Ultimate Personality Report
Kim Kardashian
October 21, 1980 10:46 AM
Los Angeles, CA
Your birth chart is basically a snapshot of the sky at the time and place you were born. The horizontal line in the middle represents the horizon, so all the planets above it were in the sky if you looked up at that moment, and all the ones below it were underneath your feet.
In Astrology, the sky is like a mirror that reflects what’s happening down here on earth. By taking a closer look at where all the planets are in your chart and how they relate to one another, you can gain deeper insight into who you are, and more importantly, where you’re going.
Planetary Positions
Major Aspects
Aspect Key
House Positions
Your Sun, Moon, and Rising
Who are you, in a nutshell? Every person is much too complex to be fully summed-up by their Sun sign. Moon signs and Rising (aka Ascendant) signs are just as influential on your personality, if not moreso! With expert insight on these factors, along with the houses in which your Sun and Moon reside, this chapter of the Ultimate Personality Report is an exploration of your core self, your style of nurturing, and the areas of growth that call most loudly to you. See how these essential ingredients combine to make you one-of-a-kind!
Sun in Libra
☉ ♎
You’ve got style, you’ve got grace, but what’s underneath that pretty face? It’s impressive, really, how you’re so pleasant all the time. One might wonder how a person could have so many nice things to say. People-pleasing is not just a social nicety -- it’s also a survival mechanism. Being liked is more than just good for the ego -- it helps you feel safe. While it may come off as vain or shallow, your penchant for beauty and harmony allows everyone to get along. Making sure others are treated equally matters to you. Your top-notch mediation skills facilitate dialogue that leads to resolution. You want to keep the peace more than you want to disrupt it, though. While you might be the first person to fight for justice, you’re the last person to actually raise a fist. You might talk about revolution, but when push comes to shove, you’ll be calling in sick. Some might say you’re all talk. Others would say you’re all ears. You’re the best listener in the room, which is why everyone goes to you for advice. If only others did the same for you! Well, even if they did, you probably wouldn’t listen. You, my friend, are an oxymoron. While balance is your goal, it’s not necessarily your expertise. Your preoccupation with others might just be a distraction from something unpleasant within you. Don’t worry, we won’t tell anyone.
Sun in the 11th House
☉ Ⅺ
Talk about becoming the company you keep! The people you meet and connect with throughout your life will play a vital role in where your life ends up, so it’s important to use discernment with your friend group, family relationships, and community involvement. These aren’t just bit players, you know -- they’re your teachers, for better or worse. You will gain most of your personal power over time, so be patient with your process and stay open-minded about the opportunities to grow, learn, and expand that come your way. You have a soft spot for others and often find yourself helping those less fortunate than you. Philanthropic causes and dreams of making the world a better place, in ways both big and small, are highly motivating to you. With such a natural sense of empathy and compassion, it’s not hard at all for you to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes. Others will be drawn to your giving spirit and generosity, but don’t forget to tend to yourself. Group settings or more casual connections are probably more comfortable for you than intimate, one-on-one dynamics. That’s nothing to be ashamed of -- you’ll just have to be mindful of how you show up for close friends or significant others.
Moon in Pisces
☽ ♓
Words are woefully inadequate to express the depths of your love. You seek a spiritual connection that dissolves all boundaries. Nothing less than a merging of souls will do. You'll feel most loved by those who also recognize the sweet agony of the human condition and who seek to feel connected to something larger. Someone who gently welcomes all your big feelings and then reminds you of the beauty in them is a keeper. If they can cry with you at the movies, sing you out-of-tune love songs, or lay in the grass and play the cloud game, then you’ll be hopelessly devoted.
Moon in the Third House
☽ Ⅲ
You're the one who connects the dots. You care deeply about maintaining connections with friends, neighbors, and especially the peers you grew up with, like siblings, cousins, or close childhood pals. It’s important you feel supported by your immediate environment. So bake that pie for the new neighbor across the street, or call up your brother who is terrible at keeping in touch! Knowing you’ve got people around will soothe your nervous edges. You’re born with a natural gift of gab, which allows you to truly flourish when surrounded by the right people. Just don’t get carried away with gossip. You’re a great communicator and would do well with any sort of writing, acting, singing, or performing, since you channel your emotions into words so eloquently. There’s a connection between the head and the heart. Yet when unbalanced, you can surely get stuck in your head. Don’t overthink things! Feelings are meant to be felt, not analyzed. If your mind is running in circles, try your hand at a brain game, learn a foreign language, or take up chess. These are all great ways to quiet the mental chatter when it becomes too loud. Connecting with others who love intellectual banter is also helpful when you’re feeling out of sorts. You will be drawn to those who are equally curious, which is good, because you have a lot to say!
Ascendant in Sagittarius
Fun and adventure are perhaps your biggest motivators. Just having a new experience will do. You've discovered that the key to making any encounter worthwhile is finding meaning in it. Every quest makes a good story. Every hiccup becomes a funny joke to tell. There is a fearless optimism that comes from trusting your own capacity to learn and grow no matter what comes your way. You may be a tad prone to chasing waterfalls, but someone’s gotta do it! You may end up abandoning prior commitments in favor of a new door that opens. Taking off for the next best thing without tending to what you've already started could earn you a reputation for flakiness. We know you mean well. Just remember not to leave fires unattended as you chase another spark. But by all means, do chase it! Your enthusiasm and delight are infectious and inspiring. Follow the light of your truth while inspiring others to do the same. You need not convert or preach -- holding your own lantern is admirable enough. Others may simply be called to another path. Let them tell their own story, and you tell yours.
Your Advanced Characteristics
Are you putting your best foot forward? Are you an open book, or are you inclined to stay hidden in the shadows? There's no end to what Astrology can teach you about yourself. In this chapter, you'll get to know the planet that rules your chart, along with some key aspects that affect how you show up in the world. Your IC (imum coeli, or "bottom of the sky), the point at the very base of your birth chart, also has its moment in the sun, illuminating the most deeply-rooted aspects of your path and personality! If your birth chart features any planets in the 1st House of Self, those planets will also get a little extra attention. These insights revolve around the version of you that exists underneath what other people see. Prepare to be amazed!
Jupiter Chart Ruler
Consider yourself lucky! Unexpected and positive changes often come your way with almost no explanation. You are one of the fortunate ones, bobbing and weaving between putting effort into your own life and allowing the powers-that-be to bless you when you’re not actively involved in resolving your problems. You are bright, warm, and optimistic, and others could find themselves inexplicably drawn to you. You are also quite generous, knowing deeply that there is enough to go around and never struggling to give to others for fear it will lead you into personal lack. You are charismatic and a great communicator. You probably do well in group settings, entertaining others with jokes and engaging life stories. You will notice that as time goes on, you will have a desire to keep expanding, learn more, get to know people who are very different from you, and travel. However, it’s important for you to figure out and connect with your own belief system or spiritual practice so you never abandon who you are while you’re out on the next adventure. Others will be inspired by your wisdom, so don’t be afraid to share it!
Sun in Libra, Moon in Pisces
You may not want to admit it, but every relationship needs boundaries. With an empathy so deep, you probably have a tendency to merge completely with love interests or passion projects. You may even make other people’s emotions and struggles your own in such a way that renders you powerless to actually help. Try sending down a ladder for others to climb up while resisting the tendency to join them in the hole and trapping you both. Your urge to merge is innately spiritual. Thankfully, once you can keep your interactions with other humans where they belong, you can dissolve that which separates you.
IC in Pisces
The waters of your ancestral stream surround you like a vast ocean. Like the proverbial fish who doesn't recognize that it's swimming through an entire sea, you likely absorbed generational imprints that you don't fully understand. Emotional boundaries may have been lacking in your childhood, so much so that you found yourself taking on baggage that wasn’t yours to hold. High levels of empathy may have developed as a result of an overly porous container. You have been tasked with differentiating yourself from your family of origin. At the very least, hand them back their own luggage. Although it may not seem like it, solid boundaries can actually facilitate a more open and loving environment than enmeshment ever could. As you individuate, you will find that you can be more present in their presence. It's necessary to separate in order to connect. It may seem like a paradox, but give it a try. You need not save anyone else. Focusing on your own self-actualization will alter the dynamic in mysterious ways. Through your personal process of growth, murky relationships will clear up and karma will begin to unravel. With the right boundaries, your inner tides will be safely contained.
Neptune in the 1st House
♆ Ⅰ
You're like a mystical mermaid swimming in a sea of dreams and illusions! Pardon the sentimental metaphor -- this is Neptune’s influence shining through. You possess a magical aura that captivates those around you, like a siren's song luring sailors to shore. Your creativity knows no bounds, making you a visionary artist or a master of imagination. Of course, it almost goes without saying that you’re prone to getting lost in your own fantasy world or mistaking mirages for reality. Just remember to keep one foot on solid ground, or you might float away on a cloud of dreams!
Pluto Conjunct Sun
☉ ☌ ♇
Have you ever had a phase when you dressed in all black? Even if you shun the dark eyeliner, you likely have a bit of a macabre air about you. This shouldn't be mistaken for depression or even melancholy. You’re just a little intense -- and you’re not afraid of your own shadow side. In fact, an interest in personal transformation could very well be a major aspect of your identity. A little external pressure is a welcome assistant in your evolution process. Your inner glow is a smoldering coal. Others would do well not to underestimate the intensity of your heat. It's the ones in the middle that have burned the longest.
Neptune Sextile Sun
☉ ⚹ ♆
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it won’t get you! Your kind heart almost makes you invincible. Others can feel your genuine and warm spirit from a mile away. You will often lean on your morals and values before making big decisions. If you let your wild imagination run free, there’s no telling where it’ll take you. Channel it into creative hobbies like art, music, or writing. Although you are not competitive by nature, you may find that you stand out in the crowd with your ethereal essence. Your intuition is a great ally to your creative skills, so let yourself be led by your gut in order to find success and happiness.
Venus Square Ascendant
♀ □
You’re so much more than your good looks, but you may doubt that sometimes. The inner conflict you experience makes sense -- how can you give yourself to a relationship when you don’t even know who you are yet? At some point, though, you might realize that love doesn’t require perfection. You’re a work-in-progress, but who isn’t?! It’s entirely possible that a vital part of your development will come through caring for another person… and allowing yourself to receive their care in return. Give yourself the chance to learn lessons only the romantic realm can offer.
Mars Conjunct Ascendant
♂ ☌
Entering a party alone and leaving with all eyes on you must be pretty common. Others are naturally attracted to the way you carry yourself, and for good reason! You’re independent, strong, and know how to take action. You’re probably no stranger to hearing, “Wow, I could never do that!”. Your biography would most likely be filled with anecdotes that took guts and risk to create. The powerful magnetism you exude is both sexy and intimidating. The one crux here is to avoid getting too caught up in your ego. Being self-assured is one thing, but don’t let the looks go to your head!
Neptune Conjunct Ascendant
♆ ☌
You’ve got “highly sensitive person” written all over you, and even that doesn’t cut it for how tapped in you are! Others might be stunned by how quickly you can read them. If you’ve ever felt a little bit psychic, you might be onto something. Unfortunately, these intuitive gifts don’t come with an instruction manual. You may struggle to know how you fit into social scenes, which can cause you to doubt yourself. Don’t be surprised if you’re overstimulated by busy spaces or people who don’t have proper boundaries. You’re easily susceptible to sensory overload. Let your sensitivities to the world be your guide instead of a nuisance. If you can learn discernment, it will lead you to the right people, places, and opportunities.
North Node Trine Ascendant
☊ △
You’re a natural pioneer. Your fearlessness to try on new ways of being gets you from point A to point B. You can trust the tools in your knapsack, because you know you packed well. And if you forgot something, you're still confident that you have the resources to improvise and make it through. It's not that you know the obstacles ahead -- you intuitively trust your ability to respond to whatever you encounter. You willingly leave behind what no longer serves you, freeing up space in your kit for something better and more useful. And in doing so, you learn who you truly are.
Your Personality Expression
Raise your voice, babe! Three key planets -- Mercury, Venus, and Uranus -- rule over your approach to self-expression. Your communication style, your aesthetic preferences, the activities that allow you to express yourself most deeply ... all these things and more are waiting to be revealed. In this chapter of the Ultimate Personality Report, you'll learn the ways of speaking, writing, dressing, and creating that feel most aligned to your skills and desires. You don't have to be a square peg in a round hole any longer! Find the creative expression that's true to you, then let it flow.
Mercury in Scorpio
☿ ♏
No one can crack the code to your inner thoughts. There’s an air of privacy and mystery interwoven into all that you say, and some might even feel intimidated by your distinct communication style. Your words can be powerful, since your powers of perception allow you to see things in others they don’t see in themselves. Use your talents responsibly. Manipulation is not always the most effective (or ethical) tool in your toolbox. You are inherently discerning and do a great job of knowing what you want -- and an even better job at knowing what you don’t. You’re passionate about your opinions and might ruminate about things in an intense manner. It’s likely hard for you to be pulled off track once you’ve set your mind on something -- or someone. Just don’t let your single-mindedness take you off the rails. Obsession is not your best look. You may be drawn to things, people, and places that have complexity to them. You don’t typically enjoy surface-level conversations, so it’s in your best interest to surround yourself with those who have the same capacity for depth. If you can acknowledge your own power, you’re unstoppable. Just use your poker face for good.
Mercury in the 11th House
☿ Ⅺ
“I’ve never met anyone like you” is about the best compliment you could receive. You're a social butterfly with a flair for networking and connecting with people from all walks of life. Your mind thrives in the vibrant atmosphere of group settings, where ideas flow freely and conversations sparkle with energy. Getting lost in the shuffle is a nightmare, though -- you value originality and never want to be just another nameless face in the crowd! You have a natural gift for bringing people together and fostering a sense of camaraderie among friends and acquaintances. Whether it's organizing a casual get-together or spearheading a collaborative project, you excel at coming up with unorthodox ideas. Your wide circle of friends and acquaintances exposes you to a diverse range of perspectives and ideas, fueling your insatiable curiosity and thirst for knowledge. You're always eager to learn from others and exchange ideas. Your friendly and approachable demeanor makes you a magnet for interesting conversations and stimulating debates. This is perfect, since you love showing off that big brain! In your social interactions, you prioritize authenticity and genuine connection, valuing the bonds of friendship that enrich your life. You're a beacon of mental rigor and social grace.
Mercury Direct
☿ 𝐃
While there are many other aspects in your chart that can inhibit your ability to express yourself, luckily for you, the planet of communication is moving full speed ahead. Unlike those with Mercury Retrograde, who are prone to trip over their words or might be unable to talk the talk, your thoughts roll off your tongue with greater ease. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a confident speaker or that your ideas make any sense for that matter -- you’ll have to see what else Mercury is up to in your chart to find that out. But with Mercury moving forward, you’ve got words and you know how to use them.
Venus in Virgo
♀ ♍
Every piece of a puzzle has to snap into place in order for the full picture to emerge. This is how you approach communication and self-expression. You instinctively pay attention to the smallest details, and what’s more, you’re a big believer that actions speak louder than words. Any creative endeavors you pursue are marked by perfectionism, efficiency, and functionality. Alongside your reputation for productivity, though, you’ve got a nasty habit of overanalyzing your emotions. There are far worse things, no question, but sometimes it's okay to let go and embrace the messiness of being human. Remember, even the most organized closets can hide a few skeletons!
Uranus in Scorpio
♅ ♏
Finding the courage to speak truth to power has never been your problem. Whether or not you can accurately assess the consequences of your outburst … that’s another matter entirely. Luckily, you come pre-programmed with a certain indifference to what other people think of you. You have your principles firmly in place. The fact that your beliefs happen to be different from those of the standard culture is not really your problem. If others are uncomfortable with your unapologetic and unconventional point of view, they can take it up with their therapists. In fact, your unique philosophy may actually be a point of pride and inspiration! Seeking out unusual perspectives fuels your own creative insights. Adventure inspires your innovation. With such a broad lens, you easily see the pitfalls and shortcomings of the prescribed path. You are not one to be trapped by what everyone else thinks. This gives you the freedom and boldness to offer new approaches that more narrow minds might miss. As long as you are willing to risk being an odd man out, your blunt and direct nature keeps everyone honest. Your dedication to ultimate truth provides all the energy required to buck the system where needed -- and prime your own creative flow at the same time.
Uranus in the 12th House
♅ Ⅻ
You are a passionate spirit with a powerful pull when you share your ideas and projects with the world. Others are drawn to how different, disturbing, and disorienting your work is. When you let your mind wander, you often think in a taboo and secretive way that only comes out when you’re fully certain you want to share it. You do not feel a need to take up space or gain other people’s attention, but folks can’t help looking your way when you share your thoughts and projects. You crave freedom from the known, and any time you feel tied down, you’re like a caged animal raring to bust out. You want to see the world change regardless of how that change happens. You are not afraid of destruction and feel confused by people who are complacent in the face of broken systems or harmful traditions. You want to see everyone thrive and own your place in humanity, knowing you’re not the first and you most certainly won’t be the last. Being around creatives, eccentrics, and rule breakers gives you a sense of solace, reminding you that even in your bleakest moments, you are never truly alone.
Moon Trine Uranus
☽ △ ♅
You are no stranger to strangeness, and the more you can embrace your unique outlook, the better! You are expressive, independent, and need a sense of challenge or inspiration in order to keep you engaged. Restriction is an absolute no-go for you, so in your relationships and creative endeavors a lot, be sure to honor your need for freedom and flexibility. Your creative approach is hard to follow in the moment, but once everything comes together, the results tend to win people over. Regardless of popular opinion, though, you’re typically comfortable with who you are. Use that self-assurance to your advantage as you find your voice and your style.
Mercury Conjunct Uranus
☿ ☌ ♅
Your brilliant ideas appear right out of thin air. Some may even perceive you as psychic, since your intuitive antennae are highly attuned. Exciting, influential, and incredibly clever, your nature is truly one-of-a-kind. Your eccentric ways of thinking aren't always easy for others to follow, though. When Mercury is conjunct Uranus, your communication style can be a bit erratic and disruptive. If you’re not on the same page as someone else, it’s probably because you’ve already moved on to the next chapter. Slow down and wait for them to catch up.
Venus Sextile Uranus
♀ ⚹ ♅
You trendsetter, you! Life is a blank canvas, and you’re not here to color between the lines. You have an innate knowledge that what makes you different is a strength, not a weakness, and this makes others feel very comfortable around you. You understand that partnerships are creative processes that shouldn't be limited by the rules or traditions of the past. You need open-minded people who are willing to explore and invent new possibilities with you. Many people will come in and out of your life like waves in the ocean. While you’re at ease with this, don’t be so detached that you don’t fight for someone worthwhile to stay.
Jupiter Sextile Uranus
♃ ⚹ ♅
Three cheers for change! At your core, you’re an optimistic, upbeat person with the ability to stay flexible in most situations. Your greatest fortune is in your ability to see life as open and full of opportunities. You tend to see the bright side more readily than most, and your big ideas for your future inspire you to take action and keep moving. You do have a tendency to get bored quite easily, though, which makes it difficult for you to stay focused on mindless tasks. You have an unwavering desire to make good use of your time on earth, and luckily, that goal is very much within reach.
Your Next Steps
The planets of our solar system -- including the Sun, Moon, and Pluto -- create a sort of map in the cosmos. When a person looks at their Astrology birth chart, they are looking at the exact locations of each planet at the moment of their birth -- in essence, a map of their life.
Each planet is connected to a deity, archetype, or idea that represents some part of our fundamental nature as humans. By understanding the meaning of each planet and the ways it can influence our lives, we have the opportunity to understand not only what drives us, but, ultimately, how far we can go.
The Sun Your Ego Structure
Your Ego Structure
The Sun is the center of our solar system. All life revolves around it. In the same way, the ego is the center of personal identity and gives integration and continuity to individual experience. In this sense, it might be said that the Sun in Astrology reveals a person’s character and is the prime indicator of what the individual is trying to achieve. This is the fixed pillar at the center of the person around which all else revolves.
The sign placement of the Sun indicates how your natural drive and ambition are going to be directed. The sign of the Sun is the most primary indicator of the forms of experience you are attracted to. The house placement of the Sun shows the primary area of expression for the individual in life. There is a psychological, emotional, and physical significance to the house placement of the Sun.
Aspects to the Sun show ways that the core of the personality is linked to other component elements in the individual’s life. Aspects to the Sun have a deep and overriding significance in the life of the individual and are generally more important and more prominent than other aspects in the chart.
The Moon Your Personal Life
Your Personal Life
The Moon inscribes a circle around the Earth. It moves more swiftly than other celestial bodies and thus represents day-to-day and moment-to-moment movements, adjustments, and preoccupations. The Moon in Astrology represents the inner, emotional life and the unconscious, which is molded and shaped by our environment, events, and social and familial expectations. Further, the Moon indicates how we respond to life as a result of our past habits and experiences, our heritage, and our individual and collective instincts.
The sign placement of the Moon tells a lot about your private inner life, how the instinctive and imaginative component of your mind operates, how you express your feelings, and your most general experiences with your family and mother figure.
The house placement of the Moon shows how and where you make day-to-day adjustments and indicates which realm of experience will play a dominant role in your emotional life. Further, it shows the things you are most drawn to in order to gain emotional equilibrium.
The aspects of the Moon show general characteristics of the personality that are emphasized. Planets in aspect to the Moon are symbolic of qualities in the personality that are used instinctively, habitually, and with a high degree of versatility. While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons for this present life cycle, the Moon represents what you have already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and natural to you and what you tend to do over and over again.
Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon’s placement, because it’s through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved past-life issues are restimulated. Your subconscious predisposition is indicated by the Moon’s position as well. It is the psychic imprint of the past. Furthermore, the nodes of the Moon in an Astrology chart describe behavior patterns from the past and indicate the direction you are evolving toward as you move forward in your life.
Mercury Your Mental Life
Your Mental Life
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. From our viewpoint on Earth, it seems to dart back and forth across the face of the Sun. Mercury is the planet of your mental life. It shows how you receive, process, and disseminate information. It also relates to short trips, siblings, and other parts of your immediate environment. The sign placement of Mercury shows your basic attitude and mental habits. The aspects of Mercury show your scope of vision and your methods for accomplishing tasks.
Venus Your Love Nature
Your Love Nature
The planet Venus shows the way you express your love nature and what you deem good or beautiful in life. It also influences your approach to partnerships and indicates what adjustments will be made in order to encourage a loving relationship. Venus thrives on harmony and is drawn to social activities of all kinds, as well as the arts (music, dance, literature, and drama, among others). The sign placement of Venus describes your style of sharing your love with others. The house placement of Venus shows the natural area of expression for your love energy. The aspects of Venus indicate how and under what circumstances you express the gentle and loving side of your nature.
Mars Your Energy
Your Energy
Mars is the planet of motivation, action, and libido. It shows how you aim at your goals and how you power yourself toward them. Mars represents your most fundamental passions. The sign placement of Mars shows the intrinsic nature of your assertions. The house placement of Mars shows the area of your life where you tend to be most active. The aspects to Mars show how and to what extent your ambitions are involved with other aspects of living.
Jupiter Your Values
Your Values
Jupiter is the king of the planets. He is in charge of the order of creation. Jupiter shows your morals, where you feel confident and in control, and where you feel you have something to teach others. Jupiter also rules religion, philosophy, long-distance travel, and higher education. The sign placement of Jupiter describes your ideologies in life. The house placement of Jupiter shows the area of life where you feel luckiest and where you receive the most help from outside sources. The aspect patterns to Jupiter show the direct network of good and administrative power in your life.
Saturn Your Obligations
Your Obligations
The planet Saturn shows where you feel restricted. You feel obligations and fears through Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac. Saturn rewards discipline, hard work, and perseverance. The sign placement of Saturn shows the basic type of energy connected with your obligations. The house placement of Saturn shows an area of life that you feel restricted in and where you have to work hard to obtain the things that come to you. The aspects of Saturn show the most direct involvement of other areas of your life with your feelings of responsibility.
Uranus Your Search For Freedom
Your Search For Freedom
The planet Uranus is beyond the orbit of Saturn and can’t be seen without the aid of a telescope. It represents the sky in us -- that which transcends the limits of finite life. Uranus represents originality and unconventionality. It can stimulate sudden or erratic change, like that expressed in revolution, or the invention of new ways of doing things. The sign placement of Uranus shows your broadest striving for freedom. The house placement of Uranus indicates your area of direct unique expression. The aspects to Uranus indicate the way you express your need for higher consciousness.
Neptune Your Spiritual Life and Ideals
Your Spiritual Life and Ideals
The planet Neptune has an almost perfectly circular orbit. It represents the part of our nature that strives for perfection, that looks to some higher ideal. The planet Neptune rules the ocean and the part of us that is beyond the limits of the shores of personal existence, namely the unconscious. It also rules our dreams. The culture moves with the cycles of Neptune and it is the primary indicator of your connection to the culture that you live in. The sign placement of Neptune shows an ideal that you desire to manifest. The house placement of Neptune shows the area of your life that you want to express this ideal in. The aspect patterns of Neptune indicate the networking of your personality into the world at large.
Pluto Your Need For Fundamental Change
Your Need For Fundamental Change
The planet Pluto represents the dark, underground part of you. It shows your ability to transform the most fundamental properties in your own inner nature. The sign placement of Pluto is the way the obsessive, compulsive, and committed part of your nature expresses itself. The house placement of Pluto shows the area of life where you make your most fundamental and potent changes. The aspects to Pluto show the deepest, most unconscious links in your personality structure.
Ascendant Your External Self
Your External Self
The Ascendant -- also called the Rising sign -- is based on the time, date, and place of birth, and indicates both the sign and degree of the 1st house of a birth chart. The Ascendant represents your outside appearance to the world and the world’s general perception of you as a person. It is also widely believed to rule your physical characteristics.
Midheaven Career & Reputation
Career & Reputation
The Midheaven (English for “Medium Coeli”) is the highest point of a birth chart, located on the cusp of the 10th house. To astrologers, the Midheaven governs career, public reputation, and interactions with authority.
Chiron Your Core Wound
Your Core Wound
Chiron is a minor planet located between Saturn, a planet of restriction, and Uranus, a planet of liberation. Often called The Wounded Healer, Chiron’s placement in your birth chart indicates an important struggle in your life. Facing this challenge is a major opportunity for personal healing and can also prepare you to be a support to others who deal with similar core wounds.
The Fire signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Air signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. And the Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
The four elements -- Fire, Earth, Air, and Water -- describe the inherent temperament and orientation of each sign of the zodiac. As the ancient Greeks taught, everything in the universe including the human personality can be examined in terms of these elements.
Fire and Earth are primary elements and have to do with the self. Conversely, Air and Water are derivative and therefore more focused on others. The elements of Fire and Air tend to be extroverted, active, and freedom-oriented, while Earth and Water are more introverted, passive, and security-oriented.
Fire Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius
Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius
Fire ignites action and enthusiasm
Earth Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn
Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn
Earth represents practical, material world concerns
Air Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius
Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius
Air is the element of ideas and thought
Water Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces
Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces
Water represents feelings and the empathetic impulse
Houses And Their General Meanings
Your birth chart is divided into 12 houses -- sections of your chart that govern specific areas of your life. At the time of your birth, each planet was located in a particular astrological sign and in one of the 12 houses.
First House Your Self-Identity
Your Self-Identity
How you appear to the world and the first impression you make on others; your external presentation, including physical characteristics (body type, facial features, etc.)
Second House Your Personal Resources
Your Personal Resources
Money matters, material possessions, and your relationship with both
Third House Your Immediate Environment
Your Immediate Environment
Communication with others, short trips, and your relationships with siblings and neighbors
Fourth House Your Home & Family
Your Home & Family
Your childhood, ancestral roots and influences, and what brings you comfort and security
Fifth House Your Expression
Your Expression
The ways you express yourself creatively, romantically, and personally; also love affairs, children, and luck
Sixth House Your Daily Life
Your Daily Life
Health concerns, work, service, and routine
Seventh House Your Relationships
Your Relationships
Your identity in relation to others and your patterns in all 1-on-1 relationships
Eighth House Shared Resources
Shared Resources
The influence of other people’s money and talents; secrets; your feelings about sex and intimacy
Ninth House Higher Learning
Higher Learning
Long-distance travel, education, religion, and philosophy; mental expansion of all kinds
Tenth House Your Career & Reputation
Your Career & Reputation
Your social status, career goals, and potential for success; your relationship to authority, government, and power
Eleventh House Your Friends & Aspirations
Your Friends & Aspirations
How you integrate with friends, groups, and the community; your hopes, aspirations, and ideals
Twelfth House Your Spiritual Life
Your Spiritual Life
Your connection to spirituality and the universe; your subconscious mind; solitude and privacy
When a planet in the sky makes a specific angle to another planet, that angle is called an “aspect.” Planets that are aspecting each other are influencing each other, changing each other’s energy. Some aspects are soft, meaning that the qualities of the two planets come together smoothly and harmoniously. Other aspects are hard, meaning that the qualities are at odds with one another and may create tension or conflict.
There are a handful of different types of aspects, but most astrologers focus on six major aspects: the conjunction, sextile, square, trine, quincunx, and opposition. You can learn what each of these means -- plus a few rarer aspects -- by reading below.
A note about Orbs: Planets don’t have to be at the EXACT degree for us to feel its effects. The number of degrees that two planets can travel apart while still being considered in aspect is called the “orb.” Different astrologers use different orbs, but the closer that two planets are to an exact aspect degree (the smaller the orb), the more noticeable the effects will be.
Conjunction 0 degrees
0 degrees
If two planets occupy the same degree or are very close to each other, they are said to be conjunct. Most astrologers believe that conjunctions are dynamic, but not as difficult and challenging as squares and oppositions. Planets that are conjunct tend to energize each other.
Sextile 60 degrees
60 degrees
If two planets are close to being 60 degrees apart, they are said to be sextile to each other. Sextiles are similar to trine aspects and considered favorable.
Squares 90 degrees
90 degrees
If two planets are close to being 90 degrees apart, they are said to be square to each other. Almost all astrologers agree that squares are motivating but can be difficult. Some astrologers emphasize the negative potential of a square, while others focus on the character-building potential inherent in this aspect.
Trine 120 degrees
120 degrees
If two planets are close being 120 degrees apart, they are said to be trine to each other. Most astrologers agree that trines are soft and easy, pleasant and harmonious, but sometimes lazy. However, trines can provide relief from the tension inherent in more challenging aspects that may also be present in a person’s chart.
Quincunx 150 degrees
150 degrees
If two planets are close to being 150 degrees apart, they form a quincunx aspect. Most astrologers view the quincunx as being awkward, bothersome, and requiring adjustments from a person.
Opposition 180 degrees
180 degrees
If two planets are close to being opposite to each other in the sky, they are forming an opposition aspect. Most astrologers agree that oppositions are difficult and often emphasize challenges with other people. However, the challenges suggested by an opposition can be balanced and resolved with effort.
Semi-Sextile aspect 30 degrees
30 degrees
If two planets are close to being 30 degrees apart, they form a semi-sextile aspect. This is generally regarded as being a slightly harmonious or favorable minor aspect.
Semi-Square aspect 45 degrees
45 degrees
If two planets are close to being 45 degrees apart, they are in semi-square aspect. This minor aspect is similar to a square aspect, though often not quite as intense. Some astrologers feel that the semi-square creates very internal challenges or conflicts.
Sesquiquadrate 135 degrees
135 degrees
If two planets are close to being 135 degrees apart, they are in sesquiquadrate aspect. Generally regarded as being similar to a square, but some astrologers feel that this minor aspect is easier to release and express than a square aspect.
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