General Weekly
Love Horoscope
Week of Monday, March 10: The universe is calling for a major reality check. It all begins on Wednesday, when the Sun and Saturn make an exact conjunction in Pisces. This may feel like a spotlight on anything we'd prefer stay in the shadows! We simply can't keep our heads in the clouds under Saturn's maturity and realism. The Lunar Eclipse on Friday in critical Virgo adds to this even more. Luna opposes both Saturn and Neptune near this eclipse, with Saturn's opposition ultimately having a stronger influence. We'll be extremely aware of where a lack of discernment has hurt us -- unless we take the opposite approach and refuse to let anyone in because we've convinced ourselves that it's all smoke and mirrors anyway. Finally, with Mercury turning retrograde in Aries on Saturday, we could be so focused on re-evaluating what we want in our lives as a whole that we might decide to put our love lives on ice for a while. Icing someone out is entirely possible. Whatever we do, we shouldn't rush it. Under this extreme energy, haste makes waste.