Twin statues stand against a starry, yellow background.

Gemini Zodiac Sign Traits

Here come the Gemini Twins, going a mile a minute!

Lovers Tarot Card for Gemini

Tarot Card:
The Lovers

Gemini Zodiac Sign Glyph

The Twins

Gemini Planet

Ruling Planet:

Gemini Astrology House

Ruling House:
3rd House of Communication

Gemini Astrology Element


Gemini Color


More About Gemini

Clever and curious Gemini is a sign that thinks fast, communicates well, and is full of ideas. Their versatility and adaptability stem from their split personality -- part intellect, part scatterbrained! The Twins are powered by information and feel most at home when sharing thoughts and conversations with others. Gemini is like a sponge, soaking up as much information as they possibly can. Whether it’s through reading, talking, or writing, Gemini’s thirst for knowledge is constant. As the most talkative sign of the zodiac, the Twins are known to be social, and are always on the lookout for a good time. Thriving on variety, you never know what you’ll get with Gemini!

What we love about Gemini

Gemini’s versatile mind bounces from one topic to another with ease, making them fun to be around and often inspiring

Why Gemini drives us nuts

Listening is not Gemini's strong suit, nor is sitting still. Easily distracted, they may fail to finish things they start

Gemini advice

Learn to slow down, calm your mind, and center yourself through deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga

Gemini celebrities

Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Marilyn Monroe, Liam Neeson, Nicole Kidman, Neil Patrick Harris, Mark Wahlberg, Colin Farrell, and Prince William

Insight for Gemini

There's so much more to you than your Sun sign! Dive deeper into your personal Astrology NOW!

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Lovers Tarot Card for Gemini

Gemini's Tarot Card: The Lovers

Naturally, Gemini’s Tarot card involves two people: The Lovers. The Lovers card reflects love, unity, and marriage -- the concept of two people becoming one. As the sign of the Twins, Gemini is known for having two opposite personalities that converge in one soul. Gemini is also empowered by the presence of others, so the idea of committing to another person who will always be there, like The Lovers, fills this need.

Learn more about Gemini's connection with The Lovers »

Gemini Zodiac Sign Glyph

Gemini's Symbol: The Twins

Like two peas in a pod, the zodiac sign Gemini is associated with the Twins, and its glyph resembles the Roman numeral II (2). The two pillars of the glyph mirror the split personality of Gemini, and represent two sides of the same person. By relying on either or both sides of their nature, the Twins are easily able to adapt to any situation.

Gemini Planet

Gemini's Ruling Planet: Mercury

Chit-chatty Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. In ancient mythology Mercury was a messenger, carrying communications between the gods and the people. So in Astrology, it’s no surprise Mercury guides the way we communicate. Gemini absorbs great amounts of information, and Mercury cheers on Gemini to communicate this knowledge to others in the form of ideas and facts.

Learn more about the planet Mercury »

Gemini Astrology House

Gemini's Ruling House: 3rd House of Communication

As the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini rules the 3rd House of Communication. The 3rd house of an Astrology chart is where your your thoughts and communication style lie. This house identifies how you process information, the speed and clarity of your mind, and how well you can relay messages to others. Add Mercury, Gemini’s ruling planet, to the mix, and it’s easy to see Gemini’s powerful connection to the mind … and the mouth!

Learn more about the 3rd House »

Gemini Astrology Element

Gemini's Element: Air

Blustery Gemini, with its element of Air, is continually whipping up a conversational storm. The Air element represents mental energy and intellect. Like a tornado on the loose, Gemini’s livelihood stems from a whirlwind of transformative experiences of the mind. Gemini embraces its Air element through their keen ability to process information, to multi-task, and to remain observant of the world around them.

Learn more about the Air signs »

Gemini Color

Gemini's Color: Yellow

Yellow ain’t so mellow! Yellow, the color of Gemini, is uplifting and life-giving, and shines in Gemini’s exciting and upbeat nature. Like the color of the Sun, yellow lightens and brightens everything around it. As the color of the mind and the intellect, yellow empowers Gemini’s curiosity and thought processes.

Learn more about zodiac sign colors »

Gemini's Quality: Mutable

Gemini’s fast-talking and on-the-go demeanor is a dead giveaway of their Mutable quality. Mutable signs are the last signs in each season, and are therefore anxious for change and ready for a new view. Gemini is a social butterfly, always fluttering from one conversation to the next, so it’s no wonder this sign is ready to heat things up and push the year forward as the last sign of spring. Longer days and new opportunities to meet others out enjoying the sunshine means maximum social interaction!

Learn more about the sign qualities »

Born on the Gemini Cusp

If you're born about three days before or after the Sun changes signs, you're "on the cusp" and you might find that you possess personality traits from your neighboring sign. According to The Secret Language of Birthdays by Gary Goldschneider & Thomas Rezek, each cusp period has a name that reflects the distinct energy it carries.

May 17-23

The Cusp of Energy

Taurus-Gemini Cusp

People born on the Taurus-Gemini cusp are packed with persuasive and youthful energy! Read more »

June 18-24

The Cusp of Magic

Gemini-Cancer Cusp

If you’re born on the Gemini-Cancer cusp, you’re a loyal and inspirational spirit. Read more »

Gemini Horoscopes

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