Your Personal Astrology: Get Cosmic Notifications!

Receive personalized astrological transit alerts

By Staff

You can download your astrological notifications through your report. Once you've added these events into your personal calendar, you'll receive an alert anytime you have an important astrological energy affecting you!

If You've Purchased a Yearly Forecast

Receive instant clarity on what these planetary shifts mean for YOU and when! By clicking through each calendar event, you'll reveal personal insight that helps you maximize the opportunities and avoid the challenges headed your way.

Big Picture Forecast

If you've recently purchased a forecast, all you need to do is:

  1. Head over to your journal to view your report.
  2. Once on the report page, click the "Add to Calendar" button.
  3. Download your calendar file, and then add it to your personal calendar (see calendar-specific instructions below), making sure to turn on notifications.

It's that easy!

Big Picture Forecast

Add Events to Your Calendar

Not sure how to add these events to your calendar? Learn how to import your calendar file (also called an .ics file) and turn on event notifications by using the support FAQs below for your specific calendar provider.

Google Calendar

How to import your calendar

How to add calendar notifications

Apple Calendar

How to import your calendar

How to add calendar notifications

Outlook Calendar

How to import your calendar

How to add calendar notifications

AOL Calendar

How to import your calendar and turn on notification settings

Having trouble? Please send us a message and we'll help get you set up!

If You Haven't Purchased a Yearly Forecast (Yet)

Haven't purchased your Big Picture or Big Picture Love forecasts yet? Don't go into the year ahead unprepared! Get your notifications now to guarantee you're always one step of whatever the universe throws your way. With hundreds of key dates and astrological insight personalized to YOU, you'll be sure to come out on top over the next 12 months.

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Use this guide to see where the planets are right now! Click below to learn more: