Explore Tarot.com

A woman in a white tank top holds a deck of Tarot cards against a red floral background.

Weekly Tarot Horoscope

Daily Tarot Reading

Get Powerful Advice with a Daily Reflection Tarot Reading

Four friends walk side-by-side and laugh together, representing the 11th house in Astrology.

Your 11th House of Community and Hopes

couple kissing

Find Lasting Love With a Soulmate Tarot Reading

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Reveal the Daily Astrological Cycles That Will Impact YOU

A person holds a camera to their face to take a picture, representing the 9th house in Astrology.

Your 9th House of Expansion and Worldview

The symbol of Aries floats in front of numerous stars and the blue planet Neptune.

Once in a Lifetime! Neptune Enters Aries This Month

astrology birth chart

Discover Who You Really Are with a Birth Chart Reading

Iconic images from the classic Smith Rider Waite Tarot represent Tarot birth cards.

Calculate Your Personal Tarot Birth Cards

tarot card with journal

Here's Why YOU Should Start a Daily Tarot Ritual

couple hugging

Restore Your Relationship with a Reconciliation Tarot Reading

woman in cosmos

The Powerful Meaning Behind Your North Node

tarot reading for broken heart

Get the Closure You Deserve with a Heartbreak Tarot Reading

Planets and a silhouette of a couple are reflected in a woman's sunglasses.

The Love Detector: How to Find Romance with Your Birth Chart

A crow sits on a branch against a marbled pink background, representing the 8th house in Astrology.

Your 8th House of Intimacy and Transformation

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