The Hierophant Tarot Card Compatibility: Carefree, Adventurous, and Curious
Discover the Tarot Birth Card compatibility for The Hierophant
Masters of the universe, Hierophants are full of Mensa-level insights and groundbreaking knowledge. Hierophants are here to share their awareness and inspire their romantic partners.
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The Magician
The High Priestess
The Empress
The Emperor
The Hierophant
The Lovers
The Chariot
The Hermit
The Hierophant and The Magician
This whirlwind combination generates a lot of free-wheeling fun and excitement. Both experience change with a degree of giddy optimism, and both love their independence and freedom. There is an inherent playfulness and teasing between them that can also heat up to intense flirtation. Courtship is usually verbally astute and clever, with words lubricating the way to romance. With these traits in common, it sounds like a well-oiled union. The problem is that this pair frequently finds itself going in vastly different directions very quickly. By the time they realize they have diverged from each other, the distance can be a continental divide. This divergence can show up as emotional distance or as heading down incompatible philosophical paths. The Hierophant is more likely to experiment and take on new beliefs and paradigms that leave the Magician bewildered and feeling critical or left behind. When they travel the same philosophical roads together, however, this paring can produce entertaining and educational products with a pioneering edge.
The Hierophant and The High Priestess
This couple is often drawn together by the very differences that invariably pull them part. At first, the High Priestess admires the rebellious and carefree ways of The Hierophant who equally admires the emotional nurturance the High Priestess offers. However, the intimacy needs of the High Priestess are in direct opposition to the need for freedom that propels The Hierophant to new adventures. The High Priestess wants to stay home and cuddle, while The Hierophant would rather be skydiving. To make this union work, the two need to focus on what they do share in common: an uncanny gut instinct. When the union is about spirituality or channeling hunches into business, these two can become a potent combination. But the domestic styles (homebody versus never home) mean that for this to work in the long run, there must be compromise and clear agreements.
The Hierophant and The Empress
Each of these people is the life of the party and when together, they double up the wattage and become downright luminous. This is a kind of union that generates mutual enthusiasm and delight. The Empresses' sense of playful enjoyment matches well with The Hierophants' sensual and even hedonistic tendencies. Other than a penchant for public gluttony, they make a couple that others admire. Their union can birth all kinds of entertaining and unusual creations that can be enjoyed by the world. As a romantic partnership, they are able to give each other the freedom they need to feel alive, but there is enough two-way admiration that fidelity comes naturally to them. Despite this loyalty, each of them can lead a very busy and separate life to the point where there is little quality time with each other. When they remember to nurture the relationship, this union can be a lasting and joyful one.
The Hierophant and The Emperor
This strained pairing most often results in an emotional distance that rivals Cold War tensions. The Emperor loves to keep order in the house and think before speaking and will be frustrated by the impulsive flippant communications and general chaos that surrounds a Hierophant. While others are charmed by The Hierophant's coy way with words, the straight-to-the-point Emperor is simply impatient. For this union to have a remote chance at lasting, it would pay to hire an in-house couple's counselor. Otherwise, their vastly differing styles of communicating will ultimately lead to irritation and misunderstanding. A possible positive spin on this challenging union? If the Emperor stays home and cooks and cleans while The Hierophant dazzles in the career zone, this division of territory can work as a buffer for the underlying tensions. Mutual admiration can then replace mutual annoyance as the foundation of this union.
The Hierophant and The Hierophant
As agents of change, Hierophants in tandem can become a whirlwind force of adventure. They both love to travel, exploring and discovering new frontiers both geographically and philosophically. Because they innately understand each other's need for independence, they rarely make demands that threaten this freedom. This is a big bonus for a Hierophant, who has a hard time finding a mate who tolerates the carefree and footloose lifestyle that comes so naturally to every Hierophant. While this duo knows how to give each other space, there is a risk that unless their exploratory paths run along the same groove, they will diverge to the point of having little intimate contact. Like Curious George, Hierophants are driven to investigate new people, places, and things and rarely settle down into any specific interest. Unfortunately, this applies to love interests as well. For this union to go the distance, both partners need to be aware of their fear of missing out on the next best love partner. Commitment can happen, but it does require a very conscious understanding of their own predilections, as well as a trust that in exploring each other they can always discover something new.
The Hierophant and The Lovers
This pair has entirely different relationship goals. The Lovers wants to create a home where romance and intimate seclusion take place. The Hierophant is barely ever home. Instead, this adventurer uses home base to check voicemails or have mail sent, as they see home as a pit stop and not a refuge. That said, these two can make a relationship work if the Lovers soul finds an outlet for all that nurturing besides the primary partner. Children, pets, or relatives can fill in sometimes so that the Lovers soul tolerates the missing-in-action Hierophant. When it comes to communicating, this duo does fairly well -- The Hierophant is no slouch when it comes to listening to emotional outbursts and uses a deeply honed intuition to actively listen instead of reacting. The Lovers can often coax The Hierophant to reveal deep feelings, making both partners feel understood and valued. While an uneasy alliance domestically, with work it can be a mutually satisfying union of the heart.
The Hierophant and The Chariot
This couple feels an instant rapport on an intellectual level, but these two are very different creatures emotionally. The Hierophant has a talent for gut instinct that can cut through any mental chatter and get to the heart of what is troubling someone. The Chariot uses reason to feel out feelings. When these two are in conflict, they rarely manage to get past the mental noise generated by argument and debate, because they fail to connect with their feelings. Problem solving takes the place of "I am sorry" and eventually -- usually after a lot of counseling -- these two feel exhausted instead of inspired by each other. As a business alliance this works well. But in love, vulnerability and intimacy is often missing.
The Hierophant and Strength
This is a fast and furious alliance with Hierophant's zany ideas providing a bellows for the fiery drive and ambition of Strength. These two can move mountains together and achieve big goals, but the challenge lies in the potential to burn out. Pacing is everything with these two fast talkers and big dreamers. Strength has a bit more common sense and practicality than free-wheeling Hierophant, and that can help make things happen. Romantically, the sensuality of The Hierophant appeals to the pleasure-loving Strength soul. These two know how to enjoy fine wine, food, massage, and all of life's delights. Strength keeps Hierophant on a less debaucherous track with a bent toward moderation and health. Both are gifted with laser-like intuition, which they can harness together to predict everything from stock trends to fashion directions. A lasting love often results from this union, even if the form changes. Both are open to non-conventional arrangements, such as open relationships. In many ways, this open-mindedness makes for an enduring love.
The Hierophant and The Hermit
An enterprise in sustainable love, this union works best when these two team up to achieve a joint enterprise or dream. The Hermit knows how to listen to the wild ideas of The Hierophant without judgment and with sage advice. The Hierophant injects zest and fun into the sometimes hum drum life of the Hermit. Communication as a couple hinges on the intuitive instincts of Hierophant making sense of the emotional depths and quagmire of the Hermit. Neither wears their heart on their sleeve, but both crave deep communion. In bed, breakthroughs happen when The Hierophant seduces and awakens the dormant senses of the Hermit. Sensuality can be a pathway to a divine sort of love when these two give sexuality a chance.