Taurus in Love and Relationships: Sensual, Loyal, and Patient
Discover what Taurus is like in a relationship
If you've found yourself on the receiving end of this zodiac sign's adoration, prepare to be showered with sensual delights and the kind of loyalty that stands the test of time! Taurus loves to pile on the affection, which means you'll be the lucky recipient of endless cuddles and kisses if the Bull has set their sights on you.
Whether you are dating a Taurus, have your eye on a Taurus, or you ARE a Taurus, keep reading to learn more about what this sign is like in matters of the heart...
Positive Taurus traits
Being swept up in a Taurus romance definitely has its upsides! Of all the wonderful qualities a Taurus man or Taurus woman brings to the relationship, their incredible stability might be at the top of the list. You won't have to worry about them suddenly heading for the hills -- Taurus is as steady as a rock.
Taurus romance is sensual, so expect to be spoiled in ways that delight all your senses! The Taurus personality is tranquil and peace-loving, which means the likelihood of unnecessary relationship chaos is low.
This zodiac sign is known for their endless patience. They aren't quick to anger, and having a bad temper is rarely a problem for Taurus. As long as you respect your Bull and don't endlessly push his or her buttons, you probably won't see many temper flare-ups.
Negative Taurus traits
Taurus does bring a lot to their relationships, but they also bring their own complications. For instance, Taurus has a legendary stubborn streak. Once this sign digs its heels is, it's difficult to get them to change their mind.
Taurus also loves routine, meaning being in a relationship with one can feel stale at times. This zodiac sign figures out what he or she likes and doesn't feel a need to deviate from the same 'ol same 'ol.
Even though Taurus isn't easy to anger, you better watch out if you do make them mad! They can become passive aggressive or even cold toward you -- and when they do verbally lash out, it's definitely going to sting.
Taurus in bed
If you have the pleasure of getting between the sheets with a Taurus ... well, it'll be a pleasure. This sign knows how to savor a moment and will take their time while making love to you. This will be the kind of carnal connection that will leave you hungry for more!
Because Taurus is closely connected to all five senses and earthly pleasures, they know how to set a mood like nobody else! Expect lit candles, fine wine, luxury sheets, and anything else that is sure to delight you.
Taurus in a relationship
Make sure to switch things up once in a while! If you're not open to trying new things or changing your routines, it could end up driving your lover insane -- or even away from you. Old habits may die hard, but you'll never know what exciting things you're missing out on if you don't ever try!
While your loyalty is admirable, it can also become a blind loyalty that could hurt you when it ends. Ask yourself whether you are staying in your relationship because you love the other person, or if you're simply staying for the sake of security.
Dating a Taurus man or Taurus woman
Taurus' best relationship matches are those who don't push too much change on them all at once. This sign likes his or her way of living, so if there's something you want changed, you'd be wise to move slowly with it. Forcing your ideas on them will only make them more defiant, so throw your ideas out there and give them time to digest them. Things won't be different overnight, but your patience could eventually pay off.
Taurus will stay with you until the end of time -- but you must value them. Value them for what they are and what they want to become. If you do, you'll have someone who will stick with you through thick and thin.
Taurus's worst matches are those who don't need or want a substantial physical presence. A long-distance relationship? Need a lot of time away from your partner? That's not going to work -- Taurus needs to see and hold you to feel connected.
Taurus in love:
- Affectionate
- Stubborn
- Tolerant
- Faithful
- Calm
- Intimate
- Possessive
- Romantic
- Attentive
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