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Oswald Wirth Deck

The Oswald Wirth Tarot deck was created by the famed Swiss occultist and kabbalist, and it features vibrant Major Arcana cards in bright colors that contain Hebrew letters and Roman numerals.

Oswald Wirth Oswald Wirth deck © U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
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Oswald Wirth Tarot Deck

Major Arcana

The Fool Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Fool
The Magician Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Magician
The High Priestess Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The High Priestess
The Empress Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Empress
The Emperor Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Emperor
The Hierophant Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Hierophant
The Lovers Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Lovers
The Chariot Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Chariot
Strength Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Hermit Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Hermit
Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Wheel of Fortune
Justice Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Hanged Man Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Hanged Man
Death Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Temperance Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Devil Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Devil
The Tower Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Tower
The Star Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Star
The Moon Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Moon
The Sun Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The Sun
Judgement Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The World Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
The World

The Wands

Ace of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ace of Wands
Two of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Two of Wands
Three of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Three of Wands
Four of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Four of Wands
Five of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Five of Wands
Six of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Six of Wands
Seven of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Seven of Wands
Eight of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Eight of Wands
Nine of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Nine of Wands
Ten of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ten of Wands
Valet of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Valet of Wands
Cavalier of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Cavalier of Wands
Reine of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Reine of Wands
Roi of Wands Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Roi of Wands

The Cups

Ace of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ace of Cups
Two of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Two of Cups
Three of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Three of Cups
Four of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Four of Cups
Five of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Five of Cups
Six of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Six of Cups
Seven of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Seven of Cups
Eight of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Eight of Cups
Nine of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Nine of Cups
Ten of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ten of Cups
Valet of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Valet of Cups
Cavalier of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Cavalier of Cups
Reine of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Reine of Cups
Roi of Cups Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Roi of Cups

The Swords

Ace of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ace of Swords
Two of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Two of Swords
Three of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Three of Swords
Four of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Four of Swords
Five of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Five of Swords
Six of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Six of Swords
Seven of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Seven of Swords
Eight of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Eight of Swords
Nine of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Nine of Swords
Ten of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ten of Swords
Valet of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Valet of Swords
Cavalier of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Cavalier of Swords
Reine of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Reine of Swords
Roi of Swords Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Roi of Swords

The Coins

Ace of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ace of Coins
Two of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Two of Coins
Three of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Three of Coins
Four of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Four of Coins
Five of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Five of Coins
Six of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Six of Coins
Seven of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Seven of Coins
Eight of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Eight of Coins
Nine of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Nine of Coins
Ten of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Ten of Coins
Valet of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Valet of Coins
Cavalier of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Cavalier of Coins
Reine of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Reine of Coins
Roi of Coins Tarot card in Oswald Wirth deck
Roi of Coins

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