Two of Sceptres (Wands) Tarot Card Meanings
Be patient and observant as you go through the decision making process.

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What does the Two of Sceptres Tarot card mean?
Learn the meaning of the Two of Sceptres Tarot card in under a minute!
Two of Sceptres Upright Meaning
This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking.
The Two in this suit, often portrayed as crossed wands, imply a deadlock due to energies working at cross-purposes. This could refer to an internal split -- perhaps a duel between optimistic and pessimistic parts of your psyche, for example -- or some situation where you feel "damned if you do, damned if you don't." This could be a standoff with another person or rubbing up against limitations that are currently imposed upon you.
This card points to the possibility of creeping self-doubt -- the kind that arises in a situation where one has bitten off more than one can chew. Give yourself a moment to take in the full implications of your situation. Find your bearings again before launching back into action. Deal with real concerns now -- before they become regrets!
Two of Sceptres Reversed Meaning
When decision-making stymies you, look within your Self for the solution. The Two of Wands reversed suggests someone who is momentarily stuck in the process of decision making. You feel like you are in an all-too-familiar hall of mirrors, unable to recognize the real doorway amidst the many reflected images of it.
Bear in mind that your future self already knows what choice you made. When you can calm down and access the part of yourself that already knows there is a way out, your options will become clear again.
Two of Sceptres Advice Position
The Two of Wands in this position advises you to respect your own decision making process. Instead of criticizing yourself for indecisiveness, appreciate the various implications of possible choices. Avoid pushing yourself to make a commitment.
Keep meditating, watching the situation and witnessing the forces at work. At some point you will have enough information to see clearly. The decision-making process will be over and the choice will be clear.
Two of Sceptres Love Position
The Two of Wands in this position indicates a need to stop and get your bearings. Your path has seemed erratic and unclear, necessitating new choices every few steps. Make no moves that will produce permanent consequences until you have worked your way through this period of confusion or insecurity with your potential partner or love interest. The uncertainty will pass and you will see the bigger picture again. If you are patient and sincere, the right path will be revealed to you.
Two of Sceptres Career Position
The Two of Wands in this position reveals a work group that has lost some clarity about its goals, getting stuck on small details. Although this can feel frustrating to an ambitious person, it may be wise to accept this kind of delay as a natural phase. The members of the group have not yet come into alignment around their highest common interests. This could be caused by some unresolved issue or conflict that may be giving rise to feelings of anxiety.
Cultivate patience in order to manage your way through the current situation. Change could take time to fully reveal itself. While everybody at work knows the old way is over, the new way is not totally clear and has not been fully articulated.
Two of Sceptres in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Two of Wands is a card of vision and planning. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Two of Wands, the answer is YES. Keep your long-term goals in mind.