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For an accurate horoscope experience, we recommend reading both your Sun and Rising sign horoscopes. Not sure what your Rising sign is? Find out now with a free Cosmic Profile!

Aries: Someone else's words could provide long-needed healing for you. You might have been hurt by what they said in…

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Taurus: Your inner peace can fortify your outer security. You may have found that stressing out less over what you can't…

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Gemini: You might be the one showing up to help others. Someone might call on you for a favor at this time. It may not…

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Cancer: Letting go of current expectations can make you a better leader. You may feel as if you have to do everything…

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Leo: Intriguing information could encourage you in the pursuit of your goals. You may have thought that there was someone…

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Virgo: Working hand in hand with a wise peer is an awesome idea. Today is meant to be a team effort, so it's important…

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Libra: Healing your social bonds can lead to lucky opportunities. You might have felt like you needed to do everything…

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Scorpio: No sign is an island -- not even you, Scorpio. Allowing a trusted pal to support your efforts to improve yourself…

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Sagittarius: Having fun with friends may be just what you need. You could feel drained -- it's okay if you need to recharge…

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Capricorn: What's on your plate? You might have been trying to do too much all at once, and now you're struggling to stay…

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Aquarius: A refreshed mindset should let you have a lot more fun than usual. Even if you're dreading today's to-do list,…

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Pisces: What matters most to you at this moment? Normally, you may be easygoing to the point of being people-pleasing,…

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