Your Sagittarius Birthday Horoscope for December 19
If you were born on December 19, you have a dark side to you! Whether you choose to flaunt it or not, there's something inside of you that's a little bit edgy. Perhaps it's your intense, deep emotions. It could be your choice in movies, art, and music. Possibly, it's your words, clothes, or general self-expression! No matter how you choose to release your dark side, make sure you don't bottle it up. If you let the darkness fester inside of you, it may morph into something unpleasant and take over in uncomfortable ways. Enjoy your edginess! Embrace it and let it out.
December 19 Sagittarius at Their Best: Deep, bold, creative
December 19 Sagittarius at Their Worst: Troubled, uncontrolled, tense