuchus zodiac sign

No, There Aren't 13 Zodiac Signs

A view of the planets orbiting the Sun.

Transits vs. Aspects

books and planets

Many Kinds of Intelligence

celtic woman

Find Out Your Celtic Astrology Sign

Two people sitting on a bench with planets around them

The Astrology of December 21, 2012

aries and capricorn symbols

Aries Meets Capricorn

Earth with lines indicating equinox angles

Equinoxes, Solstices, and Astrology

A woman stands in a body of water with a wheel of the zodiac in the background.

Transcending Emotions in the Age of Aquarius

A fire fairy blowing fire

Fiona the Fire Fairy

A water fairy dancing

Wellsie the Water Fairy

Air fairy smiling

Adelade the Air Fairy

An earth fairy walking in the woods

Evelyn the Earth Fairy

Greece woman pondering her future

Reincarnation Questions

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