Two of Wind (Swords) Tarot Card Meanings
Wait until the timing is right and all the facts are clear before taking action.

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What does the Two of Wind Tarot card mean?
Learn the meaning of the Two of Wind Tarot card in under a minute!
Two of Wind Upright Meaning
The Two in this suit usually represents conflicting ideas or visions. These must be reconciled by communication in order to arrive in a harmonious place or to complete strategic negotiations. Mixed signals prevail.
While they may be appearing to try to communicate, opposite sides are missing each other entirely, with possibly drastic consequences. In the best case, a frank discussion would clear the air and serve both sides, but one cannot expect that in every instance where this card appears.
Two of Wind Reversed Meaning
When the Two of Swords is reversed (i.e. upside-down), it suggests creative disagreements that can lead to the realization that two heads are better than one. You have the capacity to create synergy or at least provide common ground where argument once prevailed.
It is precisely the moment when you think that you are absolutely right that you need the views of others the most. Rather than think you have all the answers, gather input and feedback.
Two of Wind Advice Position
The Two of Swords in this position advises that this may not be a good time to make a decision. Neither allow others to push you beyond your boundaries, nor permit yourself to act impulsively. You need to fully assimilate the situation before making any moves -- even if not having a solution as soon as you want causes tension.
Have patience. There are circumstances in which action is better than non-action. This, however, is not one of them. Remain silent as much as possible and allow things to settle. A little meditation can help you achieve greater objectivity. You do not have enough information, as all the evidence hasn't come in yet.
Two of Wind Love Position
With the Two of Swords in this position, indecision prevails, and there are no obvious clues to help you decide which relationship choices to make. Opposing forces seem to pull you apart. When this happens, the left brain is arguing with the right, and reason is in conflict with the heart.
Although this is a difficult and painful position, timeless wisdom says to follow your heart. Resist trying to judge the situation in precise, rigid terms. Continue to gather clues, be receptive to new information, but choose with your heart. This time of confusion may turn out to be a fertile period for you. Do not squander your energy on premature action.
Two of Wind Career Position
With the Two of Swords in this position, people at work may be splitting into separate camps, jumping to judgmental conclusions and opposing each other every step of the way. This is not an encouraging trend. The result may be a division between the people you work with that creates a polarized situation. If you want to improve the situation, question the logic of taking sides in the first place. The win/lose paradigm is inherently self-destructive. There will certainly be differences between you at times.
What is needed is for each person to move over to see what's best for the group. Just pause for a moment, refuse to react and then sheath your sword in favor of listening to others on the job more closely.
Two of Wind in a Yes or No Card Reading
The Two of Swords is a card of crossroads. If you're looking for simple Yes or No guidance and receive the Two of Swords, the answer is NO. Retreat from external influences and take some time to make up your own mind.